Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS)

Job vacancy of establishment, number

Job vacancy refers to a job that meets all of the following conditions: it is vacant on the reference date (first day of the month) or will become vacant during the month; there are tasks to be carried out during the month for the job in question; the employer is actively seeking a worker outside the organization to fill the job. The jobs could be full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, casual, or seasonal. Jobs reserved for subcontractors, external consultants, or other workers who are not considered employees, are excluded.

Establishment refers to the level in the statistical hierarchy below the company in the Business Register statistical hierarchy, and at which the accounting data required to measure production are available (principal inputs, revenues, salaries and wages). The establishment is defined as the most homogeneous unit of production for which the business maintains accounting records. From these records, it is possible to assemble all the data elements required to compile the gross value of production (total sales or shipments, and inventories), the cost of materials and services, and labour and capital used in production.

The data for this variable are reported using the following measurements:

  • Whole number
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