Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Pre-Contact

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

Introduction and confirmation of company

Introduction and confirmation of company - Question identifier:Intro1a

Hello, this is [fill inam:l] from the Statistics Canada Regional Office in [fill OFF:r]. Is this <insert company legal name>?

IF ("YES", Don't Know, or Refuse) and unit not in sample in previous year GO TO (Intro1). IF ("YES", Don't Know, or Refuse) and unit in sample in previous year GO TO (Intro2). IF "NO" GO TO (QIa)

Introduction and confirmation of company - Question identifier:QIA


Our records indicate that your company has a trucking operation. Is this correct?

IF ("YES", Don't Know, or Refuse) and unit not in sample in previous year GO TO (Intro1). IF ("YES", Don't Know, or Refuse) and unit in sample in previous year GO TO (Intro2). IF "NO" Choose option 3, Click on 802 tab and complete Section 01B, then press 0 to GO TO GOOD-BYE4. Assign applicable OOS status code.

Intoduction for units not in sample in previous year


I am calling regarding the Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination survey. May I speak with <insert contact>?

Interviewer: To continue, please enter <<3>>. ORDD: If Contact name is unavailable, or if passed from (Q2a), remove 'May I speak with ?'. Continue to Q1

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing)

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing) - Question identifier:Intro2

I am calling you regarding the Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Survey.

Interviewer: To continue, please enter <<3>>. ORDD: If a contact is on file CONTINUE TO (INTRO 2b), otherwise CONTINUE TO (Q1)

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing) - Question identifier:Intro2b

May I speak with <insert contact>?

IF "YES" GO TO (Intro2c) IF "NOT AVAILABLE" Make APPOINTMENT or determine mutual time to call back. GO TO GOOD-BYE8. IF "NO", "DON'T KNOW", "REFUSAL" GO TO Q1 ORDD: Pre contact will start from the beginning when case is re-scheduled.

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing) - Question identifier:Intro2c

The purpose of this phone call is to collect information on the Origin and Destination of your shipment movements. All information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Would you have a few minutes to answer a few questions?

IF "YES" and SUF NAICS = Stratification NAICS GO TO (Q3a) IF "YES" and SUF NAICS <> Stratification NAICS GO TO (Q3a2) IF "NO" Make APPOINTMENT or determine mutual time to call back. GO TO GOOD-BYE8. IF "REFUSAL" to (Intro2c) GO TO (Q6a) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q6a) ORDD: Pre contact will start from the beginning when case is re-scheduled.

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing) - Question identifier:Q1

The purpose of this phone call is to collect information on the Origin and Destination of your shipment movements. All information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Would you be the best person to provide the information on the origin and destination activities for your company?

IF "YES" GO TO (Q3a) if SUF NAICS = Stratification NAICS or GO TO (Q3a2) if SUF NAICS <> Stratification NAICS. IF "NO" Choose option 3 to update, Click on the 802 tab and complete section 14 then press 0 to continue to (Q2). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q1) GO TO (Q2a) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q2a)

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing) - Question identifier:Q2

May I speak with that person?

IF "YES" GO TO (Q3a) if SUF NAICS = Stratification NAICS or GO TO (Q3a2) if SUF NAICS <> Stratification NAICS. IF "NO" Make APPOINTMENT or determine mutual time to call back to speak with the new contact, then continue to GOOD-BYE8. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q2) GO TO (Q2a) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q2a) INTERVIEWER: If you are passed on to another person - re-introduce yourself and the survey. ORDD: Pre contact will start from the beginning when case is re-scheduled.

Introduction for units in sample from previous year (existing) - Question identifier:Q2a

Could you direct me to someone that may be able to help me?

IF "YES" INTERVIEWER GO BACK TO Q1 IF "NO" Make APPOINTMENT or determine mutual time to call back to speak with the new contact, then continue to GOOD-BYE8. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q2a) GO TO (Q3a) if SUF NAICS = Stratification NAICS or GO TO (Q3a2) if SUF NAICS <> Stratification NAICS. IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q3a) if SUF NAICS = Stratification NAICS or GO TO (Q3a2) if SUF NAICS <> Stratification NAICS. INTERVIEWER: If you are passed on to another person - re-introduce yourself and GO BACK TO Q1.

(Q3a) Applies to units where SUF NAICS = Stratification NAICS


Our records indicate that your company is involved in <insert coverage message based on NAICS level>. Is this correct?

