Canadian Social Survey - Quality of Life, Health and Compassionate Communities

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Table of Contents

Household members and geographic region (DEM)

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q05

Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

Number of people

  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q10

Including yourself, how many of these people are 15 years of age or more?

Number of people

  • 00: 0
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Age order selection (AOSR)

Age order selection (AOSR) - Question identifier:AOSR_Q05

Among the people aged 15 years or more living in your household, which are you?

  • 1: The oldest
  • 2: The second oldest
  • 3: The third oldest
  • 4: The fourth oldest
  • 5: The fifth oldest
  • 6: The sixth oldest

Age order selection (AOSR) - Question identifier:AOSR_Q10

The [selected person] has been selected to participate in this survey. Is this person currently available to continue with this survey?

  • 1: Yes (have the [selected person] continue now)
  • 2: No

Age order selection (AOSR) - Question identifier:AOSR_R15

When the [selected person] becomes available to participate in this survey, they can do so by following the instructions in the letter you have received.

You may now exit the survey by clicking on Logout at the top right of this page.

Household members and geographic region 2 (DEM2)

Household members and geographic region 2 (DEM2) - Question identifier:DEM2_Q01A

Provide your first and last name.
First name

Long Answer Length = 50

Household members and geographic region 2 (DEM2) - Question identifier:DEM2_Q01B

Provide your first and last name.
Last name

Long Answer Length = 50

Household members and geographic region 2 (DEM2) - Question identifier:DEM2_Q15

To determine which geographic region you live in, provide your postal code.

Postal code

Long Answer Length = 80

Sex, gender and age (GDR)

Sex, gender and age (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_R05

The following questions are about sex at birth, gender and age.

Sex, gender and age (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q05

What was your sex at birth?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female

Sex, gender and age (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q10

What is your gender?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 3: Or please specify

Sex, gender and age (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_R15

Please verify that all of the information is correct.

If all the information is correct, press the Next button.

To make changes, press the Previous button.

Your information

Sex assigned at birth: [Male/Female/Information not provided]

Gender: [Male/Female/Specify your gender/Information not provided]

Age (AGE)

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01A

What is your date of birth?


Min = 0000; Max = 9999

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01B

What is your date of birth?


  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01C

What is your date of birth?


  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20
  • 21: 21
  • 22: 22
  • 23: 23
  • 24: 24
  • 25: 25
  • 26: 26
  • 27: 27
  • 28: 28
  • 29: 29
  • 30: 30
  • 31: 31

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q02

What is your age?

Age in years

Min = 0; Max = 999

Occupancy (DWL)

Occupancy (DWL) - Question identifier:DWL_Q01A

Is this dwelling owned by a member of this household?

  • 1: Yes, owned, even if it is still being paid for
  • 2: No, rented, even if no cash rent is paid

Life satisfaction (LSM)

Life satisfaction (LSM) - Question identifier:LSM_Q01

Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?

  • 00: 0 — Very dissatisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Very satisfied

Sense of meaning and purpose (MP)

Sense of meaning and purpose (MP) - Question identifier:MP_Q01

Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Not at all" and 10 means "Completely", to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely

General health (GEN)

General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_R01

The following questions are about health. By health, we mean not only the absence of disease or injury but also physical, mental and social well-being.

General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q01

In general, how is your health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q02

In general, how is your mental health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Future outlook (FO)

Future outlook (FO) - Question identifier:FO_Q01

Thinking about your life in general, how often would you say you have a hopeful view of the future?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Loneliness (LON)

Loneliness (LON) - Question identifier:LON_Q01

How often do you feel lonely?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Sense of belonging to local community (SBL)

Sense of belonging to local community (SBL) - Question identifier:SBL_Q100

How would you describe your sense of belonging to your local community?

  • 1: Very strong
  • 2: Somewhat strong
  • 3: Somewhat weak
  • 4: Very weak
  • 5: No opinion

Someone to count on (RES)

Someone to count on (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q06

How often would you say you have people you can depend on to help you when you really need it?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Compassionate communities (COM)

Compassionate communities (COM) - Question identifier:COM_R05

The following questions are designed to gather information on people's willingness and ability to help someone in their community who is living with a serious illness. Our aim is to understand how people would want to help those in their community, as well as the type of help they would want to receive from close family, friends and community if they were to be diagnosed with a serious illness in the future.

By "serious illness" we are referring to life-limiting illnesses, diseases or conditions that cannot be cured and will ultimately shorten a person's life.

By "community" we mean those with whom you have a relationship and share interests, such as those in your neighbourhood, faith group, or a social or cultural organization.

