Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - Cycle 2, 2009 (CTUMS)

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

Table of Contents

Household Smoking (HS)

Household Smoking (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q10

Does anyone in your household smoke cigarettes?

1. Yes
2. No

Household Smoking (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q20

How many people smoke cigarettes inside your home every day or almost every day? Include all family members and visitors.

Minimum: 0 Maximum: 15

Household Smoking (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q30

On a typical day, how many cigarettes are smoked inside your home?

1. 1 to 10 cigarettes
2. 11 to 20 cigarettes
3. 21 to 30 cigarettes
4. 31 to 40 cigarettes
5. 41 or more cigarettes

Household Smoking (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q40

Is smoking cigarettes allowed inside your home?

1. Yes
2. No

Household Smoking (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q50

Is smoking cigarettes inside your home restricted in any way?

1. Yes
2. No

Household Smoking (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q60

How is smoking cigarettes restricted inside your home?

1. Allowed in certain rooms only
2. Restricted in the presence of young children
3. Allowed only if windows are open or with another type of ventilation
4. Other restriction(s)

Person Age (PA)

Person Age (PA) - Question identifier:PA_Q01

For statistical purposes only, may we confirm your age, as of today?

Minimum: 0 Maximum: 130

Smoking Status (SS)

Smoking Status (SS) - Question identifier:SS_R10

I am going to start with questions about cigarette smoking. Include cigarettes that are bought ready-made as well as cigarettes that you make yourself.

Smoking Status (SS) - Question identifier:SS_Q10

At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes every day, occasionally or not at all?

1. Every day
2. Occasionally
3. Not at all

Smoking Status (SS) - Question identifier:SS_Q20

In the past 30 days, did you smoke any cigarettes?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking Status (SS) - Question identifier:SS_Q30

During the past 30 days, did you smoke every day?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking Status (SS) - Question identifier:SS_Q40

Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your life?

1. Yes
2. No

Past Smoking (PS)

Past Smoking (PS) - Question identifier:PS_Q10

Have you ever smoked a whole cigarette?

1. Yes
2. No

Past Smoking (PS) - Question identifier:PS_Q20

Have you ever smoked cigarettes daily?

1. Yes
2. No

Past Smoking (PS) - Question identifier:PS_Q30

At what age did you smoke your first cigarette?

Minimum: 4 Maximum: 94

Past Smoking (PS) - Question identifier:PS_Q40

At what age did you begin to smoke cigarettes daily?

Minimum: 4 Maximum: 94

Weekly Pattern (WP)

Weekly Pattern (WP) - Question identifier:WP_Q10n

Some people smoke more or less depending upon the day of the week.
So, thinking back over the past 7 days (DAY 1, DAY 2...DAY7), starting with yesterday, how many cigarettes did you smoke:

... yesterday? ... 2 days ago? ... 3 days ago? ... 4 days ago? ... 5 days ago? ... 6 days ago? ... 7 days ago?

Minimum: 0 Maximum: 90

Smoking Behaviour (SB)

Smoking Behaviour (SB) - Question identifier:SB_Q10

How soon after you wake up do you smoke your first cigarette?

1. Within 5 minutes
2. 6 to 30 minutes
3. 31 to 60 minutes
4. More than 60 minutes

Cigarette Brand (CB)

Cigarette Brand (CB) - Question identifier:CB_Q12

What is the full brand name of the cigarettes you usually smoke?

