Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2016, Aggregate Variant with Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Central America and Antilles (including Mexico), and excluding Canada

4 - Africa

Standard Classification of Countries and Areas of Interest (SCCAI) 2016, Aggregate Variant with Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Central America and Antilles (including Mexico), and excluding Canada - Classification structure
Code Title
4.1 Gambia
4.2 Ghana
4.3 Kenya
4.4 Malawi
4.5 Mauritius
4.6 Nigeria
4.7 Chad
4.8 British Indian Ocean Territory
4.9 French Southern Territories
4.10 South Africa
4.11 Sao Tome
4.12 Zimbabwe
4.13 Sierra Leone
4.14 Swaziland
4.15 Tanzania
4.16 Comoros
4.17 Central African Republic
4.18 Uganda
4.19 Zambia
4.20 Commonwealth Africa
4.21 Algeria
4.22 Angola
4.23 Cameroon
4.24 Democratic Republic of the Congo
4.25 Benin
4.26 French Africa
4.27 Gabon
4.28 Guinea
4.29 Ivory-Coast
4.30 Liberia
4.31 Lesotho
4.32 Madagascar
4.33 Canary Islands
4.34 Mauritania
4.35 Burkina
4.36 Morocco
4.37 Mali
4.38 Mozambique
4.39 Portuguese Africa
4.40 Rwanda
4.41 Senegal
4.42 Togo
4.43 Tunisia
4.44 Namibia
4.45 Burundi
4.46 West Sahara
4.47 Congo
4.48 Guinea-Bissau
4.49 Guinea, Equatorial
4.50 Niger
4.51 Djibouti
4.52 West Africa
4.53 East Africa
4.54 Botswana
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