Investment in Canada by non-Canadian corporations, 2021 - (BP-22)

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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The balance of international payments covers all economic transactions between Canadian residents and non-residents in three accounts: the current account, the capital account and the financial account.

Additional information

The data are required to prepare statements on Canada's Balance of International Payments and Investment Position. This information is used as a major input in the conduct of monetary and exchange rate policies by the Government of Canada. Your information may also be used by Statistics Canada for other statistical and research purposes.


This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19. COMPLETION OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT UNDER THE STATISTICS ACT.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes.

Record linkage

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

Security of emails and faxes

If you choose to transmit the questionnaire to Statistics Canada by facsimile or other electronic transmission, please be advised that there could be a risk of disclosure during the communication. However, upon receipt of your information, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Return procedures

A completed copy of this questionnaire should be returned within four weeks of receipt to:

Statistics Canada
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Distribution Centre SC-0505
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6

If you need any clarification about reporting, please call toll free at 1-800-565-1685. Fax 1-888-883-7999.

Reporting instructions

Period covered - Please report as at the calendar year ended December 31, 20XX. If calendar year end is not practicable, please use your annual fiscal period closest to December 31, 20XX and indicate below.

Long-term investment - Include as long-term, all items intended or likely to remain outstanding for more than one year from the date incurred.

Geographical detail - Please use the enclosed coding list to identify the country. If a country is not identified on the list, please write the name in full. When geographical distribution is not available, please estimate.

Selected income account transactions - Report amounts directly remitted or charged to accounts, settled by issue of stock, notes, etc. to creditor, net of withholding tax. Commercial services include all commercial, financial, professional, technical, administrative or management services; including royalties, patents, copyrights, advertising, commissions, salaries, insurance premiums, computer services, equipment rentals and all other receipts from or payments to non-residents for services. Do not include merchandise imports and exports and/or freight and shipping transactions.

Transactions with non-residents affecting investment in Canada by non-Canadian corporations

Increase in investment

Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country, the increase in investment (receipts) during the year for each of the following items:

Increase in investment - Question identifier:1)

Increase through provision of cash, physical assets or services by head office

Increase in investment - Question identifier:2)

Profits recorded in head office control account (after provision for Canadian taxes)

Increase in investment - Question identifier:3)

Borrowings from other non-residents:

  • i): Banks
  • ii): Other

Increase in investment - Question identifier:4)

Other increases in investment (describe)

Decrease in investment

Please report in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country, the decrease in investment (payments) during the year for each of the following items:

Decrease in investment - Question identifier:5)

Reduction of investment by head office (capital withdrawals, sale of assets in Canada, loans to head office, etc.)

Decrease in investment - Question identifier:6)

Losses charged to head office control account

Decrease in investment - Question identifier:7)

Repayment of borrowings from other non-residents:

  • i): Banks
  • ii): Other

Balance sheet of Canadian branch or division

- Report the value of investments in Canada even though they are not organized or considered to be a branch operation.
- Please report the value of investments by country at December 31, 20XX (previous year) and at December 31, 20XX of the following year for each of the following items:


Assets - Question identifier:9)


Assets - Question identifier:10)

Accounts receivable:

  • i): from residents of Canada
  • ii): from non-residents of Canada

Assets - Question identifier:11)


Assets - Question identifier:12)

Fixed assets (net of depreciation)

Assets - Question identifier:13)

Deferred exploration and development expenditures

Assets - Question identifier:14)

Investments in Canadian corporations including subsidiary and controlled companies (please specify)

Assets - Question identifier:15)

Other assets (please specify)

Assets - Question identifier:16)

Total Assets in Canada


To residents of Canada:

Liabilities - Question identifier:17)

Accounts payable

Liabilities - Question identifier:18)

Other liabilities (please specify)

To non-residents of Canada:

Liabilities - Question identifier:19)

Head office control account (Net)

Liabilities - Question identifier:20)

Other accounts payable to other non-residents

Liabilities - Question identifier:21)

Other liabilities to non-residents: (please specify)

Liabilities - Question identifier:22)

Total Liabilities

Selected income account transactions with non-residents

For the following items, please indicate in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000) and by country:
1) the net income received from non-residents and/or remitted to non-residents during the year
2) the amount of tax withheld

Receipts from non-residents (Received or debited to accounts)

Selected income account transactions with non-residents - Question identifier:23)

Commercial services

Selected income account transactions with non-residents - Question identifier:24)

Interest on loans and advances

Selected income account transactions with non-residents - Question identifier:25)

Real estate rental payments

Selected income account transactions with non-residents - Question identifier:26)

Commercial services

Selected income account transactions with non-residents - Question identifier:27)

Current year profits

Investment in limited partnerships and joint ventures in Canada

Investment in limited partnerships and joint ventures in Canada - Question identifier:i.

For the following items, please indicate:
1) the principal type of activity (from the list identified above in section Activity type, incorporation info and period end date) by writing the corresponding number
2) the amount of investment by non-residents in thousands of Canadian dollars (CAN$ '000)

Investment in limited partnerships and joint ventures in Canada - Question identifier:ii.

Investment by non-resident limited partners in a "Limited Partnership" in which the reporting entity is the general partner

Investment in limited partnerships and joint ventures in Canada - Question identifier:iii.

Investment by non-resident individuals, estates and trust in joint ventures in which the reporting entity is operator

Investment in limited partnerships and joint ventures in Canada - Question identifier:iv.

Production and revenue payments to non-resident individuals involved in joint ventures and Limited Partnerships with reporting entity

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