Production, Shipments and Stocks on Hand of Sawmills in British Columbia

Detailed information for December 1995





Record number:


The survey collected data from manufacturers of lumber and ties in British Columbia.

Data release - February 20, 1996


This survey was discontinued in 1995. However, as of reference year 1996, collection of
data resumed as part of the Sawmills and Planing Mills (record number

The survey collects data from manufacturers of lumber and ties in British Columbia. The results, which provide an early indication of trends in the Canadian economy, are used by both industry and government. They are also used to improve the quality and detail of information collected in the annual survey of manufacturers.


  • Manufacturing
  • Wood, paper and printing

Data sources and methodology


This is a sample survey with a cross-sectional design.

The original frame for this survey was based on information from the British Columbia Forest Service and the Annual Survey of Manufactures. This list is updated annually using the Annual Survey of Manufactures. For purposes of this survey, British Columbia is divided into two areas, Coast and Interior. The interior area is subdivided into north, central and south for compilation and estimation purposes. Mills in the interior are also grouped according to their size based on production. Mills with an annual production of 3MM bd ft and over receive survey questionnaires monthly. Estimates based on the Annual Survey of Manufactures are prepared on a monthly basis for mills with annual production under 3MM bd ft. For coast mills failing to report, estimates are made based on a repeat of the previous months figures, either reported or estimated. Estimates for non-reporting interior mills are based on the movements of reporting mills. Stock is estimated on a global basis by area. A ratio of reported stocks/production (planer mill stock removed) calculated by area is applied to the total production (reported and estimated) of the area, to give total stock figures for that area. Reported stocks are subtracted from total calculated stocks to arrive at estimated stocks. Species distribution for all estimations are made on the basis of reported figures. A preprinted manuscript reviewed each year by the S.M.O. for the best presentation of collected data in line with current demands, is prepared from the above information. Monthly and year-to-date figures on production and shipments, species distribution, are included. Year-to-date figures on production are obtained by adding previous month figures to current month (adding in or subtracting any adjustments which may be necessary due to reporting errors or what have you). Year-to-date shipment figures are calculated using the formula: Total Stocks December 31 of previous year plus year to date production minus current months stock equals total year to date shipments up to that month. Specific records (i.e. % estimation, stock/production ratio etc.) to enable proper presentation of manuscript etc., are also kept. It should be noted that no collected information is published if there is any chance of one company's figures being disclosed, unless that company(s) has agreed in writing to the release of its information.

Error detection

All current questionnaires, surveys and publications are reviewed on an annual basis.


An estimation for non reporting mills and mills not included in the survey is made by moving previous months reported figures either up or down based on reporting mills which reported two consecutive months.

Quality evaluation

Estimations for about 5% of total production are made on the basis of updated figures.

Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any data which would divulge information obtained under the Statistics Act that relates to any identifiable person, business or organization without the prior knowledge or the consent in writing of that person, business or organization. The confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act override the provisions of any other Act, including the Access to Information Act, to guarantee the confidentiality of reported data of individual respondents. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

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