Production of Poultry and Eggs

Detailed information for June 2012





Record number:


The Production of Poultry and Eggs survey is designed to provide data on the production, disposition and value of chickens, stewing hens, turkeys and eggs.

Data release - August 28, 2012 (First in a series of releases for this reference period.)


The Production of Poultry and Eggs survey is designed to provide data on the production, disposition and value of chickens, stewing hens, turkeys and eggs. In addition there is data related to average prices of eggs sold and home consumption of poultry meats and eggs. Statistics Canada has been estimating poultry meat production and value since 1951. Egg production and value data have been estimated since 1920.

The data, published on a provincial basis, are used in decision making by government agencies, processors, retailers and producer organizations. As the poultry sector is supply-managed, the data are often required to regulate trade and production.

Reference period: Month

Collection period: Ongoing process throughout the year


  • Agriculture and food (formerly Agriculture)
  • Livestock and aquaculture

Data sources and methodology

Target population

Conceptually, the universe consists of all producers, processors, warehouses and retailers of poultry meat or egg products.

Instrument design

This methodology does not apply.


This survey is a census.

Data are collected for all units of the target population, therefore, no sampling is done.

Data sources

Data are extracted from administrative files and derived from other Statistics Canada surveys and/or other sources.

The data are obtained from a variety of primarily administrative sources. Methods vary over time due to changes in the sector and the availability of data from particular sources. Some data are received on a weekly basis.

For poultry meat production and value, the major administrative sources of data are Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Inspectors collect quantity and price data while inspecting meat at processing plants as legislated under the Meat Inspection Act. Slaughter statistics are obtained from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada based on reports of birds slaughtered in registered processing plants. Price data are derived by the Agriculture Division of Statistics Canada.

For egg production and value data, data on the number of layers, average rates of lay and prices are used in relation to registered flocks, non-registered flocks and hatchery supply flocks. Data on the number of layers are obtained from Egg Farmers of Canada, reflecting data reported by the provincial egg marketing agencies. Non-registered flocks and hatchery supply flocks are estimated by Statistics Canada based partially on information provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Prices are provided by Egg Farmers of Canada.

Error detection

Data presented in this program are compiled from several administrative sources including provincial and federal government departments and marketing boards. All efforts are taken to minimize non-sampling errors through quality controls in the data collection process and through careful review and analysis of all data for consistency.


This methodology does not apply.


The estimation of production and value of poultry meat is a function of the number of birds slaughtered, their average weight times a price. The estimates include chicken, stewing hens and turkey meat sold by producers as well as that consumed by these producers. Estimates of quantities sold consist of commercial and non-commercial slaughter and are made at the provincial level. Commercial slaughter is adjusted for interprovincial and international trade and includes all birds that have been processed in registered plants. Non-commercial slaughter consists of birds slaughtered on farms. Poultry meat production is valued at the average price per kilogram received by producers. Prices include bonuses and premiums and exclude fees, such as storage, transportation and administration fees.

The estimation of egg production and value data is a function of the number of laying hens, the average rates of lay coupled to prices. Egg production includes all eggs sold for consumption, consumed by producers, sold for hatching, leakers and rejects. Production from registered, non-registered and hatchery flocks are included in the estimates and then associated with different prices received by producers, by province. The prices include bonuses and premiums and exclude fees, such as storage, transportation and administration fees.

Home consumption is the amount of meat or eggs consumed by producers or their immediate families. The amount consumed is valued at market prices as it represents the income producers would have received had the product been sold.

Quality evaluation

The survey results are evaluated through comparisons to previous estimates and other data sources when available. Biological factors and industry limitations are used as a guide when evaluating the data or comparing to other data sets.

Disclosure control

Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Various confidentiality rules are applied to all data that are released or published to prevent the publication or disclosure of any information deemed confidential. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Revisions and seasonal adjustment

For each period of study, the previous periods' data are revised if necessary. Once a year, data from previous years is revised if necessary. The revisions can be necessary when there are revisions done to the administrative data.

Once every five years, the published data are revised following the Census of Agriculture.

Data accuracy

Data are obtained primarily through administrative sources, as part of the licence registration obligations or as part of the supply-management regulations. Payments to producers are often tied to this information and consequently the quality of the administrative data is deemed to be high. Administrative sources are subject to non-sampling errors such as omissions, duplications, and mistakes in reporting, capturing and processing the data. The effects of these errors cannot be measured directly.

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