Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 6 - Substance Use and Stigma During the pandemic

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Table of Contents

Labour market impacts (LM)

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_R05

The following questions concern your activities during the week of January 18 to January 22, 2021.

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_Q05

During that week, did you work at a job or business?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_Q10

During that week, did you have a job or business from which you were absent?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_Q15

What was the main reason you were absent from work that week?

  • 1: Planned absence not related to COVID-19 (e.g., vacation, work schedule, maternity or parental leave, seasonal job or business)
  • 2: Unplanned absence not related to COVID-19 (e.g., illness or disability other than COVID-19, caring for children or elder relative for non-COVID-19 reasons, labour dispute (strike or lockout))
  • 3: Business closure or layoff related to COVID-19
  • 4: Personal circumstances related to COVID-19 (e.g., personal safety, own or household member's diagnosis, self-isolation after recent travel, taking care of children due to school closure)

Life satisfaction (LS)

Life satisfaction (LS) - Question identifier:LS_Q05

Using a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means "very dissatisfied" and 10 means "very satisfied", how do you feel about your life as a whole right now?

  • 01: 0 - very dissatisfied
  • 02: 1
  • 03: 2
  • 04: 3
  • 05: 4
  • 06: 5
  • 07: 6
  • 08: 7
  • 09: 8
  • 10: 9
  • 11: 10 - very satisfied

Mental Health (ME)

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q05

The following questions are about health, including your mental and social well-being.
In general, how would you describe your mental health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q10

Compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, how would you say your mental health is now?

  • 1: Much better now
  • 2: Somewhat better now
  • 3: About the same
  • 4: Somewhat worse now
  • 5: Much worse now

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q15

In general, how would you describe the amount of stress in your life, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Not at all stressful
  • 2: A little stressful
  • 3: Stressful
  • 4: Very stressful
  • 5: Extremely stressful

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q20

Approximately how many relatives and friends do you have who you feel close to, that is, who you feel at ease with and can talk to about what is on your mind?

  • 1: None
  • 2: One or two
  • 3: Three to five
  • 4: Six to nine
  • 5: Ten or more

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q25

In the past 12 months, were you a member or participant in the following groups, organizations or associations?

  • 01: Sports or recreational organization (e.g., hockey league, health club or golf club)
  • 02: Cultural, educational or hobby organization (e.g., theatre group, book club or bridge club)
  • 03: Union or professional association
  • 04: Political party or group
  • 05: Place of worship
  • 06: School group, neighbourhood, civic or community association (e.g., parent-teacher association, alumni association, block parents or neighbourhood watch)
  • 07: Humanitarian or charitable organization or service club (e.g., Meals on Wheels, United Way, UNICEF, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Distress Centre, Rotary Club, Red Cross)
  • 08: Seniors' group (e.g., seniors' club, recreational association or resource centre)
  • 09: Youth organization (e.g., Scouts, Guides, Big Brothers or Big Sisters, YMCA or YWCA)
  • 10: Immigrant or ethnic association or club
  • 11: Environmental group (e.g., in the areas of conservation, ecology, the environment or animal rights)
  • 12: Other type of group, organization or association
  • 13: None

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q30A

In general, how often have you felt the following since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Lack of companionship

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Hardly ever
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q30B

In general, how often have you felt the following since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Being left out

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Hardly ever
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always

Mental Health (ME) - Question identifier:ME_Q30C

In general, how often have you felt the following since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Isolated from others

  • 1: Never
  • 2: Hardly ever
  • 3: Some of the time
  • 4: Often
  • 5: Always

Substance use - alcohol (ALC)

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q05

The following questions are about your alcohol consumption. When we use the word "drink" it means:
• One bottle or can of beer or a glass of draft
• One glass of wine or a wine cooler (One whole bottle of wine counts as five drinks)
• One drink or cocktail with 1 and a ½ ounces of liquor
During the past 30 days, did you have a drink of beer, wine, liquor or any other alcoholic beverage?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, not during the past 30 days
  • 3: Never drank alcohol

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q10

On the days when you drank alcoholic beverages, during the past 30 days, how many drinks did you usually have?

