National Cannabis Survey

For Information onlyThis is an electronic survey example for information purposes only. This is not a working questionnaire.

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Household information (DEM)

Household information (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q05

Including yourself, how many people live in your household?

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.

  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Household information (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q10

Including yourself, how many of these people are 15 years of age or more?

Note: Press the help button (?) for additional information, including who to include and who not to include.

  • 01: 1
  • 02: 2
  • 03: 3
  • 04: 4
  • 05: 5
  • 06: 6
  • 07: 7
  • 08: 8
  • 09: 9
  • 10: 10
  • 11: 11
  • 12: 12
  • 13: 13
  • 14: 14
  • 15: 15
  • 16: 16
  • 17: 17
  • 18: 18
  • 19: 19
  • 20: 20 or more

Household information (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q15

What is your gender?

Gender refers to current gender which may be different from sex assigned at birth and may be different from what is indicated on legal documents.

  • 1: Male
  • 2: Female
  • 3: Or please specify

Household information (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q19

What is your age?

Age in years

Min = 0; Max = 999

Household information (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q20

What is your age group?

  • 1: 15 to 24 years
  • 2: 25 to 34 years
  • 3: 35 to 44 years
  • 4: 45 to 54 years
  • 5: 55 to 64 years
  • 6: 65 years and over

Household information (DEM) - Question identifier:DEM_Q30

To determine which geographic region you live in, please provide your postal code.

Long Answer Length = 6

Postal code
Example: A9A 9A9

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN)

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_R05

The following questions are about cannabis use. In this series of questions when we use the term cannabis, we mean the use of cannabis (marijuana), hashish, hash oil or any other preparation of the cannabis plant.

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q05

During the past three months, how often did you use cannabis?

Your answers will be kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes.

  • 1: Not in the past three months
  • 2: Once or twice
  • 3: Monthly
  • 4: Weekly
  • 5: Daily or almost daily

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q06

Have you ever used or tried cannabis?

  • 1: Yes, just once
  • 2: Yes, more than once
  • 3: No

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q10

Did you start using cannabis in the past three months?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No, I started more than three months ago

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q15

Did you use or try cannabis for the first time because it is now legal?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q17

What is the main reason you use cannabis?

  • 1: Medical use with a medical document
  • 2: Medical use without a medical document
  • 3: Non-medical use
  • 4: Both medical use and non-medical use

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q20

In the past three months, where did you get the cannabis you used?

Include medical and non-medical purposes.

Select all that apply.

  • 01: I grow my own
  • 02: Someone grows it for me
  • 03: From an authorized retailer
  • 04: From a compassion club, dispensary or storefront
  • 05: Online from a licensed producer
  • 06: Online from another source
  • 07: It was shared around a group of friends
  • 08: From an acquaintance
  • 09: From a family member or friend
  • 10: From a dealer
  • 11: Other

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q25

In the past three months did you intend to obtain or purchase cannabis products from a legal source but were unable to do so?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q30

What was the main reason that you were not able to obtain or purchase it legally?

  • 1: I was not sure where to obtain it
  • 2: There are no retail outlets near me
  • 3: The type of cannabis I wanted was not available or not legal yet
  • 4: I did not have a medical document
  • 5: Other

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q35

How much did you spend on cannabis in the past three months?

Include purchases of seeds and plants.

  • 01: Nothing, got it free or traded something for it
  • 02: Between $1 and $10
  • 03: Between $11 and $25
  • 04: Between $26 and $50
  • 05: Between $51 and $100
  • 06: Between $101 and $150
  • 07: Between $151 and $250
  • 08: Between $251 and $500
  • 09: Between $501 and $750
  • 10: Between $751 and $1,000
  • 11: Between $1,001 and $1,250
  • 12: Over $1,250

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40A_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Dried flower or leaf
e.g., grass, weed

Unit of measure

  • 13: Grams
  • 30: 1/8 of an ounce
  • 31: 1/4 of an ounce
  • 32: 1/2 of an ounce
  • 33: Ounces
  • 40: Joints

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40A_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Dried flower or leaf
e.g., grass, weed

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40B_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Hashish or kief

Unit of measure

  • 13: Grams

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40B_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Hashish or kief

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40C_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Liquid concentrate
e.g., hash oil, butane honey oil

Unit of measure

  • 10: Milligrams
  • 13: Grams
  • 20: Millilitres
  • 39: Fluid ounces

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40C_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Liquid concentrate
e.g., hash oil, butane honey oil

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40D_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Cannabis oil cartridges or disposable vape pens

Unit of measure

  • 10: Milligrams
  • 20: Millilitres
  • 43: Cartridges
  • 44: Pens

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40D_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Cannabis oil cartridges or disposable vape pens

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40E_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Solid concentrate
e.g., shatter, budder

Unit of measure

  • 10: Milligrams
  • 13: Grams
  • 30: 1/8 of an ounce
  • 31: 1/4 of an ounce
  • 32: 1/2 of an ounce
  • 33: Ounces

