Canadian Survey of Experiences with Primary Health Care (CSE-PHC)

Summary of changes

Activity on this program started: 2006

Reference period of change - 2007-2008

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) became a co-sponsor of this survey.

Instrument design - A new questionnaire was developed and tested with focus groups during the month of January 2008, in four cities across the country. The testing was conducted with respondents from various age groups and ethnic backgrounds. A portion of the test group was comprised of people diagnosed with chronic conditions. Further changes to the questionnaire were implemented based on the results of the questionnaire testing process. Once a final version of the questionnaire was decided on, specifications were drawn up and a CATI application was developed and tested.

Sampling - The survey sample was expanded and a sampling strategy was developed to permit national as well as provincial level estimates of survey results.

Data sources - The collection mode was changed, from telephone/paper pencil to computer assisted telephone interview (CATI).

A Public Use Microdata File will be produced using this data.

Reference period of change - 2006-2007

Special Surveys Division of Statistics Canada was contacted during the summer of 2006 to conduct this survey on behalf of the Health Council of Canada (HCC). The HCC was established by the Prime Minister and Premiers in 2003 to monitor health care reform and report to Canadians on progress. The Health Council identified key areas around access and use of health care, especially for people living with chronic conditions, for which national data was necessary.

Disclosure control - No Public Use Microdata File will be produced for this reference period.

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