North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2012 Version 1.2

111121 - Hogs

This subclass comprises live porcine animals.

1111211 - Hogs for breeding

Live porcine animals raised for breeding.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • live boars for breeding
    • live gilts for breeding
    • live sows for breeding
    • pure-bred hogs for breeding

    All examples

1111212 - Suckling, weanling and starter pigs

Live young pigs and piglets, weaned and unweaned, raised for meat production.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • live nursery pigs
    • live starter pigs
    • live suckling pigs
    • live weanling pigs

    All examples

1111213 - Hogs for market

Live porcine animals raised for meat production.

All examples

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