Infrastructure Construction Price Index (ICPI)

Detailed information for 2002 to 2012





Record number:


The Infrastructure Construction Price Index (ICPI) is an analytical price index series measuring annual changes in the cost of municipal infrastructure construction projects funded by development charges and completed by the client.

Data release - October 31, 2013 (Capital Expenditure Price Statistics (62-007-X))


The Infrastructure Construction Price Index (ICPI) series measures the price change for constructing municipal infrastructure construction projects funded by development charges and completed by the client.

The ICPI is created on a cost-recovery basis for the client.

The index provides users with information that can be employed in contract escalation, cost-benefit analysis, benchmarking studies and time series analysis.

Reference period: The time period for which the ICPI equals 100; currently this is the year 2001.

Collection period: The first quarter of the calendar year following the reference year.


  • Construction price indexes
  • Prices and price indexes

Data sources and methodology

Target population

The universe for the ICPI consists of a sample of infrastructure construction projects completed by the client and funded by municipal development charges.

Instrument design

This methodology does not apply.


The sample of infrastructure construction projects funded by development charges is supplied by the client.

Data sources

Data are collected from other Statistics Canada surveys and/or other sources.

Prices are collected for three general categories of inputs; materials and equipment, labour and expenditures funded by development charges. Price series related to materials and equipment come from the Statistics Canada Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI), Non-residential Building Construction Price Index (NRBCPI) and Machinery and Equipment Price Index (MEPI) series. Data on labour costs comes from the Statistics Canada Construction Union Wage Rate Index (CUWRI) series and the client. Information pertaining to expenditures funded by development charges is supplied by the client.

Error detection

Error detection is conducted during post collection editing, through a system of data validity specifications. Failing records are reviewed for editing and corrected when necessary.


This methodology type does not apply to this statistical program.


The weights are derived from information relating to completed infrastructure construction projects, as supplied to Statistics Canada by the client. From this information, representative pricing models are produced and the corresponding weights are used to aggregate the sub-component series into the total series.

Quality evaluation

The quality of this index is maintained through the expertise of the trained analysts assigned to it. They develop a thorough knowledge of the domain, which is supplemented by outside personal contacts. Prior to dissemination, the price indexes are analyzed and historic trends reviewed.

Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Collected data are converted to an index and released as such so that it is not possible to identify the raw capital expenditures data supplied by the client.

Revisions and seasonal adjustment

This methodology type does not apply to this statistical program.

Data accuracy

The statistical accuracy of the ICPI depends on annual capital expenditure data and weight information obtained from the client. Both kinds of input data are subject to their own errors.

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