Number of drinks

Min = 0; Max = 99

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q15

During the past 30 days, how often have you had 5 or more drinks on one occasion?

  • 1: Daily or almost daily
  • 2: 4 or 5 times a week
  • 3: 2 or 3 times a week
  • 4: Once a week
  • 5: 2 to 3 times in the past 30 days
  • 6: Once in the past 30 days
  • 7: Not in the past 30 days

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q20

On average, over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, how has your alcohol consumption changed when comparing to before the pandemic?

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: Not applicable
  • 4: Stayed about the same

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q25

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your increased consumption of alcohol since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Stress (e.g., as a result of family or work obligations, financial impacts, job uncertainty)
  • 2: Boredom
  • 3: Loneliness
  • 4: Insomnia
  • 5: Convenience (e.g., lack of regular schedule, at home more often, accessibility to alcohol)
  • 6: Other reason
  • 7: No particular reason

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q30

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your decreased consumption of alcohol since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Cost
  • 2: Personal responsibilities (e.g., family or work obligations, too busy)
  • 3: Personal choice (e.g., weight control, health concerns, dislike the effects of alcohol)
  • 4: Decreased opportunities for socialization (e.g., gatherings with friends and family, dine-in at restaurants)
  • 5: Other reason
  • 6: No particular reason

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q35

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, did you ever continue to drink when you knew you had a serious physical or emotional problem that might have been caused by or made worse by drinking?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q40

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, has your drinking interfered with your ability to maintain close relationships with other people?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - alcohol (ALC) - Question identifier:ALC_Q45

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you ever seen, or talked on the telephone to, a medical doctor or other professional about your use of alcohol?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - cannabis (CAN)

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q05

The following questions are about your cannabis consumption.

The term "cannabis" refers to marijuana, hashish, hash oil or any other product of the cannabis plant. Consumption includes cannabis that is smoked, eaten, vaped, drank, dabbed, or consumed by some other method.
In the past 30 days, how often did you use cannabis?

  • 01: Never used cannabis
  • 02: No, not during the past 30 days
  • 03: 1 day in the past 30 days
  • 04: 2 or 3 days in the past 30 days
  • 05: 1 or 2 days per week
  • 06: 3 or 4 days per week
  • 07: 5 or 6 days per week
  • 08: Daily

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q15

On average, over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, how has your use of cannabis changed when comparing to before the pandemic?

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: Not applicable
  • 4: Stayed about the same

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q10

What is the main reason you use cannabis?

  • 1: Non-medical
  • 2: Medical use with a medical document
  • 3: Medical use without a medical document
  • 4: Both medical use and non-medical use

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q20

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your increased use of cannabis since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 01: Stress (e.g., as a result of family or work obligations, financial impacts, job uncertainty)
  • 02: Worsening of health or pain
  • 03: Boredom
  • 04: Loneliness
  • 05: Convenience (e.g., lack of regular schedule, at home more often)
  • 06: Ease of access (e.g., increase in retail stores, online shops, delivery, and curbside pickup)
  • 07: New products (e.g., edibles, concentrates, vape pens and cartridges)
  • 08: Other reason
  • 09: No particular reason

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q25

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your decreased use of cannabis since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 01: Cost
  • 02: Personal responsibilities (e.g., family or work obligations, too busy)
  • 03: Personal choice (e.g., dislike the effects of cannabis)
  • 04: Improved health or pain
  • 05: Decreased opportunities for socialization (e.g., gatherings with friends and family)
  • 06: Lack of privacy to use cannabis at home since the beginning of the pandemic
  • 07: Other reason
  • 08: No particular reason

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q30

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, did you ever continue to use cannabis when you knew you had a serious physical or emotional problem that might have been caused by or made worse by using cannabis?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q35

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, has your cannabis use interfered with your ability to maintain close relationships with other people?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - cannabis (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you seen, or talked on the telephone to, a medical doctor or other professional about your cannabis use?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - opioids (OPI)

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q05

The following questions are about your opioid use.
In the past 30 days, have you used any prescribed or non-prescribed drugs containing opioids?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, not during the past 30 days
  • 3: Never used opioid products

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q10

On average, over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, how has your use of opioids changed when comparing to before the pandemic?