1. Belvedere Extra Mild Lights Regular Size
2. Belvedere Select Regular / (Extra Mild)
3. Belvedere Medium Regular Size
4. Benson & Hedges Sterling 100's / (Lights 100's)
5. Canadian Classics (White) Regular / (Extra Light)
6. Canadian Classics (Silver) Regular / (Light)
7. Canadian Classics Regular Size
8. Craven Menthol King Size
9. Du Maurier Premiere / (Extra Light)
10. Du Maurier King Size
11. Du Maurier Distinct King Size / (Light)
12. Du Maurier Distinct Regular / (Light)
13. Du Maurier Regular Size
14. Du Maurier Special King Size / (Special Mild)
15. Du Maurier Prestige King Size / (Ultra Light)
16. Export 'A' Full Flavour Regular Size
17. Export 'A' Smooth Regular Size / (Light)
18. Export 'A' Medium Regular Size
19. Export 'A' Ultra Smooth Regular Size / (Ultra Light)
20. Matinée Mellow King Size / (Extra Mild)
21. Matinée Mellow Regular Size / (Extra Mild)
22. Matinée Slims King Size / (Slims Extra Mild)
23. Number 7 (Silver) Regular / (Extra Mild)
24. Number 7 (Blue) Regular / (Lights)
25. Number 7 Regular Size
26. Peter Jackson Regular 20
27. Peter Jackson King Size
28. Peter Jackson Select Flavour King Size / (Light)
29. Player's Smooth Flavour King Size / (Extra Light)
30. Player's Smooth Flavour Regular Size / (Extra Light)
31. Player's Rich Flavour King Size / (Light)
32. Player's Rich Flavour Regular Size / (Light)
33. Player's Light Smooth Regular Size
34. Player's Regular Size
35. No regular brand
36. Other - Specify

Cigarette Brand (CB) - Question identifier:CB_Q15

Within the past 12 months, have you bought a brand other than your usual brand?

1. Yes
2. No

Cigarette Brand (CB) - Question identifier:CB_Q16

Why did you buy another brand?

1. Price
2. Friend or family member recommended
3. Usual brand was out of stock or not available
4. Store clerk recommended this brand
5. Wanted to try a flavoured tobacco product
6. Wanted to try another brand
7. Other - specify

Cigarette Brand (CB) - Question identifier:CB_Q20

At the present time, do you roll your own or make your own cigarettes:

1. All the time
2. Most of the time
3. Sometimes
4. Never

Cigarette Access (CA)

Cigarette Access (CA) - Question identifier:CA_Q10

Where do you usually get your cigarettes?
(Do you buy them, or does someone usually give them to you? Where do you buy them? Who do you get them from?)

1. I buy them from a vending machine
2. I buy them at a small grocery / corner store
3. I buy them at a supermarket
4. I buy them at a drug store
5. I buy them at a gasoline station
6. I buy them at another kind of store
7. I buy them from a friend or someone else
8. I buy them by mail order
9. I buy them from the internet
10. My brother or sister gives them to me
11. My mother or father gives them to me
12. A friend or someone else gives them to me
13. I take them from my mother, father or siblings
14. I buy them from a First Nations Reserve (i.e. delivery service)
15. I buy them on a First Nations Reserve
16. Other - Specify

Cigarette Access (CA) - Question identifier:CA_Q20

In the past 12 months, have you bought or have you tried to buy cigarettes from a store?

Cigarette Access (CA) - Question identifier:CA_Q30

(In the past 12 months), have you been asked for ID when buying cigarettes in a store for yourself or for someone else?

1. Yes
2. No

Cigarette Access (CA) - Question identifier:CA_Q40

(In the past 12 months), has anyone in a store refused to sell you cigarettes?

1. Yes
2. No

Cigarette Access (CA) - Question identifier:CA_Q50

(In the past 12 months), have you asked anyone to buy cigarettes for you?

1. Yes
2. No

Cigarette Source (CS)

Cigarette Source (CS) - Question identifier:CS_Q31

Have you ever purchased cigarettes for, or given cigarettes to, a minor?

1. Yes
2. No

Cigarette Source (CS) - Question identifier:CS_Q41

Did you purchase cigarettes for, or give cigarettes to a minor, within the last 12 months?

1. Yes
2. No

Cigarette Source (CS) - Question identifier:CS_Q51

Did you purchase cigarettes for, or give cigarettes to, a minor within the last 30 days?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC)

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_R010

The next questions refer to efforts you may have made to buy cigarettes at a lower cost.

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q020

In the past six months, did you buy:

... a discount brand?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q040

(In the past six months, did you buy:)

... from the internet?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q050

(In the past six months, did you buy:)

... by mail order?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q055

(In the past six months, did you buy:)

... from a First Nations Reserve?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q060

(In the past six months, did you buy:)

... from outside your province?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q070

(In the past six months, did you buy:)

... cigarettes that may have been smuggled?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q080

Did you do anything else to buy cigarettes at a lower cost?

1. Yes
2. No

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q090

In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?

Regular priced or premium brand cigarettes.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 99

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q091

(In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?)

