North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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48211 - System and programming software and software licensing

This class comprises published system and programming software sold with an end user licence agreement (by the publisher), and licences to use system and programming software or software components to generate revenues. System and programming software are required to manage computer resources and support the production or running of application programs but are not specific to any particular application.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • custom software produced under contract to others (See 643111 Custom software design and development services)
    • hosted software services (See 751112 Application service provisioning)
    • software produced on own account for sale with all-attendant rights (See 6321111 Software originals)
    • system and programming software (except game software), at retail (See 5613162 Computer software (except game), at retail)
    • system and programming software (except game software), at wholesale (See 5511752 Software (except game), at wholesale)

482111 - System and programming software (except commercial use licences)

This subclass comprises published system and programming software sold with an end user licence agreement (by the publisher), on physical media or in downloadable formats.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • custom software produced under contract to others (See 643111 Custom software design and development services)
    • hosted software services (See 751112 Application service provisioning)
    • licences for the use of system and programming software or software components to generate revenues (See 4821121 Licensing of rights for commercial use of system and programming software)
    • software produced on own account for sale with all-attendant rights (See 6321111 Software originals)
    • system and programming software (except game software), at retail (See 5613162 Computer software (except game), at retail)
    • system and programming software (except game software), at wholesale (See 5511752 Software (except game), at wholesale)

482112 - Licensing of rights for commercial use of system and programming software

This subclass comprises licences for the use of system and programming software or software components to generate revenues.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • custom software produced under contract to others (See 643111 Custom software design and development services)
    • hosted software services (See 751112 Application service provisioning)
    • published system and programming software sold with an end user licence agreement (See 482111 System and programming software (except commercial use licences))
    • software produced on own account for sale with all-attendant rights (See 6321111 Software originals)
    • system and programming software (except game software), at retail (See 5613162 Computer software (except game), at retail)
    • system and programming software (except game software), at wholesale (See 5511752 Software (except game), at wholesale)
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