ORDD: The list to be provided will include the 6-digit NAICS code and the description. (i.e. Bulk Liquids Trucking, Local - 484221) IF "YES" and NAICS is not 484210, Continue to (Q4). IF "YES" and NAICS = 484210, Continue to (Q3c). IF "NO" Go to (Q3b) IF "REFUSAL" to (Q3a) GO TO (Q3c) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q3c)

(Q3a2) Applies to units where SUF NAICS not equal to Stratification NAICS


Our records indicate that included under <insert company Legal Name> there is a trucking operation involved in <insert coverage message based on stratification NAICS level> Is this correct?

ORDD: IF "YES" and NAICS is not 484210, Continue to (Q4). IF "YES" and NAICS = 484210, Continue to (Q3c). IF "NO" Go to (Q3b2) IF "REFUSAL" to (Q3a2) GO TO (Q4) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q4)


What is your main business activity?

1 General Freight Trucking, Local 2 General Freight Trucking, Long Distance, Truckload 3 General Freight Trucking, Long Distance, Less Than Truckload 4 Used Household and Office Goods Moving 5 Bulk Liquids Trucking, Local 6 Bulk Liquids Trucking, Long Distance 7 Dry Bulk Materials Trucking, Local 8 Dry Bulk Materials Trucking, Long Distance 9 Forest products Trucking, Local 10 Forest Products Trucking, Long Distance 11 Other Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local 12 Other Specialized Freight (except used Goods) Trucking, Long Distance

97 Other If description is 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 goto Q4 If description is 5 goto Q3C If description is 97, click on 802 tab and complete Section 01B then press 0 to continue to GOODBYE4. Assign applicable OOS status code. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q3b) GO TO (Q3c) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q3c)


What is your main business activity?

ORDD: If 1. Household Goods Mover (NAICS 484210) is checked off GO TO (Q3c) If 2. Trucking activity (NAICS 484xxx), but NOT 484210, GO TO (Q4) If 3. Other is checked off, click on 802 tab and complete Section 01B then press 0 to continue to GOODBYE4. Assign applicable OOS status code. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q3b) GO TO (Q3c) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q3c)


Are you an agent working for a Van Line?

IF "YES" Continue to (Q3d). IF "NO" Continue to (Q4). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q3c) GO TO (Q4) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q4)


What is the name of the Van Line?

Interviewer: If the name of the van line is not found in the list, enter <<####>>. ORDD: Trigram of Van Lines. To be provided by Transportation Division. This unit should be coded as out of scope as the data will be included in the Van Line's data. Assign applicable status code. Continue to GOOD-BYE2 If name of Van Line indicated by the respondent is "####", GO TO (Q3ds). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q3d) GO TO (Q4) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q4)


Please Specify.

After information is collected GO TO GOOD-BYE2


We recently sent you an introductory letter on this survey. Did you have an opportunity to review this?

IF "YES" GO TO Label Update (Q6a) IF "NO" Explain survey or fax letter if requested by respondent, then continue to (Q5). INTERVIEWER: If asked to explain survey, read summary from help menu. If letter is to be faxed, this should be done through the Senior interviewer. ORDD: TD will provide a summary of survey objectives, users and data sharing agreements which must be read to the respondent. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q4) GO TO (Q5) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q5)


I will send you another letter so you can review the survey objectives and definitions. In the meantime, would you be willing to provide some information which will allow me to set up an appointment to visit your office?

IF "YES" GO TO Label Update (Q6a) IF "NO" Make APPOINTMENT or determine mutual time to call back. GO TO GOOD-BYE8. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q5) GO TO (Q6a) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q6a) ORDD: Pre contact will start from the beginning when case is re-scheduled.

Label Update Text


I would like to verify your company name, address, and other information we have on our file.

INTERVIEWER: Each field should be verified with the respondent and updated where necessary. Please ensure that you complete any fields where information is missing. To continue, please enter <<3>> READ THE DATA FROM THE LABEL SCREEN


Is your Company Legal Name <insert company Legal name>?

Interviewer: Choose option 3 to update information. Press Enter GO TO (Q6c) IF "3" Update 802 - Click on the 802 tab and complete section 02 then press 0 to continue to (Q6c). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q6b) GO TO (Q6c) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q6c)


Is your Company Operating Name <insert company Operating name>?

ORDD: If no Operating Name is provided, go to (Q6d). Interviewer: Choose option 3 to update information. Press Enter GO TO (Q6d) IF "3" Update 802 - Click on the 802 tab and complete section 04 then press 0 to continue to (Q6d). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q6c) GO TO (Q6d) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q6d)

Business Status


Is this company location in operation?

