Annual Oil and Gas Extraction Survey (OGEX)

Oil and gas liabilities and equity of economy, category

Oil and gas liabilities and equity refers to liabilities and equity related to oil and gas extraction. A liability is established when one unit (the debtor) is obliged, under specific circumstances, to provide a payment or series of payments to another unit (the creditor). The most common circumstance in which a liability is established is a legally binding contract that specifies the terms and conditions of the payment(s) to be made and payment according to the contract is unconditional. Equity includes stocks or other securities representing an ownership interest.

Economy refers to the entire set of resident institutional units. It is divided into sectors that consists of groups of resident institutional units. An institutional unit is resident in a country when it has a centre of economic interest in the economic territory of that country. It is said to have a centre of economic interest when there exists some location - dwelling, place of production or other premises - within the economic territory on, or from, which it engages, and intends to continue to engage, in economic activities and transactions on a significant scale either indefinitely or over a finite period of time.

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