Canadian Social Survey - Well-being and Caregiving

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Household members and geographic region (DEM)

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q01A

Provide your first and last name.
First name

Long Answer Length = 50

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q01B

Provide your first and last name.
Last name

Long Answer Length = 50

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q05

Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

Number of people

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.

  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q10

Including yourself, how many of these people are [15] years of age or more?

Number of people

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.

  • 00: 0
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Household members and geographic region (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q15

To determine which geographic region you live in, provide your postal code.

Postal code

Long Answer Length = 7

Example: A9A 9A9

Sex and gender (GDR)

Sex and gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_R05

The following questions are about sex at birth, gender and age.

Sex and gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q05

What was your sex at birth?

Sex refers to sex assigned at birth.

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female

Sex and gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q10

What is your gender?

Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 3: Or please specify

Sex and gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_R15

Please verify that all of the information is correct.

If all the information is correct, press the Next button.

To make changes, press the Previous button.

Your information

Sex assigned at birth: [Male/Female/Information not provided]

Gender: [Male/Female/Specify other/Information not provided]

Age (AGE)

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01A

What is your date of birth?


Min = 0000; Max = 9999

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01B

What is your date of birth?


  • 01: January
  • 02: February
  • 03: March
  • 04: April
  • 05: May
  • 06: June
  • 07: July
  • 08: August
  • 09: September
  • 10: October
  • 11: November
  • 12: December

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q01C

What is your date of birth?


  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20
  • 21: 21
  • 22: 22
  • 23: 23
  • 24: 24
  • 25: 25
  • 26: 26
  • 27: 27
  • 28: 28
  • 29: 29
  • 30: 30
  • 31: 31

Age (AGE) - Question identifier:AGE_Q02

What is your age?

Age in years

Min = 0; Max = 999

General health (GEN)

General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_R01

The following questions are about health. By health, we mean not only the absence of disease or injury but also physical, mental and social well-being.

General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q01

In general, how is your health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

General health (GEN) - Question identifier:GEN_Q02

In general, how is your mental health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Life satisfaction (LSM)

Life satisfaction (LSM) - Question identifier:LSM_Q01

Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Very dissatisfied" and 10 means "Very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?

  • 00: 0 - Very dissatisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 - Very satisfied

Meaning and purpose (MP)

Meaning and purpose (MP) - Question identifier:MP_Q01

Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "Not at all" and 10 means "Completely", to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely

View of the future (FO)

View of the future (FO) - Question identifier:FO_Q01

Thinking about your life in general, how often would you say you have a hopeful view of the future?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Loneliness (LON)

Loneliness (LON) - Question identifier:LON_Q01

How often do you feel lonely?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Sense of belonging to local community (SBL)

Sense of belonging to local community (SBL) - Question identifier:SBL_Q100

How would you describe your sense of belonging to your local community?

  • 1: Very strong
  • 2: Somewhat strong
  • 3: Somewhat weak
  • 4: Very weak
  • 5: No opinion

Someone to count on (RES)

Someone to count on (RES) - Question identifier:RES_Q06

How often would you say you have people you can depend on to help you when you really need it?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Financial well-being (EHA)

Financial well-being (EHA) - Question identifier:EHA_Q10

In the past 12 months, how difficult or easy was it for your household to meet its financial needs in terms of transportation, housing, food, clothing and other necessary expenses?

  • 1: Very difficult
  • 2: Difficult
  • 3: Neither difficult nor easy
  • 4: Easy
  • 5: Very easy

Satisfaction (DOS)

Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q08

On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied", how satisfied are you with the amount of time you have to do the things that you like doing?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all satisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely satisfied

Satisfaction (DOS) - Question identifier:DOS_Q09

On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means you feel "Not at all satisfied" and 10 means you are "Completely satisfied", how satisfied are you with the quality of your local environment such as access to green space, and air or water quality?

  • 00: 0 — Not at all satisfied
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10 — Completely satisfied

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD)

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q10

During the past 12 months, have you cared for or looked after someone under the age of 15 years old?

Include care that was temporary, on an irregular basis, or for a short time.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Yes, as part of a paid job
  • 2: Yes, unpaid for a family member, friend, or neighbour (If you are a parent, include care provided to your own children under the age of 15 years old.)
  • 3: Yes, unpaid on behalf of a volunteer organization
  • 4: No

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_R10A

The following questions will relate to the family, friends and neighbours under the age of 15 years old who you have cared for or looked after. Please exclude help you provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_R10B

The following questions will relate to the children under the age of 15 years old who you care for or look after as part of your paid job.

