Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP)

Price-to-income ratio of property buyer, number

Price-to-income ratio is a measure of housing affordability of the buyer(s) that refers to the ratio between the sale price of the property sold and the sum of the property buyers' individual total incomes.

Property buyer refers to a residential property owner that has property title transferred to, recorded in, registered in or otherwise carried in their name after the sale of a property during the reference period.

The population of interest for the price-to-income ratio (PIR) of property buyer number are residential property buyers, restricted to residents and persons who filed taxes in the previous year. The PIR can be used to monitor housing affordability at the time of purchase. By linking the price of the property sold to the income of its buyers, the PIR provides an indication of the financial burden faced by property buyers when purchasing residential property. A higher PIR indicates a larger financial burden, requiring buyers to be more indebted or to rely on additional capital for their purchase.
Context notes:
Sale price refers to the monetary value of a transaction where goods or services were sold.
Residential property refers to all land and structures intended for private dwelling purposes, whether on a permanent or a temporary basis. A residential property may have more than one owner.
Total income refers to the sum of certain incomes (in cash and, in some circumstances, in kind) of the statistical unit during a specified reference period.

The data for this variable are reported using the following measurements:

  • Decimal number
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