Annual Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Post-production
Summary of changes
Activity on this program started: 1952
Reference period of change - 2017
Target population - Beginning with reference year 2017, the industry classification is based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017.
Reference period of change - 2013
The frequency of this survey has changed from annual to biennial.
The Film, Television and Video Post-production Survey is now conducted in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage. As a result of a change in frequency of the survey, the publication: Film, Television and Video Post-production, was not published in 2014 for the reference year 2012.
Statistics Canada launched the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP) to provide a more efficient model for producing economic statistics. The main objective was to enhance the economic statistics program so that it remains as robust and flexible as possible while reducing the burden on business respondents. The program changes ensure that Statistics Canada will continue to produce a consistent and coherent set of economic statistics. As well, data users and researchers can more easily combine economic data with information from other sources to undertake their analyses. These changes took effect when data for the reference year 2013 were released.
Target population - Beginning with reference year 2013, the data are classified by industry based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS 2012).
Reference period of change - 2007
Target population - As of reference year 2007, the industry classification is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007.
Reference period of change - 2006
Commencing with reference year 2006 and every two years thereafter, the survey also collects detailed information on the characteristics of the businesses, such as type of revenue and type of client.
Reference period of change - 2005
Commencing with reference year 2005, this survey is administered by the Service Industries Program, in collaboration with the Culture Statistics Program. Historical time series data from the previous Culture Statistics Program are available in The Guide to Culture Statistics (online, free of charge, at catalogue number 87-008-GIE). It should be noted that data from this historical time series should not be compared with data from this survey due to significant differences in coverage and methodology.
The survey covers a somewhat different set of businesses than in previous years so that data generally cannot be expected to be comparable. The list of names and addresses of businesses is now drawn from a central Statistics Canada data base. Also, a much more rigorous delineation of those companies that are considered part of the culture sector has been applied through the implementation of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). This industry-based classification is a departure from the activity-based classification that was used previously. In addition to these changes in coverage, commencing with 2005, the data are based on a sample of businesses.
Despite these changes, several data points for two earlier survey years have been produced so that key trends can still be determined. These data represent estimates of historical data that would have been produced using this new coverage and methodology for those years. This information is included in the 2005 data release only.
Target population - As of reference year 2005, the industry classification is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002.
Reference period of change - 2004
This survey was not conducted for the 2002 and 2003 reference periods.
Reference period of change - 2000
The name of the survey changed from "Motion Picture Laboratory Operations and Production and Post-Production Services" to "Film, Video and Audio-visual Post-production".
Data sources - Data release was delayed because the data capture system was changed and two years of data (2000 and 2001) were collected at the same time.
Error detection - The number of edits in the data capture program was expanded in 2000 and 2001. This included historical checks on country of control, legal status of the producer, total revenue and total operating revenue.
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