Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

454 - Water Transport Industries

Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of vessels for the transportation of freight and passengers, in ferry operation (exc. railway ferry), marine towing, ship chartering and other water transportation.

4541 - Freight and Passenger Water Transport Industry

Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of vessels for the transportation of freight and passengers whether overseas or on inland and coastal waterways.

4542 - Ferry Industry

Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of ferries. Typically, ferries operate across relatively narrow stretches of water on regular schedules. Establishments primarily engaged in ferrying railway cars are classified in 4532 - Service Industry Incidental to Railway Transport.

4543 - Marine Towing Industry

Establishments primarily engaged in the operation of barges, lighters and other harbour vessels or in marine towing and tugboat services.

4544 - Ship Chartering Industry

Establishments primarily engaged in bareboat, time and voyage charters of ships.

4549 - Other Water Transport Industries

Establishments primarily engaged in water transport not elsewhere classified.

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