North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2012, Regrouping and Extension Variant for Crops, Total Responses

1 - Crops

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2012, Regrouping and Extension Variant for Crops, Total Responses - Classification structure
Code Title
1.1 Barley
1.2Beans, all dry (white and coloured) Beans, all dry (white and coloured)
1.3 Borage seed
1.4 Buckwheat
1.5 Canaray seed
1.6 Canola
1.7 Caraway seed
1.8 Chick peas
1.9 Coriander seed
1.10Corn for grain Corn for grain
1.11 Corn, fodder
1.12 Fababeans
1.13 Flaxseed
1.14 Lentils
1.15 Mixed grains
1.16 Mustard seed
1.17 Oats
1.18 Peas, dry
1.19Rye, all Rye, all
1.20 Safflower
1.21Soybeans Soybeans
1.22 Sugar beets
1.23 Sunflower seed
1.24 Tame hay
1.25 Tritacale
1.26Wheat, all Wheat, all
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