IF "YES" GO TO (Q7) IF "NO" Update 802 - Click on the 802 tab and complete section 09, press 0 to continue . IF "REFUSAL" to (Q6d) GO TO (Q7) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q7)

ORDD: A calculation to determine the number of days the company was active is to be performed. The NDO will be determined by subtracting the date the location closed from the 1st day of the reference period. If the location was active for more than 30 days, then GO TO (Q7). If the location was active for < 30 days, assign applicable OOB status code. GO TO GOOD-BYE3.

Contact Update

Contact Update - Question identifier:Q7

Could you please confirm the following contact information that we have on file?

INTERVIEWER: Choose option 3 to update information. Each field must be verified with the respondent and Section 14A of the 802 updated, if necessary. Press 0 to continue to (Q9a). Ensure that you complete any fields where information is missing. IF NOT a profiling interview GO TO (Q9a). IF a profiling interview GO TO (Q9d).

Contact Update - Question identifier:Q9a

Are the shipping documents for <insert company name> for <insert reference period> available?

IF "YES" GO TO (Q9c) IF "NO" GO TO (Q9as). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q9a) GO TO (Q9b) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q9b)

Contact Update - Question identifier:Q9as

Please Specify.
After information is collected GO TO (Q9b).
INTERVIEWER: Obtain reason documents are unavailable

Contact Update - Question identifier:Q9b

Would it be possible for you to provide estimates for the missing shipping documents at this time?

IF "YES" ORDD: Interviewer should be directed to the control block followed by the Profile block. IF "NO" Arrange for a mutual time to call back to obtain information. GO TO GOOD-BYE8. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q9b) GO TO GOOD-BYE5. IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO GOOD-BYE5.

Contact Update - Question identifier:Q9c

(Q9c) Are these documents stored at <insert company address>?

IF "YES" Continue to (Q10a) IF "NO" Obtain address of location where documents are stored. Update section 14 of 802, press 0 to continue GOOD-BYE6. IF "REFUSAL" GO TO (Q10a) IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q10a)

Contact Update - Question identifier:Q9d

Would it be possible for you to provide estimates for your shipment activities at this time?

IF "YES" ORDD: Interviewer should be directed to the control block followed by the Profile block. IF "NO" or "DON'T KNOW" Arrange for a mutual time to call back to obtain information. GO TO GOOD-BYE8. IF "REFUSAL" to (Q9d) GO TO GOOD-BYE5.

This Question Should only be asked of Units in samples from previous year

This Question Should only be asked of Units in samples from previous year - Question identifier:Q10a

In order to better manage our time in your office, could you please tell me the type(s) of shipping documents used by <insert company name>?

INTERVIEWER: List is to be read only if requested by respondent. ORDD: A pick list, this information should be inserted in the Control Form. The interviewer will select as many items as needed and only the appropriate document type will appear on the next screen. 1. Probills 2. Bills of lading 3. Trip sheets 4. Computer printouts 5. Statements (Load manifests) 6. Invoices 7. Microfilm(fiche) 8. Other After selection GO TO (Q10b). After information is collected GO TO (Q11). IF "REFUSAL" to (Q10a) GO TO (Q11) IF OTHER GOTO Q10AS IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO (Q11)

This Question Should only be asked of Units in samples from previous year - Question identifier:Q10AS

Please specify the other type of shipping document?

Go to Q10b

This Question Should only be asked of Units in samples from previous year - Question identifier:Q10b

What is the filing method used with the <insert item picked from Q10a or Q10AS>?

INTERVIEWER: List is to be read only if requested by respondent. ORDD: this question should be asked for each item selected in Q10a. 1. Numeric 2. Broken Numeric 3. Random 4. Alpha by client 5. Chronological After information is collected goto Q11.

This Question Should only be asked of Units in samples from previous year - Question identifier:Q11

What is the total number of shipments transported during the period of <insert reference period>? Enter number of shipments (or estimate).

INTERVIEWER: Estimate is acceptable. ORDD: This information should be inserted in the Control Form. After information is collected GO TO GOOD-BYE1 IF "REFUSAL" to (Q11) GO TO GOOD-BYE1 IF "DON'T KNOW" GO TO GOOD-BYE1

End Of Interview


These are all the questions I have for you at this time. What would be a good time for me to come to your office to transcribe your shipment information? Thank you for your co-operation. IF "NO" assign applicable refusal status code.


Given that you are an agent for <insert Van Line from above>, they will be providing the information related to your company. This will eliminate any duplication of information. Thank you for your co-operation.


Given that your company is no longer in operation, you will not be required to participate in this survey. Thank you for your co-operation.


Given that your company is not involved in the Trucking industry, you will not be required to participate in this survey. Thank you for your co-operation.


These are all the questions I have for you. Thank you for your co-operation.


These are all the questions I have for you. We will contact this location. Thank you for your co-operation.


Thank you for your co-operation.

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