Mining and quarrying, contract drilling and related support activities

21239 - Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing non-metallic minerals, such as asbestos, gypsum and potash, and extracting peat.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • mining or quarrying dimension stone (See 21231 Stone mining and quarrying)
    • operating sand and gravel pits and dredging for sand and gravel (See 212323 Sand and gravel mining and quarrying)
    • mining or quarrying shale and mining, beneficiating, or otherwise preparing clays and refractory minerals (See 212326 Shale, clay and refractory mineral mining and quarrying)
    • production of phosphoric acid, superphosphates or other manufactured phosphate compounds or chemicals(325313)

212392 - Diamond miningCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining diamonds of industrial or gem quality.

All examples

212393 - Salt miningCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining rock salt or in the recovery of salt from brine wells.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • rock salt mining
    • rock salt processing at the mine site
    • salt brining (deposit extraction)
    • salt refining at the mine site

    All examples

212394 - Asbestos miningCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing asbestos.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • amosite, milled fibre, mining
    • chrysotile fibre, milling
    • crocidolite, milled fibre, mining

    All examples

212395 - Gypsum miningCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing gypsum.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • alabaster (gypsum) mining
    • hydrous calcium sulphate (gypsum) mining
    • selenite mining

    All examples

212396 - Potash miningCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing potash.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • muriate of potash, mining
    • potash screening and pulverizing, mining

    All examples

212397 - Peat extractionCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in extracting and processing peat.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • peat moss digging or harvesting
    • peat moss harvesting, extraction, cutting
    • peat, fuel, mining
    • screening peat
    • shredding peat mining

    All examples

212398 - All other non-metallic mineral mining and quarryingCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other Canadian industry, primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing non-metallic minerals.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • amethyst mining
    • epsomite mining
    • fluorspar mining
    • gem stone mining
    • mica mining
    • sienna mining
    • sulphur, ground or otherwise treated
    • talc mining

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • mining or quarrying dimension stone (See 21231 Stone mining and quarrying)
    • operating sand and gravel pits and dredging for sand and gravel (See 212323 Sand and gravel mining and quarrying)
    • mining or quarrying shale and mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing clays and refractory minerals (See 212326 Shale, clay and refractory mineral mining and quarrying)
    • mining diamonds of industrial or gem quality (See 212392 Diamond mining)
    • mining or recovering salt from brine wells (See 212393 Salt mining)
    • mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing asbestos (See 212394 Asbestos mining)
    • mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing gypsum (See 212395 Gypsum mining)
    • mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing potash (See 212396 Potash mining)
    • extracting and processing peat (See 212397 Peat extraction)
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