Please answer the following questions considering your current situation, abilities and limitations.

Compassionate communities 2 (SIL)

Compassionate communities 2 (SIL) - Question identifier:SIL_Q05

Do you or does someone you care about have a serious illness?

  • 1: Yes, you have a serious illness
  • 2: Yes, someone you care about has a serious illness
  • 3: No, neither you nor someone you care about has a serious illness

Compassionate communities 2 (SIL) - Question identifier:SIL_Q10

Have you ever provided unpaid care or support for someone you care about who has a serious illness?

  • 1: Yes, you currently provide unpaid care for someone you care about who has a serious illness
  • 2: Yes, you have provided unpaid care in the past for someone you care about who had a serious illness
  • 3: No, you have never provided unpaid care for someone you care about who has a serious illness

Giving help (GIV)

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_R05

Now we will ask about the help you would be willing and able to provide given your current circumstances, including family demands, work schedules, physical capabilities and priorities.

As much as you might want to help someone, please consider the reality of your situation to give an answer that reflects the help you would provide.

These questions are designed to understand how the help you would provide may vary depending on your relationship with the person who is seriously ill, whether they are a family member, a close friend or a community member.

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_Q05

If a member of your close family had a serious illness, which of the following types of help would you be willing and able to provide?

  • 01: Personal care (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting)
  • 02: Medical care (e.g., help taking medicine, wound care)
  • 03: Managing care (e.g., making appointments, communicating with health care providers)
  • 04: Help with household activities (e.g., housework, home maintenance, outdoor work)
  • 05: Transportation (e.g., to appointments, for errands)
  • 06: Meal preparation, help with eating or having food delivered
  • 07: Banking, paying bills or preparing taxes
  • 08: Psychological, spiritual and emotional support (e.g., social visits, outings)
  • 09: Financial support to help pay for services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not provide help
  • 12: Do not have any close family

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_Q10

If a close friend had a serious illness, which of the following types of help would you be willing and able to provide?

  • 01: Personal care (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting)
  • 02: Medical care (e.g., help taking medicine, wound care)
  • 03: Managing care (e.g., making appointments, communicating with health care providers)
  • 04: Help with household activities (e.g., housework, home maintenance, outdoor work)
  • 05: Transportation (e.g., to appointments, for errands)
  • 06: Meal preparation, help with eating or having food delivered
  • 07: Banking, paying bills or preparing taxes
  • 08: Psychological, spiritual and emotional support (e.g., social visits, outings)
  • 09: Financial support to help pay for services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not provide help
  • 12: Do not have any close friends

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_Q15

If a member of your community had a serious illness, which of the following types of help would you be willing and able to provide?

  • 01: Personal care (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting)
  • 02: Medical care (e.g., help taking medicine, wound care)
  • 03: Managing care (e.g., making appointments, communicating with health care providers)
  • 04: Help with household activities (e.g., housework, home maintenance, outdoor work)
  • 05: Transportation (e.g., to appointments, for errands)
  • 06: Meal preparation, help with eating or having food delivered
  • 07: Banking, paying bills or preparing taxes
  • 08: Psychological, spiritual and emotional support (e.g., social visits, outings)
  • 09: Financial support to help pay for services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not provide help
  • 12: Not active in a community

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_Q20

Considering your current circumstances, what might make it difficult for you to provide help for someone you care about?

  • 01: Creates stress
  • 02: Physically demanding
  • 03: Emotionally demanding
  • 04: Not enough time
  • 05: Not knowing how to help
  • 06: Financial burden
  • 07: Impacts on family or other relationships
  • 08: Demands of work or other responsibilities
  • 09: Distance
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Do not anticipate any difficulties

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_Q25

Who is the first person you would reach out to if you had questions about the help you were providing?

  • 01: Other caregivers or caregiver support group
  • 02: Volunteer organization in my community
  • 03: Friend or relative
  • 04: Member of my community
  • 05: Health care provider (e.g., doctor, nurse)
  • 06: Local hospital
  • 07: Hospice or palliative care provider or organization
  • 08: Homecare services
  • 09: Mental health services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not reach out

Giving help (GIV) - Question identifier:GIV_Q30

What types of support do you think would be the most useful to you if you were helping someone with a serious illness?

  • 01: Education or training on how best to help
  • 02: Temporary breaks from providing care
  • 03: Help communicating with health care providers
  • 04: Easy access to homecare services
  • 05: Help or therapy from a social worker, psychologist or counselor
  • 06: Connections with other caregivers or community members
  • 07: Transportation services
  • 08: Childcare
  • 09: Other
  • 10: No support needed

Receiving help (RCV)

Receiving help (RCV) - Question identifier:RCV_R05

Next, we will ask about the help that you would be willing to receive from those close to you.