Cigarettes considered a discount brand.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q092

(In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?)

Cigarettes from the Internet.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q093

(In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?)

Cigarettes by mail order.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q094

(In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?)

Cigarettes from a First Nations Reserve.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q095

(In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?)

Cigarettes from outside the province.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q096

(In the last six months, approximately what percentage of all the cigarettes you purchased were of the following types?)

Cigarettes that may have been smuggled.

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 100

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_R100

The next few questions will ask about the cigarettes you may have purchased from a First Nations Reserve.

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q100

Where did you purchase these cigarettes? Was it from...?

1. A regular retail store (i.e. convenience store)
2. A delivery service
3. A friend
4. A family member
5. A co-worker
6. Other - Specify

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q110

Thinking about the last time you bought these cigarettes, what did you buy? Was it...?

1. A pack of 20 cigarettes
2. A pack of 25 cigarettes
3. A carton (200 cigarettes)
4. A bag of 200 cigarettes
5. Other - Specify

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q120

How did you first become aware that you could buy these cigarettes? Was it through...?

1. A friend
2. A family member
3. A co-worker
4. Word of mouth
5. A sign on or near a First Nations Reserve
6. Other - Specify

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q130

How easy was it for you to buy these cigarettes? Would you say it was ...?

1. Very easy
2. Relatively easy
3. Difficult
4. Very difficult

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_R140

The next few questions will ask about the smuggled cigarettes you may have purchased.

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q140

Where did you purchase these cigarettes? Was it from...?

1. A regular retail store (i.e. convenience store)
2. A First Nations Reserve
3. A delivery service
4. A friend
5. A family member
6. A co-worker
7. Other - Specify

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q150

Thinking about the last time you bought these cigarettes, what did you buy? Was it...?

1. A pack of 20 cigarettes
2. A pack of 25 cigarettes
3. A carton (200 cigarettes)
4. A bag of 200 cigarettes
5. Other - Specify

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q160

How did you first become aware that you could buy these cigarettes? Was it through...?

1. A friend
2. A family member
3. A co-worker
4. Word of mouth
5. A sign on or near a First Nations Reserve
6. Other - Specify

Cheaper Cigarettes (CC) - Question identifier:CC_Q170

How easy was it for you to buy these cigarettes? Would you say it was...?

1. Very easy
2. Relatively easy
3. Difficult
4. Very difficult

Smoking Cessation (SC)

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q010

When did you stop smoking?

1. Less than 1 year ago
2. 1 to 2 years ago
3. 3 to 5 years ago
4. More than 5 years ago

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q020

In what month did you stop smoking?

1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q030

What was your main reason to quit smoking?

1. Health
2. Pregnancy or a baby in the household
3. Less stress in life
4. Cost of cigarettes
5. Smoking is less socially acceptable
6. Some other reason

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q040

Approximately, how many attempts to quit did you make before you quit smoking for good?

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 94

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q050

On average, how many cigarettes were you smoking per day at the time you quit?

Minimum: 1 Maximum: 94

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q060

Are you seriously considering quitting within the next six months?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q070

Are you seriously considering quitting within the next 30 days?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q080

In the past year, how many times did you stop smoking for at least 24 hours because you were trying to quit?

Minimum: 0 Maximum: 94

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q090

How many of these attempts lasted at least one week?

Minimum: 0 Maximum: 52

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q100

What was the main reason you began to smoke again?

1. To control body weight
2. Stress, need to relax or to calm down
3. Boredom
4. Addiction / habit
5. Lack of support or information
6. Going out more (bars, parties)
7. Increased availability
8. No reason / felt like it
9. Family or friends smoke
10. Other

Smoking Cessation (SC) - Question identifier:SC_Q110

Have you ever tried to quit smoking?

1. Yes
2. No

Cessation Methods (CM)

Cessation Methods (CM) - Question identifier:CM_Q10

Have you tried to quit smoking in the past two years?

1. Yes
2. No

Cessation Methods (CM) - Question identifier:CM_R20

Now, I am going to ask you about methods you might have used to quit smoking in the past two years.

Cessation Methods (CM) - Question identifier:CM_Q20

In the past two years, did you use a nicotine patch?

1. Yes
2. No

Cessation Methods (CM) - Question identifier:CM_Q40

(In the past two years), did you use nicotine gum such as "Nicorette"?

