2009 Annual Return of "Broadcasting Distribution" Licensee

For the fiscal period ended August 31, 2009

Confidential when completed

Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S19.

Keep one copy of this return for your files and mail 3 completed copies (including financial statements) by November 30, 2009 to:

Chief, Industry Statistics and Analysis, Broadcast Analysis, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), Ottawa, K1A 0N2.

Completion of this questionnaire is a legal requirement under the Statistics Act.

See page 1, Reporting Guide for notice of agreements made by Statistics Canada under Sections 11 and 12 of the Statistics Act with other federal and provincial government bodies concerning information contained in the Annual Return.

Si vous préférez un questionnaire en français, veuillez cocher

Upon receipt of this annual return, please review the systems listed below. If the list is different from your organizational structure. please contact the Chief, Broadcasting Section, Business Special Surveys and Technology Statistics Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Telephone: (613) 951-1891; Fax: (613) 951-0009.

System Number
Additional CRTC Forms

in co-operation with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission



Enquiries concerning this return may be referred to Dany Gravel, Business Special Surveys and Technology Statistics Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Telephone: (613) 951-0390; Fax: (613) 951-9920; E-mail: dany.gravel@statcan.gc.ca

  1. Complete name of licensee:

  2. Mailing address of the licensee:
    Street and Number
    City and Province
    Postal Code

  3. Person to be contacted in connection with this return:
    Mr. Mrs.  Miss  Ms.
    Address (if different from licensee address)
    Street and Number
    City and Province
    Postal Code

  4. If, during the period covered by this return, the licensee conducted business under a name or address other than that listed in 1 or 2, please indicate:
    Street and Number
    City and Province
    Postal Code

  5. If the information in this return is for a period other than 12 months ending August 31, 2009, please indicate:
    From   To

  6. If any undertaking(s) reported in this return was acquired or sold during the reference year ending August 31, 2009, please indicate the undertaking(s) and the name(s) of the previous owner(s)/purchaser(s):
    Date(s) of transaction(s):

  7. Type of business organization:
    Incorporated company, shares publicly traded
    Sole proprietorship/partnership
    Incorporated company, shares NOT publicly traded
    Non-profit organization
    Military Unit
    Other (specify)

    I, (Name) (Title), am authorized to certify on behalf of (Licensee) that the information shown on this return and all the attachments thereto are true and complete in all respects to the best of my knowledge and belief.
    (Signature) (Date) (Telephone and Area Code)
    Date received
    (Official use only)
    CRTC File Number
    STC File Number


Please complete one form per licensee (company) 

(See Guide) 

Record 40 

Non-merchandise charges related to broadcasting operations
Receipts from non-residents
Business services
($'000 Canadian)

  • Program rights and royalties
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
  • Advertising
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
  • Other
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
  • Interest and dividends
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries

Record 41

Payments to non-residents
Business services
($'000 Canadian)

  • Program rights and royalties
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
  • Advertising
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
  • Other
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries
  • Interest and dividends
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. France
    4. European Union (excl. U.K. and France)
    5. Japan
    6. OECD countries (excl. Japan, United States and E.U.)
    7. All other countries

    CRTC File Number
    STC File Number

Summary of revenues and expenses

For year ended August 31, 2009

Please report the results for all systems (exempted and non-exempted) within the Province.
(See Guide for details)


Record 90

$(omit cents)

Basic and Non-Basic Programming Services

  1. Revenue
    1. Subscription
    2. Connection (install. and reconnect)
    3. Community channel and facilities rental
    4. Digital Addressable Digital Video Compression (DVC) Decoders - Rental
    5. Digital Addressable DVC Decoders - Net Sales
    6. Other (specify)
    7. Total Revenue
  2. Expenses
    1. Programming (community)
    2. Affiliation Payments
    3. Technical
    4. Sales and Promotion
    5. Administration and General
    6. Total Expenses
  3. 1. Operating Income (loss)

