North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002

44413 - Hardware Stores

This industry comprises establishments, known as hardware stores, primarily engaged in retailing a general line of basic hardware items, such as tools and builders' hardware. These establishments may sell additional product lines, such as paint, housewares and garden supplies, that are not normally arranged in separate departments.

444130 - Hardware StoresUS

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, known as hardware stores, primarily engaged in retailing a general line of basic hardware items, such as tools and builders' hardware. These establishments may sell additional product lines, such as paint, housewares and garden supplies, that are not normally arranged in separate departments.

  • Example Activities:

    • Builders' hardware, retail
    • Carpenters' tools, retail
    • Door locks and lock sets, retail
    • Furniture and cabinet fittings, retail
    • Handtools, retail
    • Hardware stores, retail
    • Power driven hand tools, retail
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