North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Service Industries - Other Accommodation Industries

This special aggregation comprises establishments coded to 'Bed and Breakfast' (NAICS 721191), 'Housekeeping Cottages and Cabins' (NAICS 721192), 'RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps' (NAICS 7212) and to 'Rooming and Boarding Houses' (NAICS 7213)

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Service Industries - Classification structure
Code Title
721191Bed and Breakfast Bed and BreakfastUS
721192Housekeeping Cottages and Cabins Housekeeping Cottages and CabinsCAN
7212RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational Camps
7213Rooming and Boarding Houses Rooming and Boarding Houses
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