Monthly New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey (NMVS)

Detailed information for November 2010





Record number:


This survey collects data on monthly retail sales (in dollars and in units) of new motor vehicles sold in Canada.

Data release - January 14, 2011


This survey collects data on monthly retail sales (in dollars and in units) of new motor vehicles sold in Canada.

The interest in and need for detailed statistics on the automobile industry arose when the industry began playing a prominent role in the Canadian economy. For over 50 years, Statistics Canada has been collecting and disseminating statistical information on the retail sales of new motor vehicles. Not only are these statistics required to produce estimates of Canadian consumer spending for inclusion in the national accounts and the gross domestic product, but they have also served and continue to serve as one of the most important, most often requested indicators of the health of Canada's economy.

Over time, estimates of the total retail sales volume of new motor vehicles were not sufficient to meet the incessant demand for more information. There came an increasing need for data on the characteristics of the fleet of new vehicles sold at retail, either to learn more about the preferences of Canadian consumers or to assess the penetration of the Canadian market by major foreign manufacturers. Statistics on new motor vehicle sales were expanded in the early 1970s to provide separate figures for Japanese vehicle sales.

Reference period: Month

Collection period: For the first until the last day of each month, monthly


  • Retail and wholesale
  • Retail sales by type of product
  • Retail sales by type of store
  • Transportation
  • Transportation by road

Data sources and methodology

Target population

This survey is a census of all new motor vehicle manufacturers and importers known to be active in Canada.

Instrument design

This questionnaire is comprised of variables compiled by automobile manufacturers based on consolidated totals from their dealers' monthly reports on sales of new motor vehicles. The items on the questionnaire have remained unchanged for several years. However, should modifications become necessary, proposed changes would go through a review committee, and a field test with respondents, and data users in order to ensure its relevancy.


This survey is a census with a cross-sectional design.

Data are collected for all units of the target population, therefore, no sampling is done.

Data sources

Responding to this survey is mandatory.

Data are collected directly from survey respondents.

The Statistics Canada head office is responsible for the mail-out, collection and initial follow-up of the new motor vehicle survey. If required, additional follow-up with respondents may be done by analysts at the head office. When new dealers or manufacturers enter the country, their head office is contacted in advance and is requested to complete the survey once they begin to sell new automobiles in Canada.

View the Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s) .

Error detection

There are edits built into the data capture application to check the entered data for unusual values, as well as to check for logical inconsistencies. Whenever an edit fails, the interviewer is prompted to correct the information (with the help of the respondent when necessary). For most edit failures the interviewer has the ability to override the edit failure if necessary.

Once the data have been captured, an extensive series of processing steps are undertaken to thoroughly verify each record received. Edits are performed at an aggregate level (e.g., by province or by comparison with data from POLK Canada publications) to detect records which deviate from the expected, either by exhibiting large month-to-month change, or differing significantly from the remaining companies. All data failing these edits are subject to manual inspection and possible corrective action.


Normally, the response rate is 100%. If required, imputation of missing values or records is normally based on historical data, or data from the New Motor Vehicle Manufactures Association.


This methodology type does not apply to this statistical program.

Quality evaluation

Prior to dissemination, combined survey results are analyzed for comparability; in general, this includes a detailed review of individual responses, general economic conditions, and historical trends.

Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Confidentiality analysis includes the detection of possible direct disclosure, which occurs when the value in a tabulation cell is composed of a few respondents or when the cell is dominated by a few companies.

Revisions and seasonal adjustment

Raw data are revised, on a monthly basis for the month immediately prior to the current reference month being published. That is, when data for December are being published for the first time, there will also be revisions, if necessary, to the raw data for November. In addition, revisions are made once a year, with the release of the February data for the first time, for all months in the previous years. The purpose is to correct any significant problems that have been found that apply for an extended period. The actual period of revision depends on the nature of the problem identified, but rarely exceeds three years.

Since April 2008, New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey data are seasonally adjusted using the X11-method found in the X12-ARIMA software. This consists of extrapolating a year's worth of raw data with the ARIMA model (auto-regressive integrated moving average model), and of seasonally adjusting the raw time series. And then, the annual totals of the seasonally adjusted series are forced to the annual totals of the original series.

The seasonally adjusted data also need to be revised. In part, they need to reflect the revisions identified for the raw data. Also, the seasonally adjusted estimates are calculated using X-12-ARIMA, and the trend is sensitive to the most recent values reported in the raw data. For this reason, with the release of each month of new data, the seasonally adjusted values for the previous three months are revised. Seasonal adjustment enables month-to-month growth rates to be analyzed taking into account the trend-cycle, seasonality, the trading-day effect, the Easter holiday effect and the irregular component.

Once a year, seasonal adjustments options are reviewed to take into account the most recent data. Revised seasonally adjusted estimates for each month in the previous years are released at the same time as the annual revision to the raw data. The actual period of revision depends on the number years the raw data was revised but rarely exceeds six years.

For more information about the revisions and seasonal adjustments method, please see the Seasonal Adjustment Statement under 'Documentation' below.

Data accuracy

All attempts have been made to minimize the non-sampling errors: the questionnaires used in the survey have been carefully designed to minimize different interpretations; detailed acceptance testing has been carried out for the different stages of data editing and processing.

Response rate is generally 100%. As such, results usually don't suffer from any bias resulting from cases of non-response.


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