Metropolitan areas - SGC 2001

11105 - Charlottetown

1102012 - Lot 49

  • Localities

    • Alexandra
    • Birch Hill
    • Fairville
    • Hazelbrook
    • Hermitage
    • Keppoch Beach
    • Lake Verde
    • Millview
    • Monaghan
    • Mount Mellick
    • Pownal
    • Seal River
    • Township 49
    • Vernon River
    • Village Green
    • Waterside

1102014 - Lot 48

  • Localities

    • Bethel
    • Burhoe Estates
    • Clarkin
    • Crossroads
    • Hazelbrook
    • Johnstons River
    • Mermaid
    • Mount Albion
    • Mount Herbert
    • Mount Ryan
    • Township 48
    • Watervale

1102026 - Lot 31

  • Localities

    • Colville
    • Darlington
    • Hampshire
    • Kingston
    • Loyalist
    • New Haven
    • North Wiltshire
    • Township 31
    • Tyrone
    • Wiltshire
    • Wiltshire North

1102028 - Lot 65

  • Localities

    • Afton
    • Canoe Cove
    • Churchill
    • Cumberland
    • Elmwood
    • Fairview
    • Long Creek
    • New Argyle
    • New Dominion
    • New Haven-Riverdale
    • New Wiltshire
    • Nine Mile Creek
    • Rice Point
    • Riverdale
    • Rocky Point
    • St. Catherines
    • Township 65
    • West River

1102030 - Rocky Point 3

1102033 - Meadowbank

  • Localities

    • Clyde River
    • Meadow Bank

1102037 - Clyde River

  • Localities

    • Circle M Trailer Park
    • Dunedin

1102040 - Miltonvale Park

  • Localities

    • Loyalist
    • Milton
    • Milton Station
    • North Milton
    • River Bend Colonies
    • South Milton
    • Springvale

1102048 - Brackley

  • Localities

    • Royalty Junction
    • Union

1102049 - Lot 33

  • Localities

    • Brackley Beach
    • Brackley Point
    • Brackley Station
    • Covehead West
    • Harrington
    • Rustico Cross
    • Thorndyke
    • Township 33
    • Wheatly
    • Winsloe North
    • Winsloe Road

1102050 - Union Road

1102052 - Lot 34

  • Localities

    • Covehead
    • Covehead Road
    • Dalvay by the Sea
    • Friston Road
    • Little York
    • Marshfield
    • North Shore
    • Pleasant Grove
    • Stanhope
    • Stanhope Bayshore
    • Stanhope by the Sea
    • Suffolk
    • Township 34
    • West Covehead
    • York
    • Yorkdale Estates

1102054 - Lot 35

  • Localities

    • Bedford
    • Bedford Corner
    • Bedford Station
    • Corran Ban
    • Corranban
    • Donagh
    • Donaldston
    • Dunstaffnage
    • French Fort
    • Frenchfort
    • Glenfinnan
    • Grand Tracadie
    • Mill Cove
    • Millcove
    • Tenmile House
    • Township 35

1102056 - Lot 36

  • Localities

    • Afton Road
    • Auburn
    • Blooming Point
    • Blooming Point North
    • Clarktown
    • Fort Augustus
    • Glenroy
    • McConnell Wharf
    • Tarantum
    • Township 36
    • Tracadie
    • Tracadie Cross
    • Websters Corner

1102057 - Scotchfort 4

  • Localities

    • Scotchfort

1102065 - Winsloe South

1102070 - Warren Grove

  • Localities

    • Moase Subdivision

1102075 - Charlottetown

  • Localities

    • Brighton
    • Charlottetown Airport
    • Countryview Subdivision
    • East Royalty
    • Highfield
    • Hillsborough Park
    • Lewis Point
    • Parkdale
    • Queens, Royalty
    • Sherwood
    • Spring Park
    • St. Dunstan's
    • West Royalty
    • Winsloe

1102080 - Stratford

  • Localities

    • Bunbury
    • Cross Roads
    • Keppoch
    • Keppoch-Kinlock
    • Kinlock
    • Langley Beach
    • Rosebank
    • Southport
    • Tea Hill

1102085 - Cornwall

  • Localities

    • Candlelight Park Subdivision
    • Chateau Estates
    • East Wiltshire
    • Eliot River
    • MacKinley Park Subdivision
    • Mackinley Subdivision
    • North River
    • York Point
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