Annual Survey of Retail Travel Agencies, Tour Operators and Tour Wholesalers

Detailed information for 1997





Record number:


This survey collects employment and financial data from automobile and truck rental firms, retail travel agencies, tour operators, wholesalers, and other miscellaneous service industries in Canada.


The Annual Survey of Retail Travel Agencies, Tour Operators and Tour Wholesalers collects annual employment and financial data from automobile and truck rental firms, retail travel agencies, tour operators, wholesalers, and other miscellaneous service industries in Canada. The information is used by various levels of government for marketing and promotional purposes, as well as Tourism Canada which uses the data for planning purposes.

Statistical activity

This survey is part of the Service Industries Program. The survey data gathered are used to compile aggregate statistics for over thirty service industry groupings. Financial data, including revenue, expense and profit statistics are available for all of the surveys in the program. In addition, many compile and disseminate industry-specific information.

Reference period: Calendar year


  • Accommodation and food
  • Business, consumer and property services
  • Business performance and ownership
  • Financial statements and performance
  • Travel and tourism

Data sources and methodology

Target population

The target population consists of all statistical establishments (sometimes referred to as firms or units) classified as travel agencies (NAICS 561510) or Tour operators (NAICS 561520) according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) during the reference year.


This is a sample survey with a cross-sectional design.

Data sources

Responding to this survey is mandatory.

Data are collected directly from survey respondents.

Data were collected from administrative files provided by Revenue Canada in machine readable form.

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