Research and Development in Canadian Industry (RDCI)

Country of control of enterprise, category

Country of control refers to the country of residence of the ultimate foreign controlling parent corporation, family, trust, estate or related group. Each subsidiary within the global enterprise is assigned the same country of control as its parent. A company whose voting rights are equally owned by Canadian-controlled and foreign-controlled corporations, is Canadian-controlled. If two foreign-controlled corporations jointly own an equal amount of the voting rights of a Canadian resident company, the country of control is assigned according to an order of precedence based on their aggregate level of foreign control in Canada. For example, United States takes precedence over all other foreign countries because it has the highest level of aggregate foreign control in Canada.

Enterprise refers to the highest level of the Business Register statistical hierarchy. In alignment with the System of National Accounts, it is defined as an institutional unit that directs and controls the allocation of resources relating to its operations, and for which financial statements are maintained from which international transactions, an international investment position and a financial position for the unit can be derived. Enterprises can be corporations, quasi-corporations, institutions, or unincorporated businesses such as sole proprietors or partnerships. For incorporated enterprises, financial statements can be consolidated.

The data for this variable are reported using the following classifications and/or lists:

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