1. Yes
2. No

Cessation Methods (CM) - Question identifier:CM_Q61

(In the past two years), did you use a medication such as "Zyban", "Wellbutrin" or "Champix"?

1. Yes
2. No

Cessation Methods (CM) - Question identifier:CM_Q81

What were your reasons for not using either a patch, nicotine gum or a product such as "Zyban", "Wellbutrin" or "Champix" to help you quit smoking?

1. You were concerned about possible side effects
2. You didn't believe these products work
3. You didn't have enough information about these
4. They cost too much
5. Some other reason

Other Cessation Methods (OM)

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q030

Did you make a deal with a friend or family member to quit smoking together?

1. Yes
2. No

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q070

Did you reduce the number of cigarettes you smoked as a strategy to quit?

1. Yes
2. No

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q081

Are you aware of any smoking cessation programs, plans or support offered at your workplace?

1. Yes
2. No

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q091

Have you used any of these programs, plans or support?

1. Yes
2. No

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q099

Are you aware of 1-800 telephone quit-lines or other smoker help lines available to help you quit smoking?

1. Yes
2. No

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q100

Did you use a 1-800 quitline or a smokers helpline?

1. Yes
2. No

Other Cessation Methods (OM) - Question identifier:OM_Q130

Did you try to quit smoking on your own without special preparation or help?

1. Yes
2. No

Cessation Products (CP)

Cessation Products (CP) - Question identifier:CP_Q10

Sometimes smokers use products such as a nicotine patch or gum when they are not trying to quit smoking. Have you ever used such products when you were not able to smoke or when you wanted to smoke fewer cigarettes?
(For example, in a meeting, on a plane, at school?)

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP)

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_R010

Now, I'd like to ask you about your visits with health professionals.

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q010

In the past 12 months, did you see a doctor?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q020

Did the doctor advise you to reduce or quit smoking?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q030

Did the doctor provide you with information on quit smoking aids such as the patch, a product like "Zyban" or counselling programs?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q040

In the past 12 months, did you see a dentist or dental hygienist?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q050

Did they (the dentist or dental hygienist) advise you to reduce or quit smoking?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q060

Did the dentist or dental hygienist provide you with information on quit smoking aids such as the patch, a product like "Zyban" or counselling programs?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q100

In the past 12 months, did you talk with a pharmacist?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q110

Did the pharmacist advise you to reduce or quit smoking?

1. Yes
2. No

Health Professionals (HP) - Question identifier:HP_Q120

Did the pharmacist provide you with information on quit smoking aids such as the patch, a product like "Zyban" or counselling programs?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking and Pregnancy (SP)

Smoking and Pregnancy (SP) - Question identifier:SP_R10

Now, a few questions about smoking and pregnancy.

Smoking and Pregnancy (SP) - Question identifier:SP_Q10

Have you been pregnant in the past five years?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking and Pregnancy (SP) - Question identifier:SP_Q20

During your most recent pregnancy, did you smoke regularly, that is, every day or almost every day?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking and Pregnancy (SP) - Question identifier:SP_Q30

During your most recent pregnancy, did your spouse or partner smoke regularly in the home, that is, every day or almost every day?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Not applicable (no spouse/partner)

Tobacco Products (TP)

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_R010

Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about tobacco products, other than cigarettes.

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q017

Have you ever tried smoking a little cigar or cigarillo?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q021

In the past 30 days, did you smoke any little cigars or cigarillos?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q022

Were these (little cigars or cigarillos) plain, flavoured or both?

1. Plain
2. Flavoured
3. Both

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q024

Have you ever tried smoking a cigar not including little cigars or cigarillos?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q027

In the past 30 days, did you smoke any cigars (not including little cigars or cigarillos)?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q028

Were these cigars plain, flavoured or both?

1. Plain
2. Flavoured
3. Both

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q030

Have you ever tried smoking a pipe?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q040

In the past 30 days, did you smoke a pipe?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q041

Was the pipe tobacco plain, flavoured or both?

1. Plain
2. Flavoured
3. Both

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q050

Have you ever tried chewing tobacco, pinch or snuff?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q060

In the past 30 days, did you use any chewing tobacco, pinch or snuff?

