Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)

Summary of changes

Activity on this program started: 1982

Reference period of change - 2022

For 2022, COVID-19 - Government income support programs and benefits have been included in total income. They are included within the following income sources:
• Other government transfers.
More detail information regarding these can be found in the Technical Reference Guide for the Annual Income Estimates for Census Families, Individuals and Seniors - T1 Family File, Final Estimates.

Reference period of change - 2021

For 2021, COVID-19 - Government income support programs and benefits have been included in total income. They are included within the following income sources:
• Pension income;
• Social assistance;
• Provincial Refundable Tax Credits/Family Benefits; and
• Other government transfers.
More detail information regarding these can be found in the Technical Reference Guide for the Annual Income Estimates for Census Families, Individuals and Seniors - T1 Family File, Final Estimates.

Reference period of change - 2020

For 2020, COVID-19 - Government income support programs and benefits have been included in total income. They are included within the following income sources:
- Pension income;
- Child benefits;
- Federal Tax, Goods and Services Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax;
- Provincial Refundable Tax Credits/Family Benefits; and
- Other government transfers.

More detail information regarding these can be found in the Technical Reference Guide for the Annual Income Estimates for Census Families, Individuals and Seniors - T1 Family File, Final Estimates.

Reference period of change - 2017

Data tables for dividend and interest income have been added at the individual and census family level.

Data tables on taxable capital gains have been added at the individual and census family level.

Reference period of change - 2010

Estimation - As of 2010, the data are no longer aggregated to the postal areas.

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