Ontario Child Health Study - Person Most Knowledgeable (self-complete on laptop) - 2014

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Intro self-complete PMK (ISC)

Intro self-complete PMK (ISC) - Question identifier:ISC_R01

We would like to remind you that all your answers will be confidential.

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Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD)

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_R01

This part of the survey will collect information on you, your relationships and your neighbourhood. It is important to collect this type of information to understand the environment in which your child lives.

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Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_Q01

At the present time, do you smoke cigarettes daily, occasionally or not at all?

  • 1: Daily
  • 2: Occasionally
  • 3: Not at all

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_R02

Now, some questions about your alcohol consumption.
When we use the word 'drink' it means:
- one bottle or can of beer or a glass of draft
- one glass of wine or a wine cooler
- one drink or cocktail with one and a half ounces of liquor (rum, whisky, etc.)

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Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_Q02

During the past six months, that is, [from [CURRENTDATE - 6 MONTHS] to yesterday], how often did you drink alcoholic beverages?

  • 01: Never
  • 02: Less than once a month
  • 03: Once a month
  • 04: 2 to 3 times a month
  • 05: Once a week
  • 06: 2 to 3 times a week
  • 07: 4 to 6 times a week
  • 08: Every day

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_Q03

How many times in the past four weeks have you had five drinks or more on one occasion?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Once
  • 3: 2 times
  • 4: 3 times
  • 5: 4 times
  • 6: 5 or more times

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_Q04

How many times, if any, have you used marijuana, cannabis or hash without prescription in the past six months, that is, [from [CURRENTDATE - 6 MONTHS] to yesterday]?

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 6 times
  • 4: Monthly
  • 5: Weekly
  • 6: Daily or almost daily

Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs (TAD) - Question identifier:TAD_Q05

Have you used any other illicit drugs (apart from marijuana) in the past six months, that is, [from [CURRENTDATE - 6 MONTHS] to yesterday]?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Mental Health (MH)

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_R01

The following questions ask about how you have been feeling during the past 30 days. For each question, please select what best describes how often you had this feeling.

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Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q01A

During the past 30 days, how often did you feel:


  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q01B

During the past 30 days, how often did you feel:


  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q01C

During the past 30 days, how often did you feel:

...restless or fidgety?

  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q01D

During the past 30 days, how often did you feel:

...so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?

  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q01E

During the past 30 days, how often did you feel:

...that everything was an effort?

  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q01F

During the past 30 days, how often did you feel:


  • 1: All of the time
  • 2: Most of the time
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: A little of the time
  • 5: None of the time

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_R02

Next are some questions about your contacts with health professionals as well as other people about problems with your emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs.

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Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q02A

In your lifetime:

...did you ever have problems with your emotions, such as intense feelings of sadness, worry, fear, agitation, or anger?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q02B

In your lifetime:

...did you ever have problems with the use of alcohol or drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q02C

In your lifetime:

...did you ever break the law repeatedly or do other things that could get you into trouble with the police?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q02D

In your lifetime:

...did you ever talk to a doctor or counselor about problems with your emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q02E

In your lifetime:

...did a doctor or counselor ever tell you that you had a specific type of mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety or substance use?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Mental Health (MH) - Question identifier:MH_Q02F

In your lifetime:

...have you ever been admitted for an overnight stay in a hospital or other facility to receive help for problems with your emotions, mental health or your use of alcohol or drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Childhood Experiences (CHE)

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_R01

The next few questions are about things that may have happened to you before you were 16 in your school, in your neighbourhood, or in your family. These questions may be sensitive to some people. We would appreciate you answering them as well as you can.

Press <Enter> to continue.

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q01

Sometimes kids get hassled or picked on by other kids who say hurtful or mean things to them. Before age 16, how many times did this happen to you?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q02

Sometimes kids get pushed around, hit or beaten up by other kids or a group of kids. Before age 16, how many times did this happen to you?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q03A

Think about your parents and other caregivers. Before age 16, how many times:

...did they spank you with their hand on your bottom (bum), or slap you on your hand?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q03B

Think about your parents and other caregivers. Before age 16, how many times:

...did they say things that really hurt your feelings or made you feel like you were not wanted or loved?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q03C

Think about your parents and other caregivers. Before age 16, how many times:

...did they not take care of your basic needs, such as keeping you clean or providing food or clothing?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q03D