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q20

During the past 12 months, where have you primarily cared for or looked after these children under the age of 15 years old as part of your paid job?

  • 1: A daycare centre, preschool or CPE
  • 2: A home-based childcare
  • 3: A hospital
  • 4: A school
  • 5: The child's home (e.g., babysitter, nanny)
  • 6: Some other location

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q30

In an average week, how many hours did you spend caring for or looking after these children [/as part of your paid job]?

Number of hours

Min = 0; Max = 999.99

If the number of hours of weekly care provided varied significantly over the past 12 months, please provide an average or what happened most of the time.

· only children under the age of 15 years old
· time when you were doing another activity while looking after the children
· time when looking after the children was shared with someone else
· time when the child was having a nap.

· time the child spent sleeping during the night
· time the child spent at school, at a friend's or in organized activities
· unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q40A

During the past 12 months, how many children have you cared for or looked after in each of the following groups?

If there are no children in one of the age categories, select '0'.
Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.
0 to 5 years old

Number of children

  • 00: 0
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q40B

During the past 12 months, how many children have you cared for or looked after in each of the following groups?

If there are no children in one of the age categories, select '0'.
Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.
6 to 14 years old

Number of children

  • 00: 0
  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q50

How many of these children lived in the same household as you?

Number of children

Min = 0; Max = 99

Include children to whom you provided care or looked after who lived with you temporarily during the past 12 months.

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q60

What is your relationship to the children that you cared for or looked after?

Include only children under the age of 15 years old.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Your child
  • 2: Your grandchild
  • 3: Your sibling
  • 4: Other family member
  • 5: The child of your friend or neighbour
  • 6: Some other relationship

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_R70

A long-term condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer. Examples include conditions such as chronic or terminal health conditions or mental illness.

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q70

Do any of these children that you have cared for or looked after [/as part of your paid job] have a long-term condition or disability that requires additional help or care?

Include only children under the age of 15 years old.

Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Paid and unpaid care for people under the age of 15 years old (CHD) - Question identifier:CHD_Q80

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the average amount of time you spent helping or caring for any of these children in the past 12 months?

Include only children under the age of 15 years old.

Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

  • 1: It has increased
  • 2: It has decreased
  • 3: The amount of time has not changed

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 1 (ICG)

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 1 (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_R20

The next questions ask about help or care you may have given to someone aged 15 years or older for a long-term condition, disability or problem related to aging. This help may include driving them, shopping with or for them, helping with housework, personal care or anything else.

A long-term condition is one that has lasted or is expected to last 6 months or longer. Examples include conditions such as chronic or terminal health conditions, drug or alcohol dependency, dementia, frailty from aging, or mental illness.

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 1 (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_Q20

During the past 12 months, have you helped or cared for someone aged 15 years or older who had a long-term condition, a disability or a problem related to aging?

Include care that was temporary, on an irregular basis, or for a short time.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Yes, as part of a paid job
  • 2: Yes, unpaid for a family member, friend, or neighbour
  • 3: Yes, unpaid on behalf of a volunteer organization
  • 4: No

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 1 (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_R20A

The following questions will relate to the family, friends and neighbours aged 15 years or older who you have helped or cared for. Please exclude help you provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 1 (ICG) - Question identifier:ICG_R20B

The following questions will relate to the people aged 15 years or older who you help or care for as part of your paid job.

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 2 (APR)

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 2 (APR) - Question identifier:APR_Q90

During the past 12 months, have you helped [anyone/family, friends, or neighbours] aged 15 years or older [/as part of your paid job] with any of the following activities?

Include all people aged 15 years or older who you helped or cared for.
Only include help or care for a long-term condition, disability or problems related to aging.

Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Transportation (e.g., errands, get to medical appointments, get to social events)
  • 02: Meal preparation, meal clean-up, house cleaning, or laundry
  • 03: House maintenance or outdoor work (e.g., house repairs, lawn maintenance, snow shovelling)
  • 04: Personal care (e.g., bathing, dressing, feeding)
  • 05: Medical treatments or procedures (e.g., changing bandages or dressings, taking medications, performing blood sugar tests)
  • 06: Scheduling or coordinating care (e.g., organizing care schedule, making appointments, hiring professional help)
  • 07: Managing their finances (e.g., banking, bill paying, managing health insurance claims)
  • 08: Emotional support (e.g., spending time with them, talking with and listening to them)
  • 09: Some other activity

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 3 (HAP)

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 3 (HAP) - Question identifier:HAP_Q15

In an average week, how many hours of help or care to these people did you provide with these activities [/as part of your paid job]?

Number of hours

Min = 0; Max = 999.99

If the number of hours of weekly care provided varied significantly over the past 12 months, please provide an average or what happened most of the time.

Include only people aged 15 years or older.
Only include help or care during the past 12 months for a long-term condition, disability or problems related to aging.

Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 4 (LOC)

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 4 (LOC) - Question identifier:LOC_Q10

During the past 12 months, where have you primarily provided help or care to these people as part of your paid job?

Include only people aged 15 years or older.

  • 1: A nursing home or senior's residence
  • 2: A residential care facility (e.g., group home for persons with disabilities or addictions)
  • 3: A hospital
  • 4: The care recipient's home (e.g., home care worker, live-in caregiver)
  • 5: Some other location

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 5 (PAR)

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 5 (PAR) - Question identifier:PAR_Q10

During the past 12 months, how many family members, friends or neighbours with a long-term condition, disability, or problems related to aging have you helped with any of these activities?

Number of people

Min = 0; Max = 99

Include only people aged 15 years or older.

Include all previously mentioned activities such as transportation, meal preparation, house maintenance, personal care, medical treatments, scheduling, managing finances, emotional support or anything else.

Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 5 (PAR) - Question identifier:PAR_Q20

How many of these people lived in the same household as you?

Number of people

Min = 0; Max = 99

Include people to whom you provided help or care who lived with you temporarily during the past 12 months

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 5 (PAR) - Question identifier:PAR_Q30

What is your relationship to the people that you helped or cared for during the past 12 months?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Your spouse or partner
  • 2: Your child
  • 3: Your sibling
  • 4: Your parent
  • 5: Other family member
  • 6: Your friend or neighbour
  • 7: Some other relationship

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 6 (CIP)

Paid and unpaid care for people aged 15 years or older 6 (CIP) - Question identifier:CIP_Q10

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the average amount of time you spent helping or caring for any of these people in the past 12 months?

Include only people aged 15 years or older.

Only include help given for a long-term condition, disability or problems related to aging.

Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.

  • 1: It has increased
  • 2: It has decreased
  • 3: The amount of time has not changed

Impacts of paid and unpaid care (ICW)

Impacts of paid and unpaid care (ICW) - Question identifier:ICW_R10

The next questions ask about impacts of your [paid care work/caregiving responsibilities]. Please include the people aged 15 years or older with a long-term condition, disability, or problems related to aging and children under the age of 15 that you previously mentioned.

[/Exclude unpaid help provided on behalf of a volunteer organization.]

Impacts of paid and unpaid care (ICW) - Question identifier:ICW_Q10

In general, how have you been coping with your [paid care work/caregiving responsibilities]?

  • 1: Very well
  • 2: Generally well
  • 3: Not very well
  • 4: Not very well at all

Impacts of paid and unpaid care (ICW) - Question identifier:ICW_Q20

During the past 12 months, [has/have] your [paid care work/caregiving responsibilities] caused you to feel or experience any of the following?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Tired
  • 02: Worried or anxious
  • 03: Overwhelmed
  • 04: Lonely
  • 05: Isolated
  • 06: Short-tempered or irritable
  • 07: Resentful
  • 08: Depressed
  • 09: Loss of appetite
  • 10: Disturbed sleep
  • 11: Some other symptom or feeling
  • 12: None

Impacts of paid and unpaid care (ICW) - Question identifier:ICW_Q30

In the past 12 months, [has/have] your [paid care work/caregiving responsibilities] caused strain in your relationships with family members?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Impacts of paid and unpaid care (ICW) - Question identifier:ICW_Q60

During the past 12 months, have you experienced financial hardship because of your caregiving responsibilities?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Main activity 1 (MAC)

Main activity 1 (MAC) - Question identifier:MAC_Q05

Last week, was your main activity working at a paid job or business, looking for paid work, going to school, caring for children, household work, retired or something else?