1. Yes
2. No

Tobacco Products (TP) - Question identifier:TP_Q061

Was the chewing tobacco, pinch or snuff plain, flavoured or both?

1. Plain
2. Flavoured
3. Both

Smoking in Vehicles (SV)

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_R10

The next questions are about smoking in motor vehicles.

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_Q10

Do you, or a member of your household, own or lease a motor vehicle? Include cars, pickup trucks, minivans, vans and SUVs.

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_Q20

Is smoking allowed inside any motor vehicle that you, or a member of your household, own or lease?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_Q30

Is smoking restricted when children or youth under the age of 18 are present (inside any motor vehicle you, or a member of your household, own or lease)?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Never has children under 18 in vehicles

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_Q40

Is smoking restricted in any other way (inside any motor vehicle you, or a member of your household, own or lease)?

1. Yes
2. No

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_Q50

How is smoking restricted (inside any motor vehicle you, or a member of your household, own or lease)?

1. Restricted if any occupant is a non-smoker
2. Restricted by the number of cigarettes smoked
3. Allowed only when driving alone
4. Allowed only when the fan, air conditioner, heater
is turned on or the window is open
5. Other - Specify

Smoking in Vehicles (SV) - Question identifier:SV_Q60

How often is the fan, air conditioner, heater turned on or window open when someone is smoking inside any motor vehicle (you, or a member of your household, own or lease)?

1. Always
2. Sometimes
3. Rarely
4. Never

Opinions on Smoking (OS)

Opinions on Smoking (OS) - Question identifier:OS_Q10

Which of the following statements comes closest to how you feel about smoking in restaurants?

1. Smoking should not be allowed in a restaurant
2. Smoking should be allowed only in a section of
a restaurant that is enclosed
3. Smoking should be allowed only in a designated
section of a restaurant
4. Smoking should be allowed anywhere in a restaurant

Opinions on Smoking (OS) - Question identifier:OS_Q20

Which of the following statements comes closest to how you feel about smoking in bars and taverns?

1. Smoking should not be allowed in a bar or tavern
2. Smoking should be allowed only in a section of
a bar or tavern that is enclosed
3. Smoking should be allowed only in a designated
section of a bar or tavern
4. Smoking should be allowed anywhere in a bar or tavern

Opinions on Smoking (OS) - Question identifier:OS_Q30

Thinking about various types of workplaces such as offices, factories, stores, and construction sites, which of the following statements comes closest to how you feel about smoking in the workplace?

1. Smoking should not be allowed in any area of
the workplace, whether indoor or outdoor
2. Smoking should be allowed only in enclosed
smoking areas in the workplace
3. Smoking should be allowed only in designated
outdoor smoking areas of the workplace
4. Smoking should be allowed anywhere in the
workplace, whether indoor or outdoor

Opinions on Smoking (OS) - Question identifier:OS_Q31

Which of the following statements comes closest to how you feel about smoking inside a car or any other motor vehicle when children or youth under the age of 18 are present?

1. Smoking should not be allowed at any time
2. Smoking should be allowed only when either a
window is open, or when the fan, air conditioner, or
heater is turned on
3. Smoking should be allowed at any time

Opinions on Smoking (OS) - Question identifier:OS_Q40

In your opinion, who is the most responsible for young people starting to smoke?

1. Young people themselves
2. Friends / peers
3. Parents
4. Other adults
5. Brother / sister
6. Celebrities
7. Tobacco industry
8. Government
9. Other (do not specify)

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX)

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_R010

The next questions are about exposure to second-hand smoke in places other than your own home. Second-hand smoke is what smokers exhale and the smoke from a burning cigarette.

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q010

In the past month, exluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:

...inside a car or other vehicle?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q020

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)

...inside someone else's home?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q030

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)

...on an outdoor patio of a restaurant or bar?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q040

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)

...inside a restaurant?

  • 1.: Yes
  • 2.: No
  • 98: Don't know
  • 99: Refusal

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q050

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)

...inside a bar or tavern?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q060

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:) a bus stop or shelter?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q070

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:) an entrance to a building?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q080

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:) your workplace?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q091

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)

...on a school property?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q100

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:) any other public place such as a shopping mall, arena, bingo hall, concert or sporting event?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q110

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)

...outdoors such as on a sidewalk or in a park?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q120

(In the past month, excluding your own smoking were you exposed to second-hand smoke:)
...anywhere else?