Think about your parents and other caregivers.Before age 16, how many times:

...did you see or hear any of them say hurtful or mean things to each other or to another adult in your home?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q03E

Think about your parents and other caregivers.Before age 16, how many times:

...did you see or hear any one of them hit each other or another adult in your home?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q04A

Now think about adults in general. Before age 16, how many times did an adult:

...slap you on the face, head or ears or hit or spank you with something hard to hurt you?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q04B

Now think about adults in general. Before age 16, how many times did an adult:

...push, grab, shove or throw something at you to hurt you?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q04C

Now think about adults in general. Before age 16, how many times did an adult:

...kick, bite, punch, choke, burn you, or physically attack you in some way?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q04D

Now think about adults in general. Before age 16, how many times did an adult:

...force you or attempt to force you into any unwanted sexual activity, by threatening you, holding you down or hurting you in some way?

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q04E

Now think about adults in general. Before age 16, how many times did an adult:

...touch you against your will in any sexual way? By this, we mean anything from unwanted touching or grabbing, to kissing or fondling.

  • 1: Never
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 to 10 times
  • 5: More than 10 times

Childhood Experiences (CHE) - Question identifier:CHE_Q05

Before age 16, did you ever see or talk to anyone from a child protection organization about difficulties at home?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Marital Conflict (MC)

Marital Conflict (MC) - Question identifier:MC_R01B

All couples have conflicts from time to time and there are many ways that partners can try to handle disagreements when they arise. Please describe your disagreements during the last 12 months.

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Marital Conflict (MC) - Question identifier:MC_Q01

How many times did you and your partner have minor disagreements (for example ''spats'', getting on each other's nerves) during the last 12 months?

Please check the box that corresponds to what is true for you.

  • 1: Not in the past 12 months but it did happen before
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 times or more
  • 6: Never happened

Marital Conflict (MC) - Question identifier:MC_Q02

How many times did you and your partner have major disagreements (for example ''big fights'', ''blow-ups'') during the last 12 months?

  • 1: Not in the past 12 months but it did happen before
  • 2: 1 or 2 times
  • 3: 3 to 5 times
  • 4: 6 times or more
  • 6: Never happened

Marital Conflict (MC) - Question identifier:MC_Q11

In the last 12 months, did any disagreements ever result in pushing, shoving or slapping one another?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Marital Conflict (MC) - Question identifier:MC_Q12

In the last 12 months, did any disagreements ever result in punching, kicking or beating up one another?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Family Functioning (FNC)

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_R01

The next items are statements about families and family relationships. For each one, please indicate if you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree that the statement describes your family.

Press <Enter> to continue.

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q01

Planning family activities is difficult because we misunderstand each other.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q02

In times of crisis we can turn to each other for support.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q03

We cannot talk to each other about sadness we feel.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q04

Individuals (in the family) are accepted for what they are.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q05

We avoid discussing our fears or concerns.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q06

We express feelings to each other.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q07

There are lots of bad feelings in our family.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q08

We feel accepted for what we are.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q09

Making decisions is a problem for our family.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q10

We are able to make decisions about how to solve problems.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q11

We don't get along well together.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Family Functioning (FNC) - Question identifier:FNC_Q12

We confide in each other.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Contact with Police (CWP)

Contact with Police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_R10

We would now like to ask you a question about any contact you have had with the police.

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Contact with Police (CWP) - Question identifier:CWP_Q10

Have you ever been arrested or charged for an offence other than for a traffic violation?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Being hungry (BH)

Being hungry (BH) - Question identifier:BH_R01

The following questions are about your family's food situation.

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Being hungry (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q01

Have you or any member of your family experienced being hungry because the family has run out of food or money to buy food?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Food Bank (FOB)

Food Bank (FOB) - Question identifier:FOB_Q01

In the past year, have you or any member of your family ever used a food bank or emergency food program to help provide for your family?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI)

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_R01

We will now ask you some questions about your neighbourhood. Your neighbourhood refers to the area surrounding your home and is what you perceive as being your neighbourhood. Some of these questions may not apply to your neighbourhood, for example if you live in a rural setting. Please select 'Not Applicable' if the question does not apply.

Press <Enter> to continue.