  • 01: Working at a paid job or business
  • 02: Vacation from paid work
  • 03: Looking for paid work
  • 04: Going to school, including vacation from school
  • 05: Caring for children
  • 06: Household work
  • 07: Retired
  • 08: Maternity, paternity or parental leave
  • 09: Long term illness
  • 10: Volunteering
  • 11: Care-giving other than for children
  • 12: Other

Main activity 2 (LMA5)

Main activity 2 (LMA5) - Question identifier:LMA5_Q01

What kind of work were you doing?

Specify the kind of work you were doing

Long Answer Length = 50

Examples: legal secretary, plumber, fishing guide, wood furniture assembler, secondary school teacher, computer programmer

Main activity 2 (LMA5) - Question identifier:LMA5_Q02

What were your most important activities or duties?

Specify your most important activities or duties

Long Answer Length = 50

Examples: prepared legal documents, installed residential plumbing, guided fishing parties, made wood furniture products, taught mathematics, developed software

Main activity 3 (EMP)

Main activity 3 (EMP) - Question identifier:EMP_Q40

In general, how satisfied are you with your job [/as a paid care worker]?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied

Main activity 3 (EMP) - Question identifier:EMP_Q50

Why are you not satisfied with your job?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Pay is too low
  • 02: No benefits or not enough benefits
  • 03: Not enough hours
  • 04: Too much overtime
  • 05: Work hours are unpredictable
  • 06: Work hours are not flexible
  • 07: Too physically demanding
  • 08: Too mentally demanding
  • 09: Do not like the work environment
  • 10: No opportunities for advancement
  • 11: Unstable employment
  • 12: Some other reason

Main activity 4 (ICW2)

Main activity 4 (ICW2) - Question identifier:ICW2_Q50

During the past 12 months, how have your employment or job-seeking activities been affected by your caregiving responsibilities?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: You quit or lost a job
  • 02: You got an additional job
  • 03: You reduced your regular weekly work hours
  • 04: You increased your regular weekly work hours
  • 05: You adjusted your work schedule to be more flexible
  • 06: You reduced work tasks or responsibilities
  • 07: You gave up better work opportunities
  • 08: You were unable to work at a paid job
  • 09: Some other impact
  • 10: No impact

Satisfaction with work-life balance (SWL)

Satisfaction with work-life balance (SWL) - Question identifier:SWL_Q01

How satisfied are you with the balance between your job and home life?

  • 1: Very satisfied
  • 2: Satisfied
  • 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • 4: Dissatisfied
  • 5: Very dissatisfied

Emergency preparedness (EPD)

Emergency preparedness (EPD) - Question identifier:EPD_R05

The following questions are about potential weather-related events affecting your household.

Emergency preparedness (EPD) - Question identifier:EPD_Q05

How concerned are you about the risk of a weather-related emergency or natural disaster affecting your household?

  • 1: Extremely concerned
  • 2: Very concerned
  • 3: Somewhat concerned
  • 4: A little bit concerned
  • 5: Not concerned at all

Emergency preparedness (EPD) - Question identifier:EPD_Q10

In the past 12 months, [have you/has anyone in your household] taken steps to prepare in the event of a weather-related emergency or natural disaster affecting your household?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Emergency preparedness (EPD) - Question identifier:EPD_Q15

In the past 12 months, have you helped others in your local community prepare in the event of a weather-related emergency or natural disaster affecting their household?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Marital status (MS)

Marital status (MS) - Question identifier:MS_Q01

What is your marital status?

  • 1: Married (For Quebec residents only, select the "Married" category if your marital status is "civil union".)
  • 2: Living common law (Two people who live together as a couple but who are not legally married to each other.)
  • 3: Never married and not living common law
  • 4: Separated and not living common law
  • 5: Divorced and not living common law
  • 6: Widowed and not living common law

Education (ED)

Education (ED) - Question identifier:ED_Q05

What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?

  • 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
  • 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
  • 3: Trades certificate or diploma
  • 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)
  • 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  • 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A., B.A. (Hons), B.Sc., B.Ed., LL.B.)
  • 7: University certificate, diploma or degree above the bachelor's level

Language (LAN)

Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q01

Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

  • 1: English only
  • 2: French only
  • 3: Both English and French
  • 4: Neither English nor French

Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q02

What language do you currently speak most often at home?

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other

Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q10

What language did you speak most often at home five years ago, that is in [month and year from 5 years before collection date]?

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other

Language (LAN) - Question identifier:LAN_Q04

What is the language that you first learned at home in childhood and still understand?

If you no longer understand the first language learned, indicate the second language learned.

  • 1: English
  • 2: French
  • 3: Other

Indigenous identity (ABM)

Indigenous identity (ABM) - Question identifier:ABM_Q01

Are you First Nations, Métis or Inuk (Inuit)?

First Nations (North American Indian) includes Status and Non-Status Indians.
If 'Yes', select the responses that best describes you now.

  • 1: No, not First Nations, Métis, or Inuk (Inuit)
  • 2: Yes, First Nations (North American Indian)
  • 3: Yes, Métis
  • 4: Yes, Inuk (Inuit)

Sociodemographic characteristics (PG)

Sociodemographic characteristics (PG) - Question identifier:PG_Q05

The following question collects information in accordance with the Employment Equity Act and its Regulations and Guidelines to support programs that promote equal opportunity for everyone to share in the social, cultural, and economic life of Canada.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: White
  • 02: South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)
  • 03: Chinese
  • 04: Black
  • 05: Filipino
  • 06: Arab
  • 07: Latin American
  • 08: Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, Thai)
  • 09: West Asian (e.g., Iranian, Afghan)
  • 10: Korean
  • 11: Japanese
  • 12: Other

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1)

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05A

Where were you born?

  • 1: Born in Canada
  • 2: Born outside Canada

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05B

Are you a Canadian citizen?

  • 1: Yes, a Canadian citizen by birth
  • 2: Yes, a Canadian citizen by naturalization (Canadian citizen by naturalization refers to an immigrant who was granted citizenship of Canada under the Citizenship Act.)
  • 3: No, not a Canadian citizen

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q05C

Are you a landed immigrant or permanent resident?

A landed immigrant or permanent resident is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes

Place of birth, immigration and citizenship (DEM1) - Question identifier:DEM1_Q10

In what year did you first become a landed immigrant or a permanent resident?

If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.

Year of immigration

Min = 0; Max = 9999

Long-term conditions (LTC)

Long-term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_R05

The following questions are about any long-term conditions you may have.

Long-term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_Q05

Do you have any of the following difficulties?

Include only difficulties or long-term conditions that have lasted or are expected to last for six or more months.

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses or contact lenses
  • 2: Difficulty hearing even when using a hearing aid or cochlear implant
  • 3: Difficulty walking, using stairs, using your hands or fingers or doing other physical activities
  • 4: Difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating
  • 5: Emotional, psychological or mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, anorexia)
  • 6: Other health problem or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six or more months
  • 7: I do not have any difficulty or long-term condition that has lasted or is expected to last for six or more months

Long-term conditions (LTC) - Question identifier:LTC_Q10

Do you identify as a person with a disability?

A person with a disability is a person who has a long-term difficulty or condition, such as vision, hearing, mobility, flexibility, dexterity, pain, learning, developmental, memory or mental health-related impairments, that limit their daily activities inside or outside the home such as at school, work, or in the community in general.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Sexual orientation (SOR)

Sexual orientation (SOR) - Question identifier:SOR_Q01

What is your sexual orientation?

  • 1: Heterosexual
  • 2: Lesbian or gay
  • 3: Bisexual
  • 4: Or please specify

Future surveys (UCE)

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_R05

Statistics Canada is planning a series of short, 15-20 minute surveys about important social topics. These surveys will be sent out in the near future and will ask about a wide variety of issues that affect Canadian society. By participating in this survey series, you will be able to share your opinions and thoughts on these issues and compare your ideas with those of other Canadians.

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_Q05

Would you like to sign-up for future surveys?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No (Note: Your household will remain eligible for other Statistics Canada surveys.)

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_Q10A

Please provide the following information so we can email or text you to participate in this survey series.
Email address

Long Answer Length = 80


Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_Q10B

Please provide the following information so we can email or text you to participate in this survey series.
Cellular number

Long Answer Length = 10

Example: 123-123-1234

Future surveys (UCE) - Question identifier:UCE_R10

Thank you for signing up. We will contact you soon.

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