Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuels Sold

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.



This survey collects data from provincial and territorial ministries of Finance on the sales of gasoline, diesel fuels and liquefied petroleum gas for which road taxes were paid.


These data are collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.


The data are used for statistical purposes only and published by province and territory. Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from publishing any statistics that divulge information that relate to any identifiable business without the prior written consent of that business. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act are not affected by the Access to Information Act or any other legislation.

Security of emails and faxes

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the facsimile or other electronic transmission. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded to all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Return procedures

Please return the questionnaire within 30 days following the month covered. If you are unable to do so, please inform us of expected completion date.

Fuels Sold


Main business activity:

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:A.

Sales on which tax at road-use rates was paid by agent (incl. that used by agent)

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:C.

Tax exempt sales:
a) to federal government
b) to others consumers

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:D.

Gross sales (A + B + C)1

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:E.

Sales previously reported at road-use tax rates on which tax was partially refunded during this month

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:F.

Sales previously reported at road-use tax rates on which tax was totally refunded during this month

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:G.

Net sales at road-use tax rates (A less E less F)

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:H.

Sales or transfers between agents or collectors

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:I.

Sales in other provinces

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:J.

Sales outside Canada (exports)

Fuels Sold - Question identifier:K.

Deductions due to bad debts

Gasoline/Road Grades:

1. Clear 2. Marked 3. Aviation 4. Aviation Turbo-fuel 5. Liquefied Petroleum Gases

Diesel Oil:

6. Road (2) 7. Rail 8. Other Uses (3) 9. Other Fuels (4) 10. Total

General Information

General Information - Question identifier:1.

Exclude shrinkage, leakage or loss, sales or transfers between agents or collectors, sales in other provinces, or outside Canada, deductions due to bad debts etc.

General Information - Question identifier:2.

Include only diesel oil used by motor vehicles on public roads and highways.

General Information - Question identifier:3.

Include only diesel oil used in internal combustion engines in industrial plants and stationary engines of all kinds, farm machinery, stationary and propulsive engines used in fishing, shipping and logging operations not on public roads or highways. Exclude railway diesel oil.

General Information - Question identifier:4.

Include lighting naphthas, kerosene, solvents, distillates, heating or furnace fuels, and crude, bunker or industrial oils.


1. Complete each column whenever possible. If this cannot be done please explain. 2. Footnote any sales under A, B or C which have been returned to agents. 3. All tax exempt fuel consumed by agents and any sales for consumption within the province not classified under A, B or C (a) should be reported in C (b). 4. If any entry covered by footnote (1) above has been deducted from any of the details A - G, show where by way of a footnote. Date: Signature: Title: Telephone number:

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