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_R03

For each of the following statements, please indicate whether it is very likely, likely, neither likely nor unlikely, unlikely, or very unlikely that people in your neighbourhood would act in the following manner:

Press <Enter> to continue.

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q03A

If a group of neighbourhood children were skipping school and hanging out on a street corner, how likely is it that your neighbours would do something about it?

  • 1: Very likely
  • 2: Likely
  • 3: Neither likely nor unlikely
  • 4: Unlikely
  • 5: Very unlikely
  • 6: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q03B

If some children were spray-painting graffiti on a local building, how likely is it that your neighbours would do something about it?

  • 1: Very likely
  • 2: Likely
  • 3: Neither likely nor unlikely
  • 4: Unlikely
  • 5: Very unlikely
  • 6: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q03C

If a child was showing disrespect to an adult, how likely is it that people in your neighbourhood would scold that child?

  • 1: Very likely
  • 2: Likely
  • 3: Neither likely nor unlikely
  • 4: Unlikely
  • 5: Very unlikely
  • 6: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q03D

If there was a fight in front of your house and someone was being beaten or threatened, how likely is it that your neighbours would break it up?

  • 1: Very likely
  • 2: Likely
  • 3: Neither likely nor unlikely
  • 4: Unlikely
  • 5: Very unlikely
  • 6: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q03E

Suppose that because of budget cuts, the fire station closest to your home was going to be closed down. How likely is it that neighbourhood residents would organize to try to do something to keep the fire station open?

  • 1: Very likely
  • 2: Likely
  • 3: Neither likely nor unlikely
  • 4: Unlikely
  • 5: Very unlikely
  • 6: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_R05

Now you will see some questions about things you might do with people in your neighbourhood.

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Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q05A

About how often do you and people in your neighbourhood do favours for each other? By favours we mean such things as watching each other's children, helping with shopping, lending garden or house tools, and other small acts of kindness.

  • 1: Often
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Rarely
  • 4: Never
  • 5: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q05B

When a neighbour is not at home, how often do you and other neighbours watch over their property?

  • 1: Often
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Rarely
  • 4: Never
  • 5: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q05C

How often do you and other people in the neighbourhood ask each other advice about personal things such as child rearing or job openings?

  • 1: Often
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Rarely
  • 4: Never
  • 5: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q05D

How often do you and people in this neighbourhood have parties or other get-togethers where other people in the neighbourhood are invited?

  • 1: Often
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Rarely
  • 4: Never
  • 5: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood self-complete (NBI) - Question identifier:NBI_Q05E

How often do you and other people in this neighbourhood visit in each other's home or on the street?

  • 1: Often
  • 2: Sometimes
  • 3: Rarely
  • 4: Never
  • 5: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV)

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_R01

Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with these statements about your neighbourhood.

Press <Enter> to continue.

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q01A

It is safe to walk alone in this neighbourhood after dark.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q01B

It is safe for children to play outside during the day.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q01C

There are safe parks, playgrounds and play spaces in this neighbourhood.

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q02A

While you have lived in this neighbourhood, has anyone ever used violence, such as in a mugging, fight, or sexual assault, against you or any member of your household anywhere in your neighbourhood?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q03A

While you have lived in this neighbourhood, has your home ever been broken into?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q04A

While you have lived in this neighbourhood, have you or any member of your household had anything stolen from your yard, porch, garage or elsewhere outside your home (but on your property)?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q05A

While you have lived in this neighbourhood, has anyone ever insulted, name-called, cursed or showed disrespect repeatedly against you or any member of your household anywhere in this neighbourhood?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06A

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following:

... parks and green space?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06B

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... amount of traffic?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06C

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... police protection?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06D

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... personal safety?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06E

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... your neighbourhood as a whole?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06F

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... quality of schools?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06G

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... child care services?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06H

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... health care services?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06I

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... recreation facilities?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 9: DK

Neighbourhood violence and safety (NBV) - Question identifier:NBV_Q06J

Now please think about how satisfied you are with different aspects of your neighbourhood. Would you say you are very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the following :

... public transportation?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Dissatisfied
  • 4: Very dissatisfied
  • 5: Not applicable
  • 9: DK

Thank you respondent (TYR)

Thank you respondent (TYR) - Question identifier:TYR_R01

We would like to thank you for your answers. This part of the interview is now finished. Please hand the computer to the interviewer.

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