The following questions aim to determine the type of help you would accept, depending on the relationship you have with the person who is providing the help.

Receiving help (RCV) - Question identifier:RCV_Q05

If you were seriously ill, which of the following types of help would you accept from your close family?

  • 01: Personal care (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting)
  • 02: Medical care (e.g., help taking medicine, wound care)
  • 03: Managing care (e.g., making appointments, communicating with health care providers)
  • 04: Help with household activities (e.g., housework, home maintenance, outdoor work)
  • 05: Transportation (e.g., to appointments, for errands)
  • 06: Meal preparation, help with eating or having food delivered
  • 07: Banking, paying bills or preparing taxes
  • 08: Psychological, spiritual and emotional support (e.g., social visits, outings)
  • 09: Financial support to help pay for services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not want help
  • 12: Do not have any close family

Receiving help (RCV) - Question identifier:RCV_Q10

If you were seriously ill, which of the following types of help would you accept from your close friends?

  • 01: Personal care (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting)
  • 02: Medical care (e.g., help taking medicine, wound care)
  • 03: Managing care (e.g., making appointments, communicating with health care providers)
  • 04: Help with household activities (e.g., housework, home maintenance, outdoor work)
  • 05: Transportation (e.g., to appointments, for errands)
  • 06: Meal preparation, help with eating or having food delivered
  • 07: Banking, paying bills or preparing taxes
  • 08: Psychological, spiritual and emotional support (e.g., social visits, outings)
  • 09: Financial support to help pay for services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not want help
  • 12: Do not have any close friends

Receiving help (RCV) - Question identifier:RCV_Q15

If you were seriously ill, which of the following types of help would you accept from members of your community?

  • 01: Personal care (e.g., dressing, bathing, toileting)
  • 02: Medical care (e.g., help taking medicine, wound care)
  • 03: Managing care (e.g., making appointments, communicating with health care providers)
  • 04: Help with household activities (e.g., housework, home maintenance, outdoor work)
  • 05: Transportation (e.g., to appointments, for errands)
  • 06: Meal preparation, help with eating or having food delivered
  • 07: Banking, paying bills or preparing taxes
  • 08: Psychological, spiritual and emotional support (e.g., social visits, outings)
  • 09: Financial support to help pay for services
  • 10: Other
  • 11: Would not want help
  • 12: Not active in a community

Receiving help (RCV) - Question identifier:RCV_Q20

Considering your current circumstances, what would prevent you from accepting help from someone with whom you are close?

  • 01: Do not feel comfortable asking for or receiving help
  • 02: This type of care is too personal
  • 03: Prefer to manage by yourself
  • 04: Do not want everyone knowing your business
  • 05: Would rather pay someone to help
  • 06: Do not want to be a burden
  • 07: Do not have confidence in their abilities to help
  • 08: The health care system should provide this help
  • 09: Other
  • 10: Nothing would prevent you from accepting their help

Receiving help 2 (KNB)

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_R25

Now some questions about your thoughts on the roles of close family, friends and community members in caring for those with a serious illness.

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25A

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
It is important for those living with a serious illness to have support from their family and friends

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25B

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
People should plan for these situations, so they have the care they need if they become ill

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25C

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
Care and support provided by someone close to you can be more meaningful than care provided by a professional

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25D

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
Your community can provide a sense of belonging and connection in times of difficulty

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25E

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
Caring for those who are seriously ill is the responsibility of the government

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25F

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
It is everyone's responsibility to help each other through serious illness and caregiving

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25G

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
You are aware of the support available in your community for those living with a serious illness

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25H

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
You would gain a sense of fulfilment from providing care to those close to you

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Receiving help 2 (KNB) - Question identifier:KNB_Q25I

Please indicate your level of agreement with the next statements.
You have flexibility in your schedule to care for someone living with a serious illness

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Main activity (MAC)

Main activity (MAC) - Question identifier:MAC_Q05

Last week, was your main activity working at a paid job or business, looking for paid work, going to school, caring for children, household work, retired or something else?