Exempt Programming Services

  1. Revenue
    1. Subscription
    2. Connection (install. & reconnect)
    3. Community channel and facilities rental
    4. Digital Addressable Digital Video Compression (DVC) Decoders - Rental
    5. Digital Addressable DVC Decoders - Net Sales
    6. Other (specify)
    7. Total Revenue
  2. Expenses
    1. Programming (community)
    2. Affiliation Payments
    3. Technical
    4. Sales and Promotion
    5. Administration and General
    6. Total Expenses
  3. 1. Operating Income (loss)

Non-Programming  Services

  1. Revenue
    1. Subscription
    2. Connection (install. & reconnect)
    3. Community channel and facilities rental
    4. Digital Addressable Digital Video Compression (DVC) Decoders - Rental
    5. Digital Addressable DVC Decoders - Net Sales
    6. Other (specify)
    7. Total Revenue
  2. Expenses
    2. Affiliation Payments
    3. Technical
    4. Sales and Promotion
    5. Administration and General
    6. Total Expenses
  3. 1. Operating Income (loss)

Total All Services

  1. 1. Subscription
    2. Connection (install. & reconnect)
    3. Community channel and facilities rental
    4. Digital Addressable Digital Video Compression (DVC) Decoders - Rental
    5. Digital Addressable DVC Decoders - Net Sales
    6. Other (specify)
    7. Total Revenue
  2. Expenses
    1. Programming (community)
    2. Affiliation Payments
    3. Technical
    4. Sales and Promotion
    5. Administration and General
    6. Total Expenses
  3. 1. Operating Income (loss)
    2. Less: Depreciation
    3. Less: Interest
    4. Other adjustments - Income (expense)
    5. Net income (loss) before income taxes
    6. Provision for income taxes
    7. Net income (loss) after income taxes


Record 71 


Licensee Revenue

  • Classified advertising
  • Teleshopping/general services 
  • Infomercials
  • Games services
  • Other exempt 
  • Total (should equal sum of cells 27 on line 1.7 above)

Affiliate Entity Revenue 

  • Classified advertising
  • Teleshopping/general services 
  • Infomercials
  • Games services
  • Other exempt 
  • Total (should equal sum of cells 27 on line 1.7 above)

Total Revenue

  • Classified advertising
  • Teleshopping/general services 
  • Infomercials
  • Games services
  • Other exempt 
  • Total (should equal sum of cells 27 on line 1.7 above)

Licensee Revenue

  • Channel lease
  • Internet access services 
  • Telephony 
  • Other telecommunications services (incl. security)
  • Other (specify)
  • Total (should equal  sum of cells 47 on line 1.7 above)

Affiliate Entity Revenue

  • Channel lease
  • Internet access services 
  • Telephony 
  • Other telecommunications services (incl. security)
  • Other (specify)
  • Total (should equal  sum of cells 47 on line 1.7 above)

Total Revenue

  • Channel lease
  • Internet access services 
  • Telephony 
  • Other telecommunications services (incl. security)
  • Other (specify)
  • Total (should equal  sum of cells 47 on line 1.7 above)

CRTC File Number
STC File Number


For year ended August 31, 2009

Record 92 

Please report the results for all systems (exempted and non-exempted) within the Province.
Total Remuneration
($ omit cents)

  1. Salaries and Wages (include sales commissions and talent fees paid to employees), fringe benefits and directors fees
  • Programming and production
  • Technical
  • Sales and promotion
  • Administration and general
  • Total
  1. Average number of employees (the typical weekly average of full & equivalent part time employees)
  • Programming and production
  • Technical
  • Sales and promotion
  • Administration and general
  • Total
  1. Fringe Benefits (included in line 1 column 5 above)
  • Total


Please report assets for each Province in which you operate. 

