Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP)

Sales of property, status

Sales refers to the sales of all goods produced or purchased for resale, net of returns and discounts. It also includes sales of services.

Sale of property refers to whether a property had a transfer of ownership from one party to another party through a contractual agreement. A property is considered to have been sold on the date that the property was transferred to, recorded in, registered in or otherwise carried in the name of the party who purchased the property.
A property can be sold as a market or non-market sale.
'Market sale' refers to an arm's length transaction where all parties act independently with no influence over the other.
'Non-market sale' refers to non-arm's length transactions, which includes distressed sales, foreclosures, trade and forfeitures, redemptions, sales of part interest, and special interest sales.

Property refers to land with legally defined boundaries and the constructions, works and improvements of a permanent nature located on, above or below its surface for which the rights to use and dispose can be assigned.

More than one property may be sold in the same contractual agreement. Pre-sales are not included.

The data for this variable are reported using the following classifications and/or lists:

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