Survey on Innovation in the Food Processing Industry

Detailed information for 2023





Record number:


The objective of this survey is to collect new statistical information on the nature and extent of product, process, marketing and organizational innovations in the Canadian food processing industry and on other emerging issues in the food processing industry.


Statistics Canada conducts the Survey on Innovation in the Food Processing Industry in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada to collect new statistical information in the food processing industry. The data collection focuses on:
- the nature, extent, challenges, and benefits of innovation in the Canadian food processing industry;
- use of government support programs and efforts to raise capital for innovation;
- research and developments activities in the industry;
- unusable food parts and unmarketable food products; and
- private certification systems.

An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations.

For the purpose of this survey, innovations can be new to the business, but do not need to be new to one of its markets. This includes products, processes and methods that the business is the first to develop and those that have been adopted from within its enterprise, other businesses or organizations.

The Food Processing Industry is primarily involved in manufacturing and producing food for human and animal consumption, excluding beverage and tobacco manufacturing.

Results from this survey may be used by businesses and trade associations to study industry performance, government departments and agencies, including Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to assist in policy formation and by the academic community for research purposes.


  • Food, beverage and tobacco
  • Innovation
  • Manufacturing
  • Science and technology

Data sources and methodology

Target population

The target population for the Innovation in the Food Processing Industry Survey is all establishments that are active, classified under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code 311 'Food Manufacturing' with revenues $1 million or more in the calendar year 2023. NAICS 311 includes:
- NAICS 3111 Animal food manufacturing;
- NAICS 3112 Grain and oilseed milling;
- NAICS 3113 Sugar and confectionary product manufacturing;
- NAICS 3114 Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing;
- NAICS 3115 Dairy product manufacturing;
- NAICS 311614 Rendering and meat processing from carcasses;
- NAICS 311615 Poultry processing;
- NAICS 311616 Beef cattle slaughtering;
- NAICS 311617 Hog slaughtering;
- NAICS 311619 Other animal slaughtering;
- NAICS 3117 Seafood product preparation and packaging;
- NAICS 3118 Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing;
- NACIS 3119 Other food manufacturing.

There are approximately 3,600 in-scope establishments in the target population.

Instrument design

The Survey on Innovation in the Food Processing Industry 2023 uses an electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed based on the 2018 iteration of the survey. Modified or newly added questions were mainly to incorporate emerging concepts and issues both in the innovation and food processing areas.

Statistics Canada's Questionnaire Design Resource Centre (QDRC) field-tested the questionnaire with potential respondents. The Centre for Special Business Projects reviewed and revised the 2023 questionnaire together with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to incorporate feedback from QDRC.


This is a census of all establishments that are active, classified under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code 311 'Food Manufacturing' with revenues $1 million or more in the calendar year 2023.
The survey frame was built from units meeting these criteria on the January 31st 2024 snapshot of Statistics Canada's Business Register.

The target population was stratified by the NAICS 4-digit and 6 regions (Alberta, Atlantic, BC and Territories, Ontario, Prairies and Québec).

A secure access code was mailed or emailed to all respondents inviting them to respond to the electronic questionnaire.

The final sample size was 3,660 units.

Data sources

Data collection for this reference period: 2024-03-11 to 2024-06-26

Responding to this survey is mandatory.

Data are collected directly from survey respondents.

The data are collected through an electronic questionnaire (EQ), with non-response follow-up and failed edit follow-up for priority questions.

Administrative data (T2, PD7 and Exporter data) are used for data validation and to assist with imputation only.

View the Questionnaire(s) and reporting guide(s) .

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