  • 01: Working at a paid job or business
  • 02: Vacation from paid work
  • 03: Looking for paid work
  • 04: Going to school, including vacation from school
  • 05: Caring for children
  • 06: Household work
  • 07: Retired
  • 08: Maternity, paternity or parental leave
  • 09: Long term illness
  • 10: Volunteering
  • 11: Care-giving other than for children
  • 12: Other

Satisfaction (DOS)

Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q08

On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied", how satisfied are you with the amount of time you have to do the things that you like doing?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all satisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely satisfied

Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q09

On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied", how satisfied are you with the quality of your local environment such as access to green space, and air or water quality?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all satisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely satisfied

Trust in the media (TM)

Trust in the media (TM) - Question identifier:TM_R05

The following questions are about trust in media. The media are communication outlets that deliver news and information through the Internet, social media, television, radio and in print.

Trust in the media (TM) - Question identifier:TM_Q05

On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Not at all" and 10 means "Completely", to what extent do you generally trust the news or information you receive from the media?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely

Trust in the media (TM) - Question identifier:TM_Q10

From which source do you get most of your news or information?

  • 1: Internet, other than social media (Include: web pages, podcasts, blogs)
  • 2: Social media (Include websites, forums and applications where users create and share content or participate in social networking.
    e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok)
  • 3: Television
  • 4: Radio
  • 5: Print media (Include: newspapers, magazines)
  • 6: Other

Discrimination or unfair treatment in Canada (DIS)

Discrimination or unfair treatment in Canada (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_R05

The next questions are about your possible experiences with discrimination or unfair treatment in Canada.

Discrimination or unfair treatment in Canada (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q05

In the past 5 years, have you experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly by others in Canada because of any of the following?

  • 01: Your Indigenous identity
  • 02: Your ethnicity or culture
  • 03: Your race or skin colour
  • 04: Your religion
  • 05: Your language
  • 06: Your accent
  • 07: Your physical appearance (Include discrimination on the basis of weight, height, hair style or colour, clothing, jewelry, tattoos and other physical characteristics. Exclude discrimination on the basis of skin colour.)
  • 08: Your sex (Sex refers to sex assigned at birth.)
  • 09: Your sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual)
  • 10: Your gender identity or expression (Include gender diverse identities such as two-spirit or nonbinary.)
  • 11: Your age
  • 12: A physical or mental disability
  • 13: Some other reason
  • 14: Did not experience discrimination

Discrimination or unfair treatment in Canada (DIS) - Question identifier:DIS_Q10

In what types of situations have you experienced discrimination in Canada in the past 5 years?

  • 01: In a store, bank or restaurant
  • 02: When attending school or classes
  • 03: On the Internet, including social media platforms
  • 04: At work or when applying for a job or promotion
  • 05: When seeking or applying for housing (e.g., buying or renting)
  • 06: When interacting with the police
  • 07: When interacting with the courts
  • 08: When crossing the border into Canada (Exclude incidences of discrimination upon leaving Canada.)
  • 09: While attending social gatherings or by or among friends or family
  • 10: While using public areas, such as parks and sidewalks
  • 11: While using public transit, such as buses, trains or taxis
  • 12: When seeing a medical health professional or in other health care settings (Medical health professionals may include doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, etc.
    In health care settings may include at hospitals, clinics, dental offices, etc.)
  • 13: Any other situation

Financial well-being (EHA)

Financial well-being (EHA) - Question identifier:EHA_Q10

In the past 12 months, how difficult or easy was it for your household to meet its financial needs in terms of transportation, housing, food, clothing and other necessary expenses?

  • 1: Very difficult
  • 2: Difficult
  • 3: Neither difficult nor easy
  • 4: Easy
  • 5: Very easy

Non-profit boards (NPB)

Non-profit boards (NPB) - Question identifier:NPB_R05

The following questions are about your membership in charity or non-profit boards.

Non-profit boards (NPB) - Question identifier:NPB_Q05

Are you currently a member of a board of directors for a charity or non-profit organization?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Non-profit boards (NPB) - Question identifier:NPB_Q10A

Are you employed by a charity or non-profit organization?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Non-profit boards (NPB) - Question identifier:NPB_Q10B

Is your position at the executive level?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Education (ED)

Education (ED) - Question identifier:ED_Q05

What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?

  • 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
  • 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
  • 3: Trades certificate or diploma
  • 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)
  • 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  • 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A., B.A. (Hons), B.Sc., B.Ed., LL.B.)
  • 7: University certificate, diploma or degree above the bachelor's level

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH)

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_R01

The following questions are about access to sexual and reproductive health information. The questions relate to where people may get information and if they have discussed their sexual and reproductive health needs with a health care provider. The information provided will help inform guidelines, programs and policies.

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q01

Thinking about your time in elementary or high school, how helpful was your sex education in terms of preparing you for a healthy life?

