Classification of industry expenditures

1 - Total operating expense

Classification of industry expenditures - Classification structure
Code Title
1.1 Cost of goods sold
1.2 Salaries, wages, commissions and benefits
1.3 Subcontracts
1.4 Research and development fees
1.5 Professional and business fees
1.6 Utilities
1.7 Office and computer related expenses
1.8 Telephone, Internet and other telecommunication
1.9 Business taxes, licences and permits
1.10 Royalties, franchise fees, and memberships
1.11 Crown charges
1.12 Rental and leasing
1.13 Repair and maintenance
1.14 Amortization and depreciation
1.15 Insurance
1.16 Advertising, marketing, promotions, meals and entertainment
1.17 Travel, meetings and conventions
1.18 Financial services
1.19 Other non-production-related costs and expenses
1.20 All other cost and expenses
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