Canadian Perspectives Survey Series 4 - Information Sources Consulted During the Pandemic

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Labour market impacts (LM)

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_R05

The following questions concern your activities during the week of ^REFDATE_E.

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_Q05

During that week, did you work at a job or business?

Select "Yes" if you worked at least one hour:
• for pay (wages, salary, etc.)
• in self-employment.

Select "No" if you:
• were away from work for the entire week for a reason such as vacation, illness, work schedule or layoff
• did not have a job or business.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_Q10

During that week, did you have a job or business from which you were absent?

Select "Yes" if you:
• were away from work for the entire week for a reason such as vacation, illness, parental leave or work schedule
• were self-employed with a business, but no work was available.

Select "No" if you:
• did not have a job or business
• had a casual job, but no work was available.

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Labour market impacts (LM) - Question identifier:LM_Q15

What was the main reason you were absent from work that week?

Would you say:

  • 1: Planned absence not related to COVID-19 (e.g., vacation, work schedule, maternity or parental leave, seasonal job or business)
  • 2: Unplanned absence not related to COVID-19 (e.g., illness or disability other than COVID-19, caring for children or elder relative for non-COVID-19 reasons, labour dispute (strike or lockout))
  • 3: Business closure or layoff related to COVID-19
  • 4: Personal circumstances related to COVID-19 (e.g., personal safety, own or household member's diagnosis, self-isolation after recent travel, taking care of children due to school closure)

Sources of information (BH1)

Sources of information (BH1) - Question identifier:BH1_R05

The following questions are about sources of information relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sources of information (BH1) - Question identifier:BH1_Q05

What is your main source of information to find out about COVID-19?

i.e., major symptoms, how and when to get tested, closures, travel restrictions and recommendations, maintaining good mental and physical health.

Would you say:

  • 01: News outlets including local, national and international sources
  • 02: Federal health agency (e.g., website, public service announcements)
  • 03: Provincial or territorial health agency (e.g., website, public service announcements)
  • 04: Municipal health agency (e.g., website, public service announcements)
  • 05: Federal daily announcements by public health and political leaders
  • 06: Provincial or territorial daily announcements by public health and political leaders
  • 07: Social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube)
  • 08: Family, friends or colleagues
  • 09: Health professionals
  • 10: Schools, universities, colleges (e.g., email, website)
  • 11: Place of employment
  • 12: Other
  • 13: I do not look for information about this

Checking information sources (FC)

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q05

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following online sources have you used to find information on COVID-19?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Social media posts from other users or influencers (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr)
  • 02: Social media posts from news organizations, magazines
  • 03: Online newspapers or news sites (e.g., Globe and Mail, National Post, CBC News)
  • 04: Online magazine on current events (e.g., Macleans, Vice, Narcity, National Geographic)
  • 05: Online forums (e.g., Reddit, 4Chan, Yahoo Groups)
  • 06: Online encyclopedia or repository (e.g., Wikipedia)
  • 07: Blogs
  • 08: Podcasts
  • 09: Online video sharing platforms (e.g., YouTube, TikTok)
  • 10: Email from a friend or family
  • 11: Other
  • 12: Did not use the Internet to find information on COVID-19

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_R10

The following questions are about information you found related to COVID-19 on Internet news sites and social media platforms.

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q10

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you check the accuracy of information about COVID-19 on the Internet?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q15

What did you do to check the accuracy of information you found about COVID-19 on the Internet?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Did a search on the author or source to see if they are credible
  • 02: Consulted other sources of information to check for consistency and accuracy
  • 03: Clicked on the link to read the entire news article
  • 04: Verified the URL address to see if the site is credible
  • 05: Verified the date of the information
  • 06: Read the comments to see discussion on the topic and source
  • 07: Consulted my friends, family or online network to validate the information
  • 08: Other

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q20

Why did you not check the accuracy of information related to COVID-19 on the Internet?

Select all that apply.

  • 1: Did not think about checking
  • 2: Did not have time to check
  • 3: Did not know how to check
  • 4: Did not care about checking
  • 5: Thought it would be too difficult to check
  • 6: Did not check because knew the source was not reliable
  • 7: Trusted the source without having to check

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q25

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, how often have you seen information related to COVID-19 on the Internet that you suspected was misleading, false or inaccurate?

i.e., fake news

  • 1: Multiple times a day
  • 2: Once a day
  • 3: At least once a week
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q30

Have you ever believed that information related to COVID-19 was true and then later realized that it was not?

  • 1: Yes
  • 2: No

Checking information sources (FC) - Question identifier:FC_Q35

How often have you shared COVID-19-related information that you found online, without knowing about its accuracy?

  • 1: Always
  • 2: Often
  • 3: Sometimes
  • 4: Rarely
  • 5: Never

Behaviours and health impacts (BH)

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q20

Which of the following precautions have you taken to reduce your risk of exposure to COVID-19?

Select all that apply.

  • 01: Stocked up on essentials at a grocery store or pharmacy
  • 02: Filled prescriptions
  • 03: Made a plan for caring for household members who are ill
  • 04: Made a plan for other non-household members (e.g., elderly relatives)
  • 05: Made a plan for communicating with family, friends and neighbours
  • 06: Avoided leaving the house for non-essential reasons
  • 07: Used physical distancing when out in public (i.e., made changes in your everyday routine to minimize close contact with others)
  • 08: Avoided crowds and large gatherings
  • 09: Washed your hands more regularly
  • 10: Avoided touching your face
  • 11: Cancelled travel
  • 12: Worked from home
  • 13: Other
  • 14: None of the above
  • 15: Wore a mask or other personal protective equipment

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_R30

The following two questions are related to your mental health.

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q30

In general, how is your mental health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150A

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150B

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Not being able to stop or control worrying

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150C

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Worrying too much about different things

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150D

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Trouble relaxing

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150E

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Being so restless that it is hard to sit still

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150F

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Becoming easily annoyed or irritable

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q150G

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Several days
  • 3: More than half the days
  • 4: Nearly every day

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55A

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
My own health

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55B

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Member of the household's health

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55C

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Vulnerable people's health

e.g., elderly family members

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55D

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Canadian population's health

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55E

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
World population's health

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55F

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Overloading the health system

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55G

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Civil disorder

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55H

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Maintaining social ties

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55I

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Ability to cooperate and support one another during the crisis

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55J

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Ability to cooperate and support one another after the crisis

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55K

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Family stress from confinement

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q55L

How concerned are you about each of the following impacts of COVID-19?
Violence in your home

  • 1: Not at all
  • 2: Somewhat
  • 3: Very
  • 4: Extremely

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q25

In general, how is your health?

  • 1: Excellent
  • 2: Very good
  • 3: Good
  • 4: Fair
  • 5: Poor

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q35A

Are you doing any of the following activities for your mental or physical health?
Communication with friends and family

  • 1: Yes, for my mental health
  • 2: Yes, for my physical health
  • 3: Yes, for both my mental and physical health
  • 4: No

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q35B

Are you doing any of the following activities for your mental or physical health?

  • 1: Yes, for my mental health
  • 2: Yes, for my physical health
  • 3: Yes, for both my mental and physical health
  • 4: No

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q35C

Are you doing any of the following activities for your mental or physical health?
Exercise outdoors

  • 1: Yes, for my mental health
  • 2: Yes, for my physical health
  • 3: Yes, for both my mental and physical health
  • 4: No

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q35D

Are you doing any of the following activities for your mental or physical health?
Exercise indoors

  • 1: Yes, for my mental health
  • 2: Yes, for my physical health
  • 3: Yes, for both my mental and physical health
  • 4: No

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q35E

Are you doing any of the following activities for your mental or physical health?
Changing my food choices

  • 1: Yes, for my mental health
  • 2: Yes, for my physical health
  • 3: Yes, for both my mental and physical health
  • 4: No

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40A

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Consuming alcohol

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40B

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Using tobacco products

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40C

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Consuming cannabis

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40D

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Eating junk food or sweets

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40E

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Watching television

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40F

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Spending time on the Internet

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40G

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Playing video games

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q40H

Have your weekly habits changed for any of the following activities?
Playing board games

  • 1: Increased
  • 2: Decreased
  • 3: No change

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q60A

In the last week, that is #{REFDATE_E}, how often did you do each of the following activities?
Went shopping at the grocery store or drugstore

  • 1: Daily or more
  • 2: 4 or 5 times
  • 3: 1 to 3 times
  • 4: Never

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q60B

In the last week, that is #{REFDATE_E}, how often did you do each of the following activities?
Used a delivery service for groceries or for a drugstore

  • 1: Daily or more
  • 2: 4 or 5 times
  • 3: 1 to 3 times
  • 4: Never

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q60C

In the last week, that is #{REFDATE_E}, how often did you do each of the following activities?
Used a food delivery service for prepared food

e.g., from a restaurant

  • 1: Daily or more
  • 2: 4 or 5 times
  • 3: 1 to 3 times
  • 4: Never

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q110

Excluding members of your household, how many people in total did you come in close contact with yesterday?

'Close contact' means within 2 meters or 6 feet.
Include any people such as co-workers, relatives, neighbours, delivery workers, other shoppers, health professionals and restaurant employees.

Was it:

  • 1: No contact with people outside my household
  • 2: 1 to 2 individuals
  • 3: Between 3 and 5 individuals
  • 4: 6 or more individuals

Behaviours and health impacts (BH) - Question identifier:BH_Q115

Excluding members of your household, how many people in total did you come in close contact with during the last 7 days?

'Close contact' means within 2 meters or 6 feet.
Include any people such as co-workers, relatives, neighbours, delivery workers, other shoppers, health professionals and restaurant employees.

Was it:

  • 1: No contact with people outside my household
  • 2: Between 1 and 3 individuals
  • 3: Between 4 and 8 individuals
  • 4: Between 9 and 15 individuals
  • 5: 16 or more individuals
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