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: Not applicable
  • 4: Stayed about the same

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q15

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your increased use of opioids since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Stress (e.g., as a result of family or work obligations, financial impacts, job uncertainty)
  • 2: Boredom
  • 3: Loneliness
  • 4: Convenience (e.g., lack of regular schedule, at home more often, accessibility to opioids)
  • 5: Worsening of health or pain
  • 6: Other reason
  • 7: No particular reason

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q20

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your decreased use of opioids since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 01: Cost
  • 02: Personal responsibilities (e.g., family or work obligations, too busy)
  • 03: Personal choice (e.g., weight control, dislike the effects of opioids)
  • 04: Improved health or pain
  • 05: Inconvenience (e.g., difficulty accessing supply, lack of privacy to use at home)
  • 06: Concerned about drug quality
  • 07: Other reason
  • 08: No particular reason

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q25

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, did you ever continue to use opioids when you knew you had a serious physical or emotional problem that might have been caused by or made worse by your use of opioids?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q30

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, has your use of opioids interfered with your ability to maintain close relationships with other people?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - opioids (OPI) - Question identifier:OPI_Q35

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you seen, or talked on the telephone to, a medical doctor or other professional about your use of opioids?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD)

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q05

The following questions are about your non-prescribed drug use.
In the past 30 days, did you use any non-prescribed drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, not during the past 30 days
  • 3: Never used any non-prescribed drugs

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q10

On average, over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, how has your use of non-prescribed drugs changed when comparing to before the pandemic?

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: Not applicable
  • 4: Stayed about the same

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q15

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your increased use of non-prescribed drugs since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Stress (e.g., as a result of family or work obligations, financial impacts, job uncertainty)
  • 2: Boredom
  • 3: Loneliness
  • 4: Convenience (e.g., lack of regular schedule, at home more often, accessibility to non-prescription drugs)
  • 5: Worsening of health or pain
  • 6: Other reason
  • 7: No particular reason

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q20

Which of the following reasons have contributed to your decreased use of non-prescribed drugs since before the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 01: Cost
  • 02: Personal responsibilities (e.g., family or work obligations, too busy)
  • 03: Personal choice (e.g., weight control, dislike the effects of non-prescribed drugs)
  • 04: Improved health or pain
  • 05: Decreased opportunities for socialization (e.g., gatherings with friends and family)
  • 06: Inconvenience (e.g., difficulty accessing supply, lack of privacy to use at home)
  • 07: Concerned about quality of drugs
  • 08: Other reason
  • 09: No particular reason

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q25

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, did you ever continue to use non-prescribed drugs when you knew you had a serious physical or emotional problem that might have been caused by or made worse by your use of non-prescribed drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q30

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, has your use of non-prescribed drugs interfered with your ability to maintain close relationships with other people?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use - non-prescribed drugs (NPD) - Question identifier:NPD_Q35

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you seen, or talked on the telephone to, a medical doctor or other professional about your use of non-prescribed drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Substance use for pain management (PM)

Substance use for pain management (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q05A

The next questions are about your overall use of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs used specifically for pain since the beginning of the pandemic, and not only in the past 30 days. You may feel that some of these questions are similar to previously asked questions.
Have you used prescribed or non-prescribed drugs for pain since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Yes, prescription drugs
  • 2: Yes, non-prescription drugs
  • 3: Yes, both prescription and non-prescription drugs
  • 4: No

Substance use for pain management (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q05B

What types of drugs have you used for the purpose of managing pain since the beginning of the pandemic?