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40E_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
Solid concentrate
e.g., shatter, budder

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40F_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
e.g., prepared food products

Unit of measure

  • 41: Packages
  • 42: Servings

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40F_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
e.g., prepared food products

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40G_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
e.g., cola, tea

Unit of measure

  • 20: Millilitres
  • 23: Litres
  • 42: Servings
  • 45: Cups

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40G_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
e.g., cola, tea

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40H_2

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
e.g., tinctures, topical ointments, fresh flower or leaf for juicing

Unit of measure

  • 10: Milligrams
  • 13: Grams
  • 20: Millilitres
  • 23: Litres
  • 30: 1/8 of an ounce
  • 31: 1/4 of an ounce
  • 32: 1/2 of an ounce
  • 33: Ounces
  • 39: Fluid ounces
  • 40: Joints
  • 41: Packages
  • 42: Servings
  • 43: Cartridges
  • 44: Pens
  • 45: Cups

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q40H_1

How much cannabis did you use in the past three months?
e.g., tinctures, topical ointments, fresh flower or leaf for juicing

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Quantity used in the past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q42

In the past three months, which of the following methods did you use most often?

  • 1: Smoked
  • 2: Vaped
  • 3: Consumed in food or drink
  • 4: Other

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45A_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Dried flower or leaf
e.g., grass, weed

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45A_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Dried flower or leaf
e.g., grass, weed

Unit of measure

  • 13: Per gram
  • 30: Per 1/8 of an ounce
  • 31: Per 1/4 of an ounce
  • 32: Per 1/2 of an ounce
  • 33: Per ounce
  • 40: Per joint

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45B_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Hashish or kief

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45B_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Hashish or kief

Unit of measure

  • 13: Per gram

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45C_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Liquid concentrate
e.g., hash oil, butane honey oil

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45C_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Liquid concentrate
e.g., hash oil, butane honey oil

Unit of measure

  • 10: Per milligram
  • 13: Per gram
  • 20: Per millilitre
  • 39: Per fluid ounce

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45D_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Cannabis oil cartridges or disposable vape pens

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45D_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Cannabis oil cartridges or disposable vape pens

Unit of measure

  • 10: Per milligram
  • 20: Per millilitre
  • 43: Per cartridge
  • 44: Per pen

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45E_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Solid concentrate
e.g., shatter, budder

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45E_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
Solid concentrate
e.g., shatter, budder

Unit of measure

  • 10: Per milligram
  • 13: Per gram
  • 30: Per 1/8 of an ounce
  • 31: Per 1/4 of an ounce
  • 32: Per 1/2 of an ounce
  • 33: Per ounce

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45F_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
e.g., prepared food products

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45F_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
e.g., prepared food products

Unit of measure

  • 41: Per package
  • 42: Per serving

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45G_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
e.g., cola, tea

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45G_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
e.g., cola, tea

Unit of measure

  • 20: Per millilitre
  • 23: Per litre
  • 42: Per serving
  • 45: Per cup

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45H_1

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
e.g., tinctures, topical ointments, fresh flower or leaf for juicing

Min = 0; Max = 99999.99

Price of last purchase in CAN$

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q45H_2

What was the price you paid for your last purchase?
e.g., tinctures, topical ointments, fresh flower or leaf for juicing

Unit of measure

  • 10: Per milligram
  • 13: Per gram
  • 20: Per millilitre
  • 23: Per litre
  • 30: Per 1/8 of an ounce
  • 31: Per 1/4 of an ounce
  • 32: Per 1/2 of an ounce
  • 33: Per ounce
  • 39: Per fluid ounce
  • 40: Per joint
  • 41: Per package
  • 42: Per serving
  • 43: Per cartridge
  • 44: Per pen
  • 45: Per cup

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q50A

Now that cannabis is legal for non-medical purposes, will you be more likely to use it or change your consumption?
I will be more likely to try it or to increase my consumption

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Maybe

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q50B

Now that cannabis is legal for non-medical purposes, will you be more likely to use it or change your consumption?
I will be more likely to try or consume different types of cannabis products

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Maybe

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q50C

Now that cannabis is legal for non-medical purposes, will you be more likely to use it or change your consumption?
I will be more likely to obtain or purchase it from another source

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Maybe

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51A

What are the 3 most important factors to you when selecting a source to buy cannabis?

Select up to 3 factors.

  • 01: Lowest price
  • 02: Quality and safety (e.g., free from mold, tested for pesticides, reputable grower)
  • 03: Sales support (e.g., able to discuss products and get advice before purchasing)
  • 04: Location (e.g., close to home)
  • 05: Accessible when I want (e.g., available (open) evenings and weekends)
  • 06: Able to make purchases online
  • 07: Anonymity or discretion
  • 08: Sell preferred THC and/or CBD potencies/formulations
  • 09: Sell preferred strain (e.g., purple kush, blue dream)
  • 10: Sell products not available in licenced stores or websites (e.g., concentrates, edibles, drinkables)
  • 11: Free shipping (online purchases)
  • 12: Fast delivery (e.g., same day shipping)
  • 13: Other

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51F

Now that cannabis consumption is legal, how often are you likely to use cannabis in the next three months?