1. Yes
2. No

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q125

Where were you exposed to second-hand smoke in the past month?

Long answer, 80 Characters.

Exposure to Second-hand Smoke (EX) - Question identifier:EX_Q130

Overall, excluding your own smoking, in the past month were you exposed to second-hand smoke:

1. Every day
2. Almost every day
3. At least once a week
4. At least once in the past month

Language and Education (LA)

Language and Education (LA) - Question identifier:LA_R10

Now, a few general questions that will help us analyze the survey data.

Language and Education (LA) - Question identifier:LA_Q10

What language do you speak most often at home?

1. English
2. French
3. Both English and French
4. Other

Language and Education (LA) - Question identifier:LA_Q20

What is the highest grade or level of education you have ever reached?

1. No schooling
2. Some elementary
3. Completed elementary
4. Some secondary
5. Completed secondary
6. Some community college, technical college,
CEGEP or nurse's training
7. Completed community college, technical college,
CEGEP or nurse's training
8. Some university or teacher's college
9. Completed university or teacher's college
10. Other education or training

Labour Force (LF)

Labour Force (LF) - Question identifier:LF_Q10

Did you work at a job or a business at any time in the past 12 months?
Please include seasonal work, contract work, self-employment, babysitting and any other paid work, regardless of the number of hours worked.

1. Yes
2. No

Labour Force (LF) - Question identifier:LF_Q20

Are you currently working at a job or a business?

1. Yes
2. No

Labour Force (LF) - Question identifier:LF_R30

The next questions are about your main job or business in the past 12 months.

Labour Force (LF) - Question identifier:LF_Q30

What kind of work are you doing? (For example:
babysitting in own home, factory worker, forestry technician)

Long Answer, 50 characters.

Labour Force (LF) - Question identifier:LF_Q40

What are your most important activities or duties (at work)? (For
example: caring for children, stamp press machine operator, forest examiner)

Long Answer, 50 characters.

Labour Force (LF) - Question identifier:LF_Q51

What best describes the smoking restrictions at your place of work? By place of work, we mean the area indoor or outdoor, in which you perform your duties. This could include a building, construction site, company vehicles or other peoples' homes.

1. My workplace is smoke free, that is, smoking is
only allowed outside the building, worksite or
company vehicle
2. Smoking is allowed in designated areas within
the building, worksite or company vehicle
3. Smoking is not restricted at all
4. Other - Respondent does not have a fixed workplace

Student Income (SI)

Student Income (SI) - Question identifier:SI_Q10

Are you currently attending a school, college or university?

1. Yes
2. No

Student Income (SI) - Question identifier:SI_R20

Now, think about money that you have each week to save or to spend on "extras" such as gifts or entertainment, but not living expense items like rent or tuition.

Student Income (SI) - Question identifier:SI_Q20

About how much money do you have each week to save or spend on yourself? Please include money from jobs, allowances or any other source.

Minimum: 0 Maximum: 2000

Postal Code (PC)

Postal Code (PC) - Question identifier:PC_Q10

To determine which geographic region you live in, could you tell me your postal code?

Long Answer, 6 characters.

Postal Code (PC) - Question identifier:PC_Q20

What are the first 3 digits of your postal code?

Long Answer, 3 characters.

Marijuana Use (MU)

Marijuana Use (MU) - Question identifier:MU_R10

I have finished the questions about tobacco use. Now, I am going to ask a couple of questions about marijuana. Again, I would like to remind you that everything you say will remain strictly confidential.

Marijuana Use (MU) - Question identifier:MU_Q10

Have you ever used or tried marijuana, cannabis or hashish?

1. Yes, just once
2. Yes, more than once
3. No

Marijuana Use (MU) - Question identifier:MU_Q20

Have you used it in the past 12 months?

1. Yes
2. No

Marijuana Use (MU) - Question identifier:MU_Q30

How often did you use marijuana, cannabis or hashish in the past 12 months?

1. Less than once a month
2. 1 to 3 times a month
3. Once a week
4. More than once a week
5. Every day

Marijuana Use (MU) - Question identifier:MU_Q40

How old were you when you first did this?

Minimum: 4 Maximum: 94

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