North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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131112 - Softwood logs and bolts (except fuel wood and pulpwood)

This subclass comprises softwood logs and bolts, except fuel wood and pulpwood.

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0 - Classification structure
Code Detail
1311121Logs and bolts of spruce, pine and fir (except fuel wood and pulpwood) Logs and bolts of spruce, pine and fir (except fuel wood and pulpwood)
1311122Logs and bolts of hemlock fir (except fuel wood and pulpwood) Logs and bolts of hemlock fir (except fuel wood and pulpwood)
1311123Logs and bolts of Douglas fir and Western larch (except fuel wood and pulpwood) Logs and bolts of Douglas fir and Western larch (except fuel wood and pulpwood)
1311124Logs and bolts of Western red cedar (except fuel wood and pulpwood) Logs and bolts of Western red cedar (except fuel wood and pulpwood)
1311125Other logs and bolts of softwood (except fuel wood and pulpwood) Other logs and bolts of softwood (except fuel wood and pulpwood)
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