Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods (TEC)

Summary of changes

Activity on this program started: 2010

Reference period of change - 2018

On Sept. 18, 2019, Statistics Canada has released new data on the location of exporters and importers of goods by census metropolitan area from reference year 2010 to 2018.

An interactive tool allowing users to quickly, easily and efficiently browse the wide variety of information available on trade in goods by exporter and importer characteristics has now become available. This tool provides information on the number of exporters and importers as well as trade value by trader location, such as province and census metropolitan area, trader's industry sector, and partner countries with whom products are exchanged.

Reference period of change - 2010-2014

Statistics Canada has aligned its exporter linkage product in coherence with other national statistical agencies using the enterprise as the main statistical unit. Supplementary information using the establishment as a statistical unit is also available. In order to differentiate this program from previous vintages of exporter data programs, this new program is called the Trade by Exporter Characteristics (TEC) - Goods.

Reference period of change - 2013

In order to ensure coherence with other national statistical agencies as well as international organizations, Statistics Canada has re-aligned its exporter linkage product with the new statistical domain of TEC, using the enterprise group concept as the statistical unit.

Reference period of change - 2002

As of reference year 2002, the Importer Register Database was added to this program.

Reference period of change - 2000

Starting with this reference period, data are based on the North American Industry Classification System rather than the Standard Industrial Classification. As well, for the first time, estimates of employment of exporting establishments are provided.

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