Record 93

Province of operation

Classification of Fixed Assets
$(omit cents)

Historical cost of assets in use at August 31, 2009

  1. Land
  2. Buildings (Include land improvements)
  3. Head-end and components-earth receiving station & associated plant
  4. Distribution system plant/transmitters/transponders
  5. Cost of subscriber drops and devices including descramblers
  6. Test equipment and tools
  7. Furniture and fixtures
  8. Other property, plant and equipment
  9. Cable casting equipment/local program production equipment
  10. Leasehold improvements (except cable system plant)
  11. Automobiles and trucks
  12. Computers
  13. Total 

Accumulated depreciation at August 31, 2009

  1. Land
  2. Buildings (Include land improvements)
  3. Head-end and components-earth receiving station & associated plant
  4. Distribution system plant/transmitters/transponders
  5. Cost of subscriber drops and devices including descramblers
  6. Test equipment and tools
  7. Furniture and fixtures
  8. Other property, plant and equipment
  9. Cable casting equipment/local program production equipment
  10. Leasehold improvements (except cable system plant)
  11. Automobiles and trucks
  12. Computers
  13. Total

Additions to fixed assets 2009

  1. Land
  2. Buildings (Include land improvements)
  3. Head-end and components-earth receiving station & associated plant
  4. Distribution system plant/transmitters/transponders
  5. Cost of subscriber drops and devices including descramblers
  6. Test equipment and tools
  7. Furniture and fixtures
  8. Other property, plant and equipment
  9. Cable casting equipment/local program production equipment
  10. Leasehold improvements (except cable system plant)
  11. Automobiles and trucks
  12. Computers
  13. Total

CRTC File Number
STC File Number


Please report the results for all systems (exempted and non-exempted) within the Province


Record 72 

1. Affiliation payments summary 

  1. Pay Services
    Number of subscribers
    1. Canadian Pay Services
    2. Non-Canadian Pay Services
  • Affiliation payments
    $ (omit cents)
    1. Canadian Pay Services
    2. Non-Canadian Pay Services
    3. Total - Pay Services

Record 73

  1. Specialty Services
    Number of subscribers
    1. Canadian Specialty Services
    2. Non-Canadian Speciality Services

    Affiliation payments
    $ (omit cents)
    1. Canadian Specialty Services
    2. Non-Canadian Speciality Services
    3. Total - Speciality Services
    4. Total - Affiliation Payments (should be equal to Cell 9 Page 4)


Record 91 

2. Cable

  1. Number of Direct subscribers to basic cable services
  2. Number of Indirect subscribers to basic cable services
  3. Total number of direct and indirect subscribers to basic cable services
  4. Number of households with access to cable services (homes passed)
  5. Number of households in licensed area


Cable modem, satellite or Multipoint Distribution System (MDS)

Record 77 

3. Internet

  • This Company
  1. Number of subscribers to high speed internet access services
  2. Revenues from high speed internet access services
  3. Number of households with access to high speed internet services
  • Affiliate
  1. Number of subscribers to high speed internet access services
  2. Revenues from high speed internet access services
  3. Number of households with access to high speed internet services 


REC 76

4. Digital Television

  1. Number of subscribers to digital cable services
  2. Revenues from digital services
  3. Number of households with access to digital television 


REC 78

5. Video on demand

  1. Number of households with access to Video-on-demand 


REC 79

6. Telephone 

  1. Number of subscribers to telephone services by cable
  2. Revenues from telephone services by cable
  3. Number of households with access to telephone services by cable 

CRTC File Number
STC File Number


For each province, please complete the detailed revenue by system (including exempted systems), for all class 1, 2 and 3..

IMPORTANT:  Do not combine the systems that operate in different provinces.
Number of exempted systems

CRTC Undertaking Number

  • Exempted Y/N
  • Number of subscribers basic service
  • Total basic and non-basic revenue
  • Exempt programming revenue
  • Non-programming revenue
  • Total all services revenue

Total of all systems

  • Total number of subscribers basic services. Should be equal to line 2.3, p. 6
  • Total basic and non-basic revenue.  Should be equal to line 1.7, col (1), p. 4
  • Total exempt programming revenue. Should be equal to line 1.7, col (2), p. 4
  • Total non-programming revenue. Should be equal to line  1.7, col (3), p. 4
  • Total all services revenue. Should be equal to line 1.7, col (4), p. 4 

CRTC File Number

Date modified: