Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Physical Flow Accounts (PFA)

Residual flow account of greenhouse gas emissions, measure

Residual flow account refers to a record in physical units of measure of the supply and use of wastes as they move from the economy to the environment. Examples include emissions to air, water pollutants, and solid waste. Residuals are the third section of the standard physical supply and use table described in the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting: Central Framework (SEEA-CF), Table 3.1, in Chapter 3 on Physical Flow Accounts. Residual flow accounts are treated in section 3.6 Physical Flow Accounts for Materials of the SEEA-CF. Specific coverage includes emissions to air (section 3.6.3), emissions to water (section 3.6.4), and solid waste accounts (section 3.6.5).

Greenhouse gas emissions refer to the release, into the atmosphere, of gaseous constituents, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and re-emit infrared radiation. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The emissions account produced by Statistics Canada focuses on emissions to air of the three main greenhouse gases (namely, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide). It covers releases from both combustion (e.g. the use of fossil fuels), and industrial processes (e.g. venting of natural gas by pipelines).

The data for this variable are reported using the following measurements:

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