  • 01: Acetaminophen (e.g., prescribed Tylenol or Excedrin)
  • 02: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen (e.g., naproxen, including Naprosyn, or diclofenac gel)
  • 03: Low-dose codeine (e.g., Tylenol No. 1, Mersyndol)
  • 04: Opioids (e.g., codeine - other than low-dose, morphine, oxycodone, Percocet, Vicodin)
  • 05: Cannabis products, including edibles
  • 06: Antidepressants (e.g., Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Norpramin, Effexor, Cymbalta)
  • 07: Anticonvulsants or anti-seizure medications (e.g., Lyrica, Tegretol, Neurontin)
  • 08: Topical agents (e.g., prescription Voltaren)
  • 09: Other prescription drugs to manage pain

Substance use for pain management (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q05C

What types of drugs have you used for the purpose of managing pain since the beginning of the pandemic?

  • 01: Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol, Midol, Excedrin)
  • 02: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin, Advil, naproxen, including Aleve and Naprosyn)
  • 03: Low-dose codeine (e.g., Tylenol No. 1)
  • 04: Opioids (e.g., codeine - other than low-dose, fentanyl)
  • 05: Cannabis products, including edibles
  • 06: Illegal drugs (e.g., cocaine, heroin, illegally manufactured fentanyl, ecstasy)
  • 07: Topical agents (e.g., Aspercreme, BenGay, Icy Hot, Capzasin-P, Rub A535, Voltaren)
  • 08: Other non-prescription drugs to manage pain

Substance use for pain management (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q05D

What types of drugs have you used for the purpose of managing pain since the beginning of the pandemic?

  • 01: Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol, Midol or Excedrin)
  • 02: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin, Advil, naproxen, including Aleve and Naprosyn, or diclofenac gel)
  • 03: Low-dose codeine (e.g., Tylenol No. 1, Mersyndol)
  • 04: Opioids (e.g., codeine - other than low-dose, fentanyl, morphine, oxycodone, Percocet, Vicodin)
  • 05: Cannabis products, including edibles
  • 06: Illegal drugs (e.g., cocaine, heroin, illegally manufactured fentanyl, ecstasy)
  • 07: Antidepressants (e.g., Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Norpramin, Effexor, Cymbalta)
  • 08: Anticonvulsants or anti-seizure medications (e.g., Lyrica, Tegretol, Neurontin)
  • 09: Topical agents (e.g., Aspercreme, BenGay, Icy Hot, Capzasin-P, Rub A535, Voltaren)
  • 10: Other prescription and non-prescription drugs to manage pain

Substance use for pain management (PM) - Question identifier:PM_Q10

How often did you use any type of these drugs for managing pain since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Less than once a month
  • 2: 1 to 3 times a month
  • 3: Once a week
  • 4: More than once a week
  • 5: Every day

Help sought for problems with mental health or substance use (HS)

Help sought for problems with mental health or substance use (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q05

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, were you hospitalized overnight or longer for problems with your emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Help sought for problems with mental health or substance use (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q10

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you seen, or talked on the telephone to, any of the following people about problems with your emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs?

  • 01: Psychiatrist
  • 02: Family doctor or general practitioner
  • 03: Psychologist
  • 04: Nurse
  • 05: Social worker, counsellor, or psychotherapist
  • 06: Family member
  • 07: Friend
  • 08: Co-worker, supervisor, or boss
  • 09: Teacher or school principal
  • 10: Other person
  • 11: None

Help sought for problems with mental health or substance use (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q15

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you taken any prescribed medication to help you with problems with your emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Help sought for problems with mental health or substance use (HS) - Question identifier:HS_Q20

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, was there ever a time when you felt that you needed help for your emotions, mental health or use of alcohol or drugs, but you didn't receive it?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Household members' substance use (HM)

Household members' substance use (HM) - Question identifier:HM_Q05

The following questions are about your household members' substance use.
Are you concerned about your spouse or partner's substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Not applicable - I don't have a spouse or partner or I don't have a spouse or partner living in my household

Household members' substance use (HM) - Question identifier:HM_Q10

Are you concerned about your child's or children's substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Not applicable - I don't have any children or I don't have any children living in my household

Household members' substance use (HM) - Question identifier:HM_Q15

Are you concerned about any other household member's substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Not applicable - I don't have any other household members

Stigma (ST)

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_R05

The following questions are about stigma related to substance use.