  • 1: Will not use cannabis in the next three months
  • 2: Less than once a month
  • 3: Monthly
  • 4: Weekly
  • 5: Daily or almost daily

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51KA

In the past three months, how often did you use cannabis before or at the following places?

  • 1: Have not done this in the past three months
  • 2: Once or twice
  • 3: Monthly
  • 4: Weekly
  • 5: Daily or almost daily
  • 6: Not a student

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51KB

In the past three months, how often did you use cannabis before or at the following places?

  • 1: Have not done this in the past three months
  • 2: Once or twice
  • 3: Monthly
  • 4: Weekly
  • 5: Daily or almost daily
  • 6: Not working

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51PA

Thinking of your own cannabis use, please answer each of the following questions.
Have you ever had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis?

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes, but not in past 3 months
  • 3: Yes, in past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51PB

Thinking of your own cannabis use, please answer each of the following questions.
Has your cannabis use ever led to health, social, legal or financial problems?

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes, but not in past 3 months
  • 3: Yes, in past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51PC

Thinking of your own cannabis use, please answer each of the following questions.
Have you ever failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis?

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes, but not in past 3 months
  • 3: Yes, in past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51PD

Thinking of your own cannabis use, please answer each of the following questions.
Has a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of cannabis?

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes, but not in past 3 months
  • 3: Yes, in past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q51PE

Thinking of your own cannabis use, please answer each of the following questions.
Have you ever tried to control, cut down or stop using cannabis, but discovered that you were not able to do so?

  • 1: No
  • 2: Yes, but not in past 3 months
  • 3: Yes, in past 3 months

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q52

In the past three months, have you driven a motor vehicle within two hours of using cannabis?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Do not have a valid driver's license

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q52A

In the past three months, have you driven a motor vehicle within two hours of using both cannabis and alcohol?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Do not have a valid driver's license

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q53

In the past three months, have you been a passenger in a motor vehicle driven by someone who had been using cannabis in the previous two hours?

  • 1: Not in the past three months
  • 2: Yes, once
  • 3: Yes, more than once
  • 4: Don't know

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q53A

In the past three months, have you been a passenger in a motor vehicle driven by someone who had been using both cannabis and alcohol in the previous two hours?

  • 1: Not in the past three months
  • 2: Yes, once
  • 3: Yes, more than once
  • 4: Don't know

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q54A

As far as you know, when is it safe for someone to drive a motor vehicle after using cannabis?

  • 01: Immediately
  • 02: 30 minutes to just under 1 hour
  • 03: 1 hour to just under 3 hours
  • 04: 3 hours to just under 5 hours
  • 05: 5 hours to just under 7 hours
  • 06: 7 hours to 8 hours
  • 07: More than 8 hours
  • 08: Depends on each person, weight, quantity and method of consumption
  • 09: Other

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q54G

As far as you know, can cannabis use be addictive for some people?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No
  • 3: Don't know

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q55

What is your marital status?

  • 1: Married
  • 2: Living common-law
  • 3: Widowed
  • 4: Separated
  • 5: Divorced
  • 6: Single, never married

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q60A

In general, how would you rate
your physical health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q60B

In general, how would you rate
your mental health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q65

Last week, what was your main activity?

Main activity means the activity on which you spend most of your time.

  • 01: Working at a paid job or business
  • 02: Vacation (From paid work)
  • 03: Looking for paid work
  • 04: Going to school
  • 05: Caring for children
  • 06: Household work
  • 07: Retired
  • 08: Maternity/paternity or parental leave
  • 09: Long-term illness
  • 10: Volunteering or care-giving other than for children
  • 11: Other

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q70

What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you have completed?

  • 1: Less than high school diploma or its equivalent
  • 2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate
  • 3: Trade certificate or diploma
  • 4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (Other than trades certificates or diplomas)
  • 5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor's level
  • 6: Bachelor's degree (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.)
  • 7: University certificate, diploma, degree above the bachelor's level

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_Q75

What is your best estimate of your total household income received by all household members, from all sources, before taxes and deductions, during the year ending December 31, [2019]?

Income can come from various sources such as from work, investments, pensions or government. Examples include Employment Insurance, social assistance, child benefits and other income such as child support, spousal support (alimony) and rental income.

Capital gains should not be included in the household income.

  • 1: Less than $20,000
  • 2: $20,000 to less than $40,000
  • 3: $40,000 to less than $60,000
  • 4: $60,000 to less than $80,000
  • 5: $80,000 to less than $100,000
  • 6: $100,000 to less than $150,000
  • 7: $150,000 and over

Cannabis Use and Spending (CAN) - Question identifier:CAN_R100

If you are ready to submit the questionnaire, press the Submit button.

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