North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007

416 - Building Material and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling electrical, plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies, metal and metal products, lumber, millwork, hardware and other building supplies.

4161 - Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-DistributorsCAN

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling electrical construction supplies, and plumbing, heating and air-conditioning equipment and supplies.

4162 - Metal Service CentresCAN

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling metals and metal products. These establishments may also cut, bend or otherwise prepare metals to customer specification.

4163 - Lumber, Millwork, Hardware and Other Building Supplies Wholesaler-DistributorsCAN

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling lumber and millwork, paint, glass, wallpaper, hardware and other building supplies.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • wholesaling logs and wood chips (See 41891 Log and Wood Chip Wholesaler-Distributors)
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