  • 1: Very helpful
  • 2: Helpful
  • 3: Unhelpful
  • 4: Very unhelpful
  • 5: Did not receive any sex education

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q02

How confident are you that you have the information you need to make healthy decisions about your sexual and reproductive health?

  • 1: Very confident
  • 2: Somewhat confident
  • 3: Not very confident
  • 4: Not confident at all

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q03

Where do you typically get information about sexual and reproductive health?

  • 01: Health care providers such as doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, sex therapists or other health care providers (Include in-person or virtual)
  • 02: Media, including Internet, television, radio or print
  • 03: Friends
  • 04: Family
  • 05: Sexual partners
  • 06: Telephone hotlines or live chats
  • 07: Self-help groups (Include in-person or virtual)
  • 08: Other sources
  • 09: I do not get information from any source

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q04

Have you and any health care provider ever talked about any of the following topics?

  • 1: Your sexuality
  • 2: Your sexual history
  • 3: Your sexual relationships
  • 4: Your fertility
  • 5: Birth control or pregnancy prevention
  • 6: Sexually transmitted or blood borne infection prevention
  • 7: I have not discussed any of these topics with a health care provider

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) - Question identifier:SRH_Q05

Has discomfort talking about your sexual or reproductive health ever prevented you from getting help from a health care provider?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Marital status (MS)

Marital status (MS) - Question identifier:MS_Q01

What is your marital status?

  • 1: Married (For Quebec residents only, select the "Married" category if your marital status is "civil union".)
  • 2: Living common law (Two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.)
  • 3: Never married and not living common law
  • 4: Separated and not living common law
  • 5: Divorced and not living common law
  • 6: Widowed and not living common law

Language (LAN)

Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01

Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

  • 1: English only
  • 2: French only
  • 3: Both English and French
  • 4: Neither English nor French

Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q02

What language do you currently speak most often at home?

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other

Indigenous identity (ABM)

Indigenous identity (ABM) - Question identifier:ABM_Q01

Are you First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?

  • 1: No, not First Nations, Métis, or Inuk (Inuit)
  • 2: Yes, First Nations (North American Indian)
  • 3: Yes, Métis
  • 4: Yes, Inuk (Inuit)

Sociodemographic characteristics (PG)

Sociodemographic characteristics (PG) - Question identifier:PG_Q05

The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada.

  • 01: White
  • 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
  • 03: Chinese
  • 04: Black
  • 05: Filipino
  • 06: Arab
  • 07: Latin American
  • 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)
  • 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
  • 10: Korean
  • 11: Japanese
  • 12: Other

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1)

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05A

Where were you born?

  • 1: Born in Canada
  • 2: Born outside Canada

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05B

Are you a Canadian citizen?

  • 1: Yes, a Canadian citizen by birth
  • 2: Yes, a Canadian citizen by naturalization (Canadian citizen by naturalization refers to an immigrant who was granted citizenship of Canada under the Citizenship Act.)
  • 3: No, not a Canadian citizen

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05C

Are you a landed immigrant or permanent resident?

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q10

In what year did you first become a landed immigrant or a permanent resident?

If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.

Year of immigration

Min = 0; Max = 9999

Long-term conditions (LTC)

Long-term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_R05

The following questions are about any long-term conditions you may have.

Long-term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_Q05

Do you have any of the following difficulties?

  • 1: Difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses or contact lenses
  • 2: Difficulty hearing even when using a hearing aid or cochlear implant
  • 3: Difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities
  • 4: Difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating
  • 5: Emotional, psychological or mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia)
  • 6: Other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six or more months
  • 7: I do not have any difficulty or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six or more months

Long-term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_Q10

Do you identify as a person with a disability?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual orientation (SOR)

Sexual orientation (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_Q01

What is your sexual orientation?

  • 1: Heterosexual (i.e., straight)
  • 2: Lesbian or gay
  • 3: Bisexual or pansexual
  • 4: Or please specify

Future surveys (UCE)

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_R05

Statistics Canada is planning a series of short, fifteen to twenty minute surveys about important social topics. These surveys will be sent out in the near future and will ask about a wide variety of issues that affect Canadian society. By participating in this survey series, you will be able to share your opinions and thoughts on these issues and compare your ideas with those of other Canadians.

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_Q05

Would you like to sign-up for future surveys?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No (Note: Your household will remain eligible for other Statistics Canada surveys.)

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_Q10A

Please provide the following information so we can email or text you to participate in this survey series.
Email address

Long Answer Length = 80

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_Q10B

Please provide the following information so we can email or text you to participate in this survey series.
Cellular number

Long Answer Length = 10

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_R15

Thank you for signing up. We will contact you soon.

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