Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP)

Residency status of property owner, category

Residency status is assigned based on whether the owner is a person or an entity included in the classification of 'business and government' (such as corporations, governments, sole proprietorships and partnerships, and other legal types). A person is considered a resident if his or her primary dwelling is in the economic territory of Canada. Conversely, a person is considered a non-resident if his or her primary dwelling is outside the economic territory of Canada. An entity classified as 'business and government' is considered a resident if it engages in economic activity from a location in the economic territory of Canada. Conversely, it is considered a non-resident if it does not engage in an economic activity from a location in the economic territory of Canada.

Property owner refers to a person or an entity included in the classification of 'business and government' (such as corporations, governments, sole proprietorships and partnerships, and other legal types) that has property title transferred to, recorded in, registered in, or otherwise carried in their name.
A property may have more than one owner or an owner may have more than one property, therefore the count of owners and properties can differ.

The data for this variable are reported using the following classifications and/or lists:

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