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q05A

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

People who have a problem with alcohol or drugs should be embarrassed or uncomfortable to tell friends or family that they have a problem

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q05B

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

Society should be friendlier toward people with an alcohol or drug problem

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q05C

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

People who have an alcohol or drug problem should find it embarrassing or uncomfortable to seek help or treatment

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q05D

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I have sympathy for people who misuse alcohol or drugs

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10A

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I find it embarrassing or uncomfortable to tell friends or family about my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10B

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I find it embarrassing or uncomfortable to seek help or treatment for my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10C

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I have experienced difficulties in obtaining treatment for my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10D

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I have been discriminated against by health professionals because of my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10E

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I often feel alone because of my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10F

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I am scared of how people will react if they find out about my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10G

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

People have insulted me because of my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10H

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

People have avoided me because of my alcohol or drug use

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

Stigma (ST) - Question identifier:ST_Q10I

Below is a list of statements. For each one of them, please select the answer that best applies to you.

I feel the need to hide my problems with alcohol or drugs from my friends and family

  • 1: Strongly agree
  • 2: Agree
  • 3: Disagree
  • 4: Strongly disagree
  • 5: Not applicable

COVID-19 alert application (COV)

COVID-19 alert application (COV) - Question identifier:COV_Q05A

The following questions are about the COVID-19 alert application.
A national app, COVID Alert, is available to receive notifications of a possible exposure to COVID-19 without using or collecting personal information or location data. Have you downloaded this app?

  • 1: Yes, I have downloaded the app
  • 2: No, but I plan to download the app
  • 3: I have not yet decided whether to install the app
  • 4: No, I will not or cannot download the app

COVID-19 alert application (COV) - Question identifier:COV_Q05B

Why would you not download COVID Alert?

  • 01: The app would be too much hassle to install
  • 02: I don't believe enough people will install it
  • 03: Lack of interest
  • 04: It would negatively impact my mental health
  • 05: I think it is an invasion of privacy
  • 06: I don't want the government to have access to my location data
  • 07: I don't believe I will catch the COVID-19 virus
  • 08: I don't own a smartphone
  • 09: My smartphone is not compatible with the app
  • 10: I do not have a data plan
  • 11: Other reason

COVID-19 alert application (COV) - Question identifier:COV_Q05C

Why would you not download COVID Alert?

  • 01: The app would be too much hassle to install
  • 02: I don't believe enough people will install it
  • 03: Lack of interest
  • 04: It would negatively impact my mental health
  • 05: I think it is an invasion of privacy
  • 06: I don't want the government to have access to my location data
  • 07: I don't believe I will catch the COVID-19 virus
  • 08: I don't own a smartphone
  • 09: My smartphone is not compatible with the app
  • 10: I do not have a data plan
  • 11: Other reason

Gender (GDR)

Gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q05

The following questions are about sex at birth and gender.
What was your sex at birth?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female

Gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_Q10

The following questions are about sex at birth and gender.
What is your gender?

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 3: Or please specify

Gender (GDR) - Question identifier:GDR_R15

Please verify that all of the information is correct.

Your information

Sex assigned at birth: [Male/Female/Information not provided]
Gender: [Male/Female/^GDR_S10/Information not provided]

Thank you for agreeing to take part in the Canadian Perspectives Survey Series! (TYP)

Thank you for agreeing to take part in the Canadian Perspectives Survey Series! (TYP) - Question identifier:TYP_Q05

This is the last questionnaire of this series. Thanks to you, Statistics Canada was able to quickly share information on the health and economic impacts the current pandemic is having on Canadians.
Please provide any feedback on your experience completing the series of surveys.

Long Answer Length = 200

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