Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP)

Number of buyers as part of a property sale of property buyer, category

Number of buyers as part of a property sale refers to either a single property buyer or group of property buyers, measured as a count, that are registered on the title of the property sold.

Property buyer refers to a residential property owner that has property title transferred to, recorded in, registered in or otherwise carried in their name after the sale of a property during the reference period.

The population of interest for the number of buyers as part of a sale category are residential property buyers, restricted to residents and individuals who filed taxes in the year of the purchase of the property.
Context notes:
Residential property refers to all land and structures intended for private dwelling purposes, whether on a permanent or a temporary basis. A residential property may have more than one owner.
Property owner refers to a person or an entity included in the classification of 'business and government' (such as corporations, governments, sole proprietorships and partnerships, and other legal types) that has property title transferred to, recorded in, registered in or otherwise carried in their name.

The data for this variable are reported using the following classifications and/or lists:

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