Agri-Food and Fisheries Information Service (Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera)

Detailed information for the data can be obtained from the contact above.





Record number:


The area, production and value data for the Mexican potato crop in this table are provided by the Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera.

For further details, please refer to:

Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera
Av. Benjamin Franklin 146, Col Escandón
Delegación Miquel Hidalgo
C.P. 11800 México, D.F.

Telephone: (01552) 55 3871-8500 ext 120-173
Websites: or

Data release - This is non-Statistics Canada information.


This is non-Statistics Canada information.

Concepts for Mexico

Mexico has two seasons for potatoes. The fall and winter season has plantings occurring from October to March, while the spring and summer season has plantings occurring from April to September. Data for each crop year would represent potatoes planted from October of the previous calendar year to September of that year. Likewise, the Mexican potato harvest would occur from December of the previous year till March of calendar year following the reported year.

For the area and production reported for 2009, planting would have been carried out between October of 2008, up to and including September of 2009, while the harvest of those potatoes would occur from December 2008 up to and including March of 2010.

The area planted reflects the seeded area. Harvested area can include area that has partial damages, but a harvest sill occurred.

Production is the volume obtained from the harvested area. Production that is not suitable for use is not collected in the estimates. The yield is calculated by dividing the production by the harvested area.

The farm price is defined as the average price paid to producers at the time of the first transaction. It does not include the economic benefits of Support Programs from the government to producers, nor expenses of movement and classification when the producer takes it to the sale center.

The farm value includes the value of all first transactions. It does include a value for potatoes consumed or used on the farm where it was harvested.

Mexican potato estimates come from administrative sources or crop specialists.


  • Agriculture and food (formerly Agriculture)